[OOC thread] Ye Olde Out of Character Thread... [In the Senate's Name...]

Well nice, and it does seem to fit this game more with the new Freeholds. Still I'll debate on changing mine for a few days Oo
Sorry I have been slow. I wasnt able to use my computer today so stuff will have to wait for night here at best or tomorrow here. French keyboards are weird.
*eyes* Shadow Red Claw's post... mmmmh.

So you're saying that ONLY House Nellens survived That Day? Despite there being 11 Houses at the start with thousands of dragonblooded available in all of them? After all "10,000" dragonblooded are reputed to live in the Realm.

Because if you are, I'll work out the hows later on.

Also, something of note. Lengths of time.

The First Age lasted 3699 years.

The Shogunate lasted 700 years.

The Realm lasted 770 years.

The Raksha Realm has lasted almost 2000 years.

This can and will color perspective. Think on what happened 2000 year or so years ago without looking at a history book.
Only House Nellens survived as a House. The others merely fractured in different ways, but Nellens' small number of dynasts and the fact that they were ruled mainly by the mortals, allowed them to 'keep their act together' so to speak, and remain a House despite the war, and the change of government.
As you wish.

Part of the problem here is that you're saying that out of 11 Houses, you're saying only 1 survived to keep its name or what it is; which is to say a VERY large group of dragonblooded and mortals working together under the leadership of the House Head. Like a Corporation.

That they're only what they were "in name" and even that is gone rapidly.
Guess I didn't make myself clear enough. Some members of the other Houses retain their name, and wear it proudly, but their House is no longer considered one of the Great Houses. Others, being more pragmatic, and seeing an opportunity for themselves have set up their own Houses, attracting other dynasts to gain power for themselves.

House Nellens was merely the only one who managed to hold on to most of it's members, and very little of it's hierarchy was destroyed in the fighting, as it was run mainly by mortals, overlooked by most of their rivals, and was set to gain an edge from it, though recent events are putting it down, allowing others to shine.

If this is unacceptable, or too much of a stretch, I will change it, no worries. But as with many things in this new world, it could also be that some of the other Houses are still there, and strong, but are kept in shadow by the Fair Folk, awaiting their turn to be used as pawns in a delicious story yet to unfold.
some of the other Houses are still there, and strong, but are kept in shadow by the Fair Folk, awaiting their turn to be used as pawns in a delicious story yet to unfold.
But Nellens is one the "big ones", ie they exist in name 2000 years down thr line.
Yes. Houses rise and fall within 2,000 years, even if those 2,000 years might just be the result of Fair Folk Shaping on massive scale. And that makes for a fine story for the Fair Folk to enact, especially if one of those long-lost Houses suddenly claws it's way back to become a Great House again, maybe taking advantage of another Great House's misfortune.
Well, the good news is I believe I'm finished messing with my own sheet so Silvanus is all set for whatever crazy mission the Senate decides to send him on to as usual get him away from them.
Haku said:
Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 5:15 pm
Haku said:
So I will start the game in 1 week's time.
I would appreciate it if charactersheets are done by then.

So, time is running short...
My wife has been hogging the laptop for the past few days, so that has slowed me down, but I don't have any homework tonight so I will have my completed sheet up tonight. Right now I am in a Quick while she shops, and the battery doesn't have much life on it, so I will do what I can.

*reads new timeline*

My god, so many references. I saw at least two Romance of the Three Kingdoms references, at least 1 Wakfu reference, a history reference.... I stopped counting and just enjoyed them as I read. Well done.
By the by, as a reminder... all raksha are affected by ALL of the bedlum, it's just that lures mean a specific bedlum is triggered easier under the right conditions...

And yes, virtue channels isn't always a good thing to do... not for raksha


Compassion (curse of hubris)

The Curse of Hubris strikes those raksha who have exhausted all of their Compassion channels. Victim of this curse lose the capacity to appreciate the feelings or even existence of other living beings except as potential agents or enemies of themselves. A raksha under this curse suffers a +2 difficulty to all social rolls meant to influence or understand the feelings of others. The raksha also suffers a +2 difficulty to shaping rolls involving the Cup or the Staff.

The raksha, caught in the grip of contemptuous sociopathy, cannot recover from this curse until she has committed a number of deliberately cruel and regrettable acts equal to her Compassion. In this context, “regrettable†means that the raksha’s cruelty actually puts her at risk of personal suffering or undermines her long-term agenda. Torturing a perfect stranger might not constitute a regrettable action, but torturing a beloved servant or humiliating a dangerous rival might.

Common Lures:

Giving help when asked. Experiencing romantic love. Creating beauty. Serving justice. Aiding the helpless or innocent.

Conviction (curse of alienation)

The Curse of Alienation strikes those raksha who have exhausted all of their Conviction channels. Victims of this curse lose the ability to see how the goals and needs of others might complement their own and often view even allies as inconveniences (at best) or enemies (at worst). A raksha under this curse suffers a +2 difficulty to all social rolls meant to influence or assist others. The raksha also suffers a +2 difficulty to shaping rolls involving the Ring or the Staff.

A raksha suffering this curse commits bizarre, self destructive acts that cut him off from the social power that protects raksha from one another. The cursed one cannot recover until he has betrayed himself a number of times equal to his Conviction. In this context, “betrayal†means an intentional act that inflicts self-suffering. The raksha might deliberately inflict lethal damage upon himself, or he might destroy his precious artifacts. Often, raksha under this curse suffer it for years until their enemies take advantage of this alienated state to pit the raksha against his own self-interests.

Common Lures:

Seizing power over another raksha. Fighting against difficult odds. Making commitments or oaths. Standing by friends or allies in their time of strife.

Temperance (curse of namelessness)

The Curse of Namelessness strikes those raksha who have exhausted all of their Temperance channels. For the duration of the curse, the raksha becomes a virtual amnesiac, unable to remember her name, let alone which oaths bind her. Those oaths still do bind her, of course — she just can’t remember what they are. A raksha under this curse also suffers a +2 difficulty to all Lore rolls due to her amnesia.

While this curse lasts, the raksha forgets the self imposed boundaries that define her and instead surrenders to excessive folly. She cannot recover from this curse until she has committed a number of acts of regrettable excess equal to her Temperance. In this context, “regrettable excess†means that the raksha engages not just in selfishness, but in acts of hedonism and debauchery that in some way undermine her ultimate goals or her sense of self.

Common Lures:

Resisting a certain type of temptation, be it drugs, sex, dancing, et cetera. Refusing a properly phrased request for aid. Concealing one’s true views. Answering a question honestly.

Valor (curse of meekness)

The Curse of Meekness strikes those raksha who have exhausted all of their Valor channels. Victims of this curse lose the capacity to assert their own needs and desires over their surroundings and fellow creatures. A raksha under this curse might be gripped by crippling paranoia, bashful timidity or sniveling servility. Regardless, for the duration of the curse, the raksha must spend a point of Willpower to enter into any sort of combat, whether physical, shaping or even social. When the raksha has spent a number of Willpower points equal to his Sword, the curse ends.

Common Lures:

Acts of heroism. Opposing superior beings. Fighting in duels. Standing fast in the face of terror.

Willpower (curse of stubbornness)

The Curse of Stubbornness is always active. Raksha do not possess channels for their Willpower as they do for their Virtues. Instead, whenever a raksha spends Willpower to resist unnatural mental influence, he automatically loses one channel in whichever Virtue is appropriate to the situation.

For example, in resisting a fear-based compulsion to flee the scene, a raksha might lose a channel in his Valor. On the other hand, if he resists a hypnotic command to attack a loved one, he might be forced to sacrifice a channel in his Compassion (because of his love for the prospective target) or his Conviction (because of his determination to resist domination).
Shadow Red Claws, I will still need you to list what your daiklave actually does in your charactersheet so that it's in one convenient location.
Of course, I'm still trying to write a piece that will show more of my character's personality. I haven't finished it yet, but will do my best to finish it today.
Just need to work out some details and make things pretty. I would sack up and just run the home stretch but I need some sleep. In the meantime, what I up will be up. Night.
First post is up. Those without a completed charactersheet have a choice; wait and join in when their charactersheet is done OR join and post and stuff, BUT be unable to do anything that requires die-rolling.
putting the last finishing touches on my sheet.

How do you determine the mundane stats of your graces? Page 92 says


Grace has the traits of fine equipment (see Exalted,

p. 365) with bonus traits determined by the raksha’s


But how exactly does essence determine the bonus traits?

Edit: yep, once I know that and which gossamer equipment bonus we are using I am done, unless I made any mistakes.
Ok, and what about Gossamer equipment? I remember that there were stats in SoK and GWM both and they were different, but I couldn't find the ones in GWM. Am I just making things up?
The result is a gossamer item. A gossamer weapon adds an additional +1 to two of the following: Accuracy, Damage, Defense or Rate. Any Strength requirement for a gossamer weapon is reduced by one. Gossamer armor has no fatigue or mobility penalties. Gossamer tools are supernally effective, adding a number of bonus dice to each use equal to the tool’s gossamer cost. The preceding benefits are in addition to the benefits from forging a fine, exceptional or perfect item.
A gossamer possession created through this Charm is always considered a permanent work of glamour, which can freely enter Creation with its owner without the need for an evocation Charm. Such possessions do not provoke Glamour Resistance.
Do note that graces can NOT get gossamer bonuses. And that it's a -bad- idea in general to use them as weapons or armor. You could... but not the wisest of decisions.
I know that the grace doesn't get the gossamer bonus, I have another weapon.

Is using your sword as a sword really that bad of an idea? Unless it is vexed or actually stolen by a Creation-born you can just poof it away for 1m reflexively and the grace itself is as indestructible as an attuned artifact.

Also, something just feels right about killing someone with a physical manifestation of your ability to have conflict with someone. It's like choking someone with your bare hands, only you are stabbing them.

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