[OOC thread] Ye Olde Out of Character Thread... [In the Senate's Name...]

So I will start the game in 1 week's time.

I would appreciate it if charactersheets are done by then.
As a reward for the nice shiny descriptions and histories. Those who've posted charactersheets get +20 xp.
Another ruling that just occurred to me.


On Artifact Armor

On those core book armors in the core book, here are the readjusted artifact cost of those armors.

Artifact 1

Breastplate, Chain Shirt, Lamellar, Reinforced Buffjacket

Artifact 2

Reinforced Breastplate, Articulated Plate

Artifact 3

Superheavy Plate
Can I improve the The High Lord Advocate of Truth and Justice's Shaping Armor then ?

I don't really see him as wearing heavier armor, but the Shaping armor does translate into Artifact 2.
What armor do you have exactly at the moment? (shaping or otherwise)

Might be best to list out what you have and what you want exactly.
He has the Artifact Shaping Armor at rating 2.

In creation those count as an equivalent artifact item without the bonus from materials. Right now that's the reinforced buff jacket, as printed artifact 2.

I don't actually see him as wearing actual very visible armor, so the buff jacket is a very good choice, but reduced to just artifact 1 by your (proposed ?) house ruling.
The appearance of a shaping armor does not determine how much protection it gives. Thus, it would be the equivalent of a level 2 artifact armor that -looks- like whatever you want....
Which, however, is still limited by the invocation charm you use to bring it into Creation, that much should be strongly noted.
He invokes it with the Emotional Evocation. And I am aware it can look like anything, but in this case I was also looking at the attributes.

In this case my problem lies mostly with the Fatigue Penalty of the (suggested new) Artifact 2 armors. My guy doesn't wear heavy armor, for two reasons. One mechanical, the other thematic.

The mechanical reason is the fatigue penalty and I can say little more about that.

The thematic reasons for choosing something with the equivalence of the Buff jacket is that it's like armor that you can wear whenever you have an 'occupation' that is hazardous. While wearing the others (except chain shirts, buff jackets and to a lesser extent the Lamellar armor) is dressing up for war.

Perhaps I'm too much of a history buff, but people carrying weapons wasn't something that made anyone look twice in the middle ages. But people wearing armor, that was the equivalent of walking around carrying weapons these days. Those were people up to no good.
Then go with shaping armor that has lower stats from an artifact armor that's weaker.
I hands out more XP...

Bonus XP +5 on 13/06/2010 for adding to the Mural of Creation

danakir / Magdalene Farandole, Ringmaster of the Nightmare Circus

Sarodinian / Castellan Artagnan: Water Aspected Noble

Bonus XP +20 on 13/06/2010 for completion of charactersheet

danakir / Magdalene Farandole, Ringmaster of the Nightmare Circus

Bonus XP +10 on 13/06/2010 for extra delicious fluff

danakir / Magdalene Farandole, Ringmaster of the Nightmare Circus
Just out of curiosity. What page is mentions that Oneiromantic spells costs 3x mutation point for the effect ?

That still confuses me horribly.
Soul-Consuming Hunger (page 178) has been errata'd


d1ng0d0g said:
Just out of curiosity. What page is mentions that Oneiromantic spells costs 3x mutation point for the effect ?
That still confuses me horribly.
As for Oneiromancy Spells having charms cost 3x their cost, that only applies to charms that affect others (read Creation-born) such as with Undetectable Lie.

Some Mutation Charms can be incorporated into the raksha’s form as a permanent mutation, even Charms whose effects would customarily be considered transitory mutations. A Charm can be acquired as a permanent mutation if, and only if, the Charm has a fixed gossamer cost that is more than 0. A Charm that has a variable gossamer cost, a gossamer cost of 0 or no gossamer cost at all cannot be taken as a permanent mutation.


If the relevant Charm is one that affects the raksha himself, convert the normal gossamer cost into a mutation point cost on a one-for-one basis. Ignore any other costs associated with the Charm.


If the relevant Charm is one that allows the raksha to affect other beings, the rules are slightly different. First, the raksha’s player must make all decisions regarding how the Charm will function, including who its valid targets are, before purchasing the mutation.


The effects of a mutation that affects others are never cumulative with the mutation itself.


Taking it as a mutation, the raksha ignores the Essence, Willpower and gossamer cost. Instead, each point of gossamer in the cost converts to three mutation points.


The raksha must have already purchased the relevant Charm before he can convert it into a permanent mutation. The raksha still knows the Charm and can use it as he wishes independently of the mutation effect. Continuously active works of glamour are still works of glamour and will not affect Creation-born whose (opposed trait + Essence) exceeds the raksha’s (shaping trait).
It should be noted that you insert charms into oneiromancy spells, adjuration oaths and behemoths AS permanent mutations. You just don't need to know or have prerequisite charms in said artifact.
I have a little bit of internet right now, I have finished a backstory, working on the sheet right now, I just need to double check some names and stuff. I thought I had brought all of my books, so that has slowed me down abit. I have GWM with me though, but I wanted to look something up in DotFA but my scans of it weren't with me, so I am now off to find the name of Dace's first age incarnation. Supposedly I am supposed to get steady internet tonight, so here's hoping.
magnificentmomo said:
I have a little bit of internet right now, I have finished a backstory, working on the sheet right now, I just need to double check some names and stuff. I thought I had brought all of my books, so that has slowed me down abit. I have GWM with me though, but I wanted to look something up in DotFA but my scans of it weren't with me, so I am now off to find the name of Dace's first age incarnation. Supposedly I am supposed to get steady internet tonight, so here's hoping.
As of Dreams of the First Age, his Exaltation was held by a Solar named Contentious Sword, whose bonded Lunar mate's name was Ivory Feather.

http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/inde ... cters:Dace
Page 151 is very hammered with information, very easy to miss something. Thanks for pointing it out.

Now for another thing, would anyone be interested to be part of an Gossamer Oath / Eight-Corner Binding relationship with the High Lord Advocate of Truth and Justice, before the game starts ?

After all, a Raksha is only as good as his as his friends, his competition, his enemies and his followers.
Haku said:
magnificentmomo said:
I have a little bit of internet right now, I have finished a backstory, working on the sheet right now, I just need to double check some names and stuff. I thought I had brought all of my books, so that has slowed me down abit. I have GWM with me though, but I wanted to look something up in DotFA but my scans of it weren't with me, so I am now off to find the name of Dace's first age incarnation. Supposedly I am supposed to get steady internet tonight, so here's hoping.
As of Dreams of the First Age, his Exaltation was held by a Solar named Contentious Sword, whose bonded Lunar mate's name was Ivory Feather.

http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/inde ... cters:Dace
Thanks, I looked it up. Now I just need to think up a name for my senate patron, put my backstory into a readable format, pick my backgrounds, pick my charms, spend my bonus points, and spend my xp. Should be done tonight.
So Sarodinian brought up an interesting question on IM yesterday.

What happens when you get hit with shaping effects that deny DVs (for a specific type), can you later on use a perfect defense charm that uses the ability that governs the DV?

Ie a Shaping effect that says "Dodges are impossible". Can a perfect dodge or other dodge charms than be used later on if you submit to the shaping effect.

Shaping effects say that when first encountered, the one affected has 3 choices;

Altering the shaping effect - only possible if you can do shaping stuff ala beings with graces

Resisting the shaping effect - pay 1 willpower and suffer (essence) die penalty to all rolls

Submitting to the shaping effect - get +1 wyld bonus die to all rolls

This is only applicable to when you're part of the narrative of the shaping effect.

You can also gain outright immunity to shaping with certain charms or effects.

Please not that if you submit to the shaping effect, you're playing along with the story and thus being able to stop suddenly won't occur to you. Thus using dodge DV in the above situation if you submit is inapplicable, as is using dodge charms.

Do note that if you are a creation-born and have graces like ALL realm dragonblooded do, you can attempt to alter the shaping effect.

The only time this isn't applicable is when it's a permanent shaping effect; in which case you'll need to depend on other permanent shaping effects that might clash (standard roll-off situation), resist the effect, or submit to it.
So, the only ones left with a charactersheet yet to be submitted are...

magnificentmomo (WiP)


Shadow Red Claws
Will get it done tomorrow. Been a few harrowing days, but on the bright side, it looks like my chances of staying in Canada just got much better! One less worry for me!

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