[OOC Thread] Kingdom of Heaven [Princes of the Earth]

To Lunars, everything tastes good with a rich aftertaste of shapeshifting powers.

Even Third Circle Demons, for those powerful enough.
Just a reminder, I'll be gone for a week or two starting tomorrow :)

Home... here I come !
So the administration under the king of Balrusa is composed of:

- A reincarnated warrior priestess with very fixed ideas on who should rule.

- An emotionaly jammed on neutral strategist.

- An absent minded geneticist.

- A sideral love freak.

- Revolver Ocelot.

- A merchant diplomat who I can't think of any jokes to make about.

This is gonna be awesome.
Hope so :)

I'll be paralyzed for a whole week at best upon arrival, so I'll wrap up the system when I get back and will write the background for Balursa and launch the game.
Midboss said:
So the administration under the king of Balrusa is composed of:
- A reincarnated warrior priestess with very fixed ideas on who should rule.

- An emotionaly jammed on neutral strategist.

- An absent minded geneticist.

- A sideral love freak.

- Revolver Ocelot.

- A merchant diplomat who I can't think of any jokes to make about.

This is gonna be awesome.
Just wait till she can sell the clothes off the back of your priestess, and your priestess will even say thank you. :mrgreen:
My general isn't much of a liar (although he is less than forthcoming in regards to his life pre Balrusa service). He's more the polite but direct (almost like Teal'c) type.
Just take care not to tell blatant lies where she can hear you.
I have Code of Honor, so I can't really lie to your face.

Unless you do something that would make me stop thinking of you as an ally, then I'd probably kill you rather than lie to you.

Also, the moment you make me spend a Willpower to resist mental influence, BAM!, daiklave to the face.
Khantalas said:
Just take care not to tell blatant lies where she can hear you.
I have Code of Honor, so I can't really lie to your face.

Unless you do something that would make me stop thinking of you as an ally, then I'd probably kill you rather than lie to you.

Also, the moment you make me spend a Willpower to resist mental influence, BAM!, daiklave to the face.
You do know some UMI Charms specifically say the target isn't aware it's an UMI...
You do know some UMI Charms specifically say the target isn't aware it's an UMI...
It doesn't have to be unnatural mental influence. Any mental influence calls for a daiklave to the face.
oh well...

btw, regarding the lying, it doesn't have to be your character telling lies to mine. Even if you tell lies to someone else, and my character is within earshot, she can get Limit Break.
Good luck with home, Cyl. Try not go slowly mad and then embark on a killing spree.

Or am I the only one who finds visiting family that much of a chore?

I'm looking forward to this game. Shine will be delightfull amoral.

"Why shouldn't I play god? I've got the tools. It's even written on my coffee mug."
Nah haven't seen any bloodkin of mine since almost two years... it's gonna be great to see them again ! 8)
Your character has to know it is a lie, right? And do only lies count towards it or does it also trigger for Aes Sedai style word play?
she's got to be aware that your character is telling a lie. And when she goes into Limit Break she starts telling the truth, and nothing but the truth.
Yup I'm back.

But I just realized that I have... forgotten my external HD home (like... in Peru)... so my work on MC is frozen until the 25th... :|

But fortunately I'm almost done with MoH so, we will begin the game rapidly.
As for the charms: no.

Giving solar powers to a horde of mortals is not what I would consider reasonable... not until essence 6+

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