[OOC Thread] The Briefing Room [BioHazard]


Ze Hamster of Lurkdom
This be the OOC thread. Please keep OOC chatter in here.

EDIT - battling the typos, one letter at a time.
Welcome to your doom. Please don't forget to change your bills for quarters. You're gonna need those coins. :wink:
As noted in the ECR forum, you'll want to be more than just combat.

If need be, I'l insert into the Special Tactis Ashigaru Ranger Squadron a medic and maybe... a magitech engineer if no one has the necessary skills and charms for such.

But you lot are being send into a potentially dangerous sealed off region, so combat, investigation/awareness, lore/occult/craft are kind of needed along with knowing how to speak/read/write old realm.

They're not necessary, but recommended.
My character has Linguistics 3 and Lore 3, as I decided it would make sense to have him fit the requirements for Lookshyan DBs as well as normal Realm ones. He's got good Awareness and Combat is a definite. Kinda missing out on Occult, Craft, Medicine, and Investigation, but I was debating taking Henchmen or Retainers to represent a few soldiers/savants assigned under my command. That is, unless you want to just give them to us. >.>
I'm gonna be making up a sorcerer/magitech char, so I should have that covered for the most part.

not that if anyone wants to help out on that front I'll discourage it.
You're getting a total of 15 support units, 5 per PC.

They are ashigaru using heroic mortals who may or may not have awakened essence.
So.... Taking Command 2 (125 troops, a Talon) is unnecessary I take it? >.>

Yay for Gulup's character choice :D . I won't take Henchmen then. But maybe Retainers, cause everyone loves personal chefs. Oh, and concubines. >.>
You... could take command... but do you dare take them with you? Where they could end up dying in horrible ways as only extras can? :P
but do you want to risk the 'meatshields' standing back up after they get killed and coming after us?
Gulup said:
but do you want to risk the 'meatshields' standing back up after they get killed and coming after us?
Never thought of that one...

No Command then. >.>

EDIT: Also, I suggest we each pick up Elemental Bolt Attack, and possibly Elemental Burst Technique. I think they might be of some use, aside from being mad awesome. >.>
But I'm an ex-Monk... I need to spend all my non-extra Charms on Celestial Initiation and Wood Dragon. And since I'll have to blow 10 bp on Essence 3 just to get that initiation, I'll need to use the extra Charms for Excellencies and Ox-Body.

Oh, the monkly life is hard. I'll only have 5 bp for my high abilities.

Unless you're allowing Merits and Flaws...? >.>
I'm allowing conditional Merits and Flaws. ie, you'll need to run them by me.
By the by... the sorcerery background is available up to 3 dots.

I'm also modifying the mentor background to mirror this, in that each dot provides up to 1 DB charm. But the maxmum is 3 charms from said background.
Dragon armour for IO monks are allowed... just... no level 5 ones that have no repair ratings from the Anathema era, please? :)
Well, then it's a possibility... though, really, I tend not to like putting armour on my characters. Somehow, it just seems to make them more... wussy, you know what I mean? And unarmoured fighter is a badass fighter.

If he's successful. If he's not he's a dead fighter. But then it doesn't matter!

He could look cool in armour, if it's done right, but the other problem is that, as an ex-monk and lacking the magistrate angle he could have in a present-based game, he's not likely to have the resources for a suit of dragon armour.
Well... arsenal is allowed, ie. for this mission you got some of the nice stuff...

of course, you could always get a Gunzosha armour. :twisted:
Hehe of course. :P

Arsenal is good yes, perhaps the city we were hired by is lending you a suit? Or maybe the Special Tactics unit from whatever Legion is in the area? My character got his suit from the unit he is part of.

Yeah, as cool as unarmored fighting is, Dragon Armor ROCKS. Integrated Elemental Lense, cloaking device, and lots more other goodies. The Wood-Aspected Armor has that sweet Essence null field that raises Charm costs for everyone not in Dragon Armor. That, or some crazy doom whip made of green energy.

BTW, Haku, I keep forgetting to ask this.....

What area of Creatione is this mission taking place in? I was under the impression it would be the East, or somewhat close to it (Southeast/Northeast), but I realized then we haven't really had any clues that would reveal such.... >.>
Well, if they're giving us equipment, that sounds good then. :D

Hmm. What artifact rating would you give to a bracer, glove or ring that automatically creates an arrow when used with a bow? I have a feeling infinite ammo wil be useful... >.>

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