[OOC Thread] [The End of the River]

Kaliket, I'm doing some editing on the Houserules. So while they're close there will be some differences. The character creation rules will be the most radically different. Have a look.
A great question from Kalarix at the start of the last campaign:

Kalarix said:
Are we suppossed to be reading other people's character threads?
You are not expected to, you may if you wish. Only read them with the understanding that your character does not know these things. Keep the metagaming in check ^^

If you're worried about stepping on another party member's toes, then reading the other characters and moving a few dots around on your own sheet won't make me go RP nazi on you.
Also, I don't have a large desire to do this, but since there are some irregularities in the published weapons I will offer. So.

If anybody is dying to balance the cannon weapon stats, I've run across a new sheet we could use. I'm in no hurry to do so, but if you have grievances about weapon stats, now would be the time to air them.
I'm cheating and making my OMGNOTASPAMBOT post in here, because I already know y'all. >.>




What is the OOC challenge?
Who cares what the challenge is, the trick is to make sure that we win it. :)

I usurp your challenge win, sir!

And also, I should totally claim that I have issues with a weapon system I know nothing about. Yes... that's it. Except not really at all.
The OOC Challenge is a lot like Calvin Ball. I made the rule that the first response wins. Now we all need a huku bag to hop around in until one of us find the zone of reformed delights, thus starting the next OOC Challenge.
Oh...and a note on pack formation:

As soon as I think of a clever name, I'll make a character thread. Until then here's a quick sketch of who/what I'm concocting. This is meant to spark creativity and give you an idea of group dynamic, not discourage your ideas or mark my territory (not Wolf form).

Caste: Full Moon

Concept: Face-ripper who dabbles in astronomy; reputation for being on retrieval packs

Totem: Polar Bear

Tell: Human, Warform- No nose or ears due to (barely [get it?! =P ] ) pre-exaltation frosbite, Spirit, Heart's Blood Forms- Nose and Ears are silvery or white giving the impression of non-existence.

Pictures coming! As soon as I remember how.
Tikor said:
The character creation rules will be the most radically different.
Sorry, all, for not getting these up last night. I instead opted for 12 hours of sleep. I am currently testing them to make sure they do all the things I want them to do, but sadly I can't be flipping through 2e Lunars at work. It is on the top of my to do list, expect them shortly.

What you should be doing now is reading 2e Core, 2e Lunars, The Houserules and these wonderful, wonderful wiki examples:

God-Kicking Combat

Social Combat
Shru said:
I'm cheating and making my OMGNOTASPAMBOT post in here, because I already know y'all. >.>
Actually patternspider has a larger fanbase than those you know from other places such as myself, Treeaj ect. I suggest you say hi, they are Good People.

Quick poke for characte gen rules. Also, what's wrong with the way they're present in 'Lunars'? Also, why are the Solar Character Gen rules ok but the Lunars are not?
kaliket said:
Quick poke for characte gen rules.
My apologies for the inconvienence, I plan to conclude testing tonight. See above post on the subject.

kaliket said:
Also, what's wrong with the way they're present in 'Lunars'? Also, why are the Solar Character Gen rules ok but the Lunars are not?
They are equally wrong in Solars and Lunars. I'm revising the system because of it. You players benefit from my superior experience as an ST compared to when I started the Solar game (my first time to ST ever). Below is the problem, I'll focus on Attributes.

As a Lunar with the book rules you get 8/6/4 with 1 floater for any Favored or Caste Attribute.

Say player 1 assignes his points like so



[X] Strength-------[X][X][X][X][X]

[X] Dexterity-------[X][X][X][X][X] (8)

[X] Stamina -------[X][ ][ ][ ][ ]

[X] Charisma-------[X][X][X][X][X]

[ ] Manipulation----[X][ ][ ][ ][ ] (6+1)

[ ] Appearance-----[X][X][X][X][ ]

[ ] Perception------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Intelligence-----[X][ ][ ][ ][ ] (4)

[ ] Wits------------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

And player 2 assignes his points like so



[X] Strength-------[X][X][X][X][ ]

[X] Dexterity-------[X][X][X][X][ ] (8)

[X] Stamina -------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[X] Charisma-------[X][X][X][X][ ]

[ ] Manipulation----[X][X][X][ ][ ] (6+1)

[ ] Appearance-----[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Perception------[X][X][ ][ ][ ]

[ ] Intelligence-----[X][X][ ][ ][ ] (4)

[ ] Wits------------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

Then as some point in the future they spend exp such that both their Attributes look like this:



[X] Strength-------[X][X][X][X][X]

[X] Dexterity-------[X][X][X][X][X] (8)

[X] Stamina -------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[X] Charisma-------[X][X][X][X][X]

[ ] Manipulation----[X][X][X][ ][ ] (6+1)

[ ] Appearance-----[X][X][X][X][ ]

[ ] Perception------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

[ ] Intelligence-----[X][X][ ][ ][ ] (4)

[ ] Wits------------[X][X][X][ ][ ]

Player 1 spends 25 exp to get there and player 2 spends 56 exp to get there. The same stats. If you're new to the system you can make a build that is at some future state objectively worse than other builds. I.e. you pay more exp (in this case 31) to get to the same place.

This problem only gets worse as BP get involved.

My revision will eliminate this problem such that all starting character builds will require the same exp to get to any arbitrary future points (assuming same favored/caste Attributes) as any other starting build. It will do this by implementing character creation using only xp (no point spreads, no bonus points). This way you can stat out your character just as you imagine him without exp bonuses seducing you to arrange your stats one way or another. Details to come.
Yada yada yada, Tik goes on and on about mechanics you don't care about.

Lets push the OOC thread this way:

What do you want to do in the world of Exalted with your Lunar?

It's ok to respond "I don't know".
Retrieval packs! Maybe Wyld Packs.

And perhaps an easment into the FairFolk. I started reading bits of The Wyld. Honestly, its WAY too trippy. Perhaps we can stick to the Bordermarches for the time being. It took my a while to get a grip on the near-Realm West. Since it sound's like we're all fairly new to Lunars or Exalted in general, exploring and teaching missions could be a great way to familiarize us. As mentor to 3 young Lunars, I could see Akaba sending us places because it'll do us good, not so much because he wants us to accomplish something.
Work having collectively (... you don't want to know how many "customers" I'm dealing with this week.) shit on my lap this week, I'm honestly hoping to get some time this weekend (Or, at the very least, next Monday or Tuesday) to read through the books and figure out what's supposed to be happening.

. . . and create a character.

<.< and write a story.

;_; and draw a picture.

Ask me next Mon or Tues and I'll have a better idea. :D
Shru said:
. . . and create a character.
The character sheet is the hardest part because you need to understand the crunch to effectively do it (though I've lessened this requirement somewhat by my chargen houserules, but that just means you need to grok them).

Shru said:
<.< and write a story.
;_; and draw a picture.
This is the easy and fun part. Don't forget the Background.

Shru said:
Ask me next Mon or Tues and I'll have a better idea. :D
I will do that!

Also, I've been updating the Houserules. If you looked at them earlier, there is now more to know. The Lunar specific stuff is of most immediate use, I'd think, as it deals with Charms mostly, which impact character creation greatly.
Your house rules for MA seem to say the same thing. I read it as "If you Favor Dex or MA you can learn any MA." Is this correct?
kaliket said:
Your house rules for MA seem to say the same thing. I read it as "If you Favor Dex or MA you can learn any MA." Is this correct?
1) Lunars can't learn SMA, so no.

2) The MA thing has nothing to do with what you can or can't learn and everything to do with how much experience you spend learning it.
My question stands. What's the difference in XP cost for favoring Dex or MA or both? It seems that there isn't one.

Reversing the logic as I see it.

You may purchase SMA @ Caste/Favored Costs if:

-You Favor Dex

-You Favor MA

-You Favor Dex and MA

If you favor neither Dex nor MA, you must purchase SMA @ Non-favored prices.

At least thats what I think you're saying.
kaliket said:
You may purchase Terrestrial or Celestial Martial Arts @ Caste/Favored Costs if:
-You Favor Dex

-You Favor MA

-You Favor Dex and MA

If you favor neither Dex nor MA, you must purchase SMA @ Non-favored prices.
That is what I'm saying.
Tikor said:
Shru said:
<.< and write a story.
;_; and draw a picture.
This is the easy and fun part. Don't forget the Background.
You have obviously never seen my drawing skillz.

Tikor said:
Also, I've been updating the Houserules. If you looked at them earlier, there is now more to know. The Lunar specific stuff is of most immediate use, I'd think, as it deals with Charms mostly, which impact character creation greatly.
It makes me happy for no real reason that I've seen a number of the links you've posted on my own, trolling the intarwebs. :D Helps me think I'm on the right track, when I don't have the books at my fingertips.
kaliket said:
[ ] Appearance-----[X][ ][ ][ ][ ] (No nose or ears due to frosbite)
If we (attempt to) opt for unusual distinguishing marks like this, will it affect playability, or does being Exalted (and therefore awesome) cover the obvious deficiencies?

For instance, while I can't claim to know how not having a nose would affect smell, I'd bet that if one doesn't have ears, one's hearing would be very directional... unless one was a super-powered badass favored by a god(ess) who likes you enough to help you adapt hear anyway.

Not trying to pick apart things, just trying to understand. >_<

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