[OOC Thread] The Darkened Halls [Walking with the Darkness]


Ze Hamster of Lurkdom
"All is silent in the halls of the dead. All is forgotten in the stone halls of the dead. Behold the stairways which stand in the darkness; behold the rooms of ruin. These are the halls of the dead where the spiders spin and the great circuits fall quiet, one by one."

- The Waste Lands : The Dark Tower III [stephen King]
Guys, guys! I've had an awesomely stupid idea.

An Abyssal, right, who's secretly a double agent... but not for another Deathlord, no! He's a double agent for the Sidereals... the Bronze Faction, to be exact!

Picture this: a crime-fighting detective, scheduled to be Exalted as a Chosen of Endings. But, uh-oh, he has a bad run-in with the Walker's agents! The Walker, impressed with him, gives him the option of becoming an Abyssal, granting him the power to destroy all the criminal scum and rot that pervades Creation.

The Green Lady is about, though, and in one of her loyal Sidereal phases reports it - a Bronze Faction Endings is sent to assassinate him, but he wins their fight! Struck by curiosity, he spares her life in return for answers... and realizes what he's been missing. Remembering his past life and the corruption of the Solars, he admires the order and Celestial law represented by the Bronze faction's vision, their status as the watchmen of the gods - what he should have been! And, thus, he becomes the secret Abyssal agent of Heaven!

Eh? Eh?

I just can't decide whether he should be a Day, for the stereotypical secret agenda and connection to the police-y nature of Night Castes, or a Moonshadow for filing reports, finding motives, contacting snitches and learning some Sidereal Charms.
Interesting, very interesting, but also very dangerous for your life... considering the motivation taken by Haku for his pc :lol:

Black Ice Shadow will be a npc in the game as a fyi.

The day caste seems more appropriate than the moonshadow (for a chosen of Endings that is).

I'm still translating all the writings I've done about the background and the NPC (and trying to get them faces :) ), and the charter will be posted in the week.
It would depend on how he phrases this if Ruby ever finds out... is he a traitor to the Deathlord, or is he a loyal spy of Heaven whose been inserted into the Deathlord's camp? Mind you, if he DOES betray Heaven... he's REALLY a traitor in Ruby's eyes.

And I'm FIGHTING my PC instincts like mad to keep Ruby a man... given the abundance of females with crimson blades that look -good-.
Black Ice Shadow would be a neat contact. :D

Haku: Well, it would depend on your point of view. Having been destined for Exaltation, perhaps he would count as an agent of heaven who was diverted from his real calling but twisted it to his advantage anyway, in which case he's a loyal spy... but if he didn't really become an agent of Heaven until he decided to start working for the Sidereals, then he'd be a traitor.

He just sees himself as doing his job, and if that puts him in danger from others... well, that's just where you get the fun, eh?

Cyl: He does need some sort of strong mojo to keep him from being found out. If he was a Moonshadow, the Sidereal Charm Unhearing Dedication ("Any mental influence to betray or abandon that plan become an unacceptable order") would do that. If he's a Day... Perhaps a starmetal badge which, when revealed, identifies him as an agent of Heaven to gods and the like, but when concealed prevents him from being detected as such. For extra fun, it could be a little flip-wallet thing, with the badge on one half and a little mirror or pattern-spidersilk slip of paper on the other that transmits his Celestial orders. It would be a pretty high Artifact rating, but it would help a lot.

Finally: Violet Bier of Sorrows plz kthx :P
That or he's just that good?

Althou, how you'd hid THIS from the Neverborn is gonna be interesting...
The whole "Swift Death to Evil" thing always struck me as being quite Abyssal-y. :D

I see Internet Meme has altered his character to be a Moonshadow, so I suppose Day would round things out better. There goes my "maybe taking enough Endings Charms will turn him into some wierd Holybyssal" idea. :P
Jukashi- My character morphed from a Day into a Moonshadow sometime between the last time I posted. Is this going to be a problem for you?

Although, my concept sounds different enough from yours to where we could both play one and not have any impossible problems.

EDIT- Ah, I see it worked itself out.
Seriously though, if I can't learn any Sidereal Charms by being a Moonshadow, could I pick up some Violet Bier? I'd like some sort of Siddie flavour.
Well, Walker in Darkness' wife is The Green Lady. I'm sure if he asked she would teach one of her husband's favored champions the style posthaste.
Well... in theory, there WOULD be some sources for abyssals to learn certain styles...

Like their Deathlord, ghosts of First Age solars/lunars, and even ghosts of dead Sidereals... shocking, I know.

But game balance? :lol:
Even without being a moonshadow I could think of a way for you to learn some of the charms... like the Green Lady for example.

I'd like to have a perfect circle (now that everythings seems to be that way), so I'll let Meme & Juk pick their roles.

A piece of advice:

- Juk: Walker has chosen you to become his knight and serve him for a purpose, so there is a reason why you are moonshadow/day. Define what it is, and you'll know.

- Meme: why would Walker choose to corrupt you instead of killing you as a potential adversary ?

As another FYI, the following deathknights will serve Walker in the Darkness:

- Shards of Basalt, dusk, the general of Walker's army

- Blood Pearl, midnight, the high priestess of Walker's cult

- Stormrider, daybreak, a former servant of Mask of Winters acting as a scavenger lord for Walker.

- the Disciple, day, Walker's personal spy

- Fallen Tears Poet, moonshadow, Walker's ambassador

- White Bone Sinner/Visitor, midnight, punished deathknight sent to Sijan.

Other will come soon with background details
So we have... at last sighting

Dusk (Soldier dawn equiv.) - Haku

Midnight (Priest zenith equiv.) - magnificentmomo, Arthur

Daybreak (Scientist Twilight equiv.) -

Day (Ninja Night equiv.) - Jukashi

Moonshadow (Diplomat Eclipse equiv.) - [internet Meme Here]

Sherwood is an unknown... :D
Well, my character is a policeyman. I would say Walker would Exalt him because he wanted someone to help keep order among his ghostly servants (at least, those outside his unfortunately cursed home), collect information on enemies both certain and potential, act as enforcer of his will (and executioner of his judgement), keep an eye out for people infiltrating his forces, and put a watch on his other Abyssals.

So, that does sound like a Day, really. :D

It's ok for me to take some Violet Bier Charms, then?
The Midnight was my second option. I'll make a Daybreak. So it's more like this:

Dusk (Soldier dawn equiv.) - Haku

Midnight (Priest zenith equiv.) - magnificentmomo

Daybreak (Scientist Twilight equiv.) - Arthur

Day (Ninja Night equiv.) - Jukashi

Moonshadow (Diplomat Eclipse equiv.) - [internet Meme Here]

And he is going to be fairly cliché, with some additional touches.


I intend to post him until tomorrow night.
Jukashi said:
It's ok for me to take some Violet Bier Charms, then?
I still have to figure it out, VBoS is pretty efficient when used by solars, so used by abyssals it can become a real pain in the ass for others...

Which ones have caught your eye ?

EDIT: I do know it's the only interesting "Celestial level" MA style using blades.
I know what you mean - Joy in Adversity stance alone is excellent for Abyssals in Creation. Thing is, in flavour it's a quite Abyssalish MA ("Life-Severing Blow"? "Horrific Wreath"?), the whole swift-death-to-your-enemies thing gels well with my character's personality, and using a secret martial art that appears like it could be in line with the Neverborn's plans but actually does the opposite lines up very well with his concept. And as you say, it is the only real sword-using CMA, and I'd like him to be a swordsman as well as a Martial Artist.

Predominantly a Martial Artist, though, I admit. I was thinking of taking some Ebon Shadow and maybe some Tiger Style as well, eventually. If it helps, he will be trying to keep it as a secret weapon, so I won't be using the Obvious Charms so much.

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