[OOC Thread] [The Resurgent]

Balthazar, please add

1) if you are participating in this coordinated attack

2) who the target of the coordinated attack is
So if he's leading the attack, and I participate, do my successes add to his, or am I going for a threshold?
rcuhljr said:
So if he's leading the attack, and I participate, do my successes add to his, or am I going for a threshold?
It lowers the DV of the target for both of your attacks.
Working today and tomorrow, then leaving for Seattle for a Halloween party for the weekend.

Back Mondayish.
Actually, when I said it was Petrin's go, I meant:

NoisyCricket said:
Informal presence attack against Petrin I guess, or a Performance attack against the room.

If you want, I can roll it, but mostly it's pretty much a 'wow, that was the plan huh?'...he was expecting someone to come up with something brilliant.
I should have added 'whichever makes the most sense to you, Tik', but I figure either is fine.
So, my videocard fried over the weekend which put a crimp in my (admittedly already low) weekend pbp probability. New one's in the mail. Posting at work but I totally shouldn't be.

- Tikor
Spent some exp, raising my melee skill, and starting work on the melee charm Infinite melee mastery. (4 days of training)
Spent some XP on Willpower and Athletics. I'll be starting up some charm training as I can, and some other training (strength and stam). The charms being those in my list on my sheet. ^.^
Just to warn everyone, I'll start things off by going straight out there, assuming no one wants to jump in first (I'll post tomorrow night, hopefully you sneaky folks will be positioned by then >.>)
I need to take some time out to get back into this :-p.

I'll be going on vacation this week back home for thanksgiving, so I'm not sure of my post timing.
"Honored Terrestrial, you make irrational demands. The people of Gateway can no more dictate the actions of Celestial Exalted than they can turn back the oncoming storm." The arm not holding a weathered self-bow sweeps out to the darkening cloudbank. "No amount of surly entitlement will motivate the people of Gateway. You might as well scold the sand for yielding to the surf."
rcuhljr said:
Charles is your goal to cause panic and insanity amongst every group of mortals by going 'Boo! Solar!'?
To be fair, I just wanted to drink tea. No peripheral essence spent until that point...which means I should possibly modify my join battle post a bit, but I'll wait on tik to tell me what exactly happened there.

rcuhljr said:
"His tea may be bad, but it wasn't worth dying for."
NoisyCricket rolled the following in his 6 dice:

9, 2, 7, 8, 9, 4

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 4 successes

It was worth dying for...and that's assuming I didn't stunt making the tea.
I've never had your tea :) I just needed my swashbuckler witty join battle rejoinder. Just wait until I kill him, I'm working on something with "Well I guess we left him to steep."
rcuhljr said:
I've never had your tea :) I just needed my swashbuckler witty join battle rejoinder. Just wait until I kill him, I'm working on something with "Well I guess we left him to steep."
See, this is your problem, you always want to kill them...and we have perfectly good UMI monkeys in our parties. They'll explain to them that we're going to set the world right. And then they'll agree, because it makes sense, and because they'll have had their brains fairly well shattered, and then we'll have lieutenants...and I'm building up my War ability soon >.>

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