[OOC Thread] Kingdom of Heaven [Princes of the Earth]


Creepy smile
Here goes the talking now so we can free the community of our intempestive chit chat :lol:

Thank you all for having answered my call for playtesters, do not hesitate to comment & challenge the rules during this game, it's one of its purposes !
I shall endeavour to be as helpful as you were for Crucible.

And resist the urge for Infernal shenanigans. :D
Well there are several elements you need to determine:

Lord / Vizier ?

and the type of regime you want to play in.
I will be the Lord!

At least, the figurehead who inspires loyalty. Someone else can make the tough decisions.
Good.. Vizier. There's two words I never thought I would see put together.

SO with Khantalas as lord, what kind of character are we talking about here ?
That's a scary character to be. I'd rather think my character's achievements have meaning and they're not just some fantasy of the Wyld.

So please don't be that character, SRC.
I won't, was just teasing. I'm sticking with my Changing Moon, and she's gonna be great, especially with a bit of XP. She'll rule social combat once I get Essence 3 and the social combat equivalent to the lunar fury charm. That and excellencies for all social stats and Perfect Symmetry and she'll sweep them off their feet.
Can I be your Solar Mate?

Of course, I'll be an Abyssal, so the relevance of the bond would depend on the interpretation of the Background.
well, two things to consider about that.

1) I've got plenty of things I'd like to have, so not likely to put much, if anything, in Solar Bond.

2) Depends on the cast of characters, and what I'd consider most interesting for my character, and for the story.
I suppose I'll go with a Solar, for once. I never had a proper chance to use Blinding Golden Shine anyway.

I'll rearrange his stats a little, to suit. I suppose he'd be the scientific or industrial minister with a mildly unsettling fixation on biotech.

For dominion and regime, I'm thinking a dual monarchy or oligarchy. I'd like if we started with little better than a small settlement upon which to expand - that way we can take over surrounding villages by force or diplomacy to build a small country with. Maybe somewhere in the South-East of Creation.
Oh, you're recycling that character Grey. Can understand considering the other game froze.

I'm still not entirely comfortable with the idea of an abyssal lord. Aren't they programmed for death/destruction ? Doesn't building a working kingdom/empire... go against that ?
It's a matter of aims and means.

To a Solar, building an empire could be an aim. To an Abyssal, it has to be the means to destroying something greater.

Like the Realm.

The main problem would be venting Resonance. As long as I don't build any positive Intimacies, though, it should be alright.

Then again, I have Compassion 1. I don't have room for a lot of Intimacies to begin with.

EDIT: There is a very strange alternate, but it requires Storyteller permission. That would be if I never had communion with the Neverborn. The drawback is that I would have the Great Curse instead and I could never use Charms with the Avatar keyword.
Which is precisely why General/Spy would be the best position for them, to use their destruction and mayhem on other Dominions.

And starting intimacies depend on conviction, no?
He can be a roving head of military or police, killing or punishing wrongerdoers and enemies. That means he's still serving Oblivion through murder, but doesn't stay anywhere too long. But if he vents Resonance through Blight he could make the country explode - so... Sacrifical lovers.

One of the populace must be taken as the Abyssal's lover, because when he vents Resonance it will kill only them as opposed to, say, his fellow rulers.

I don't think a lordly position would necessarily suit, in that light, but he could be The Obvious Police or National Avenger.
Starting intimacies depend on compassion. Keeping them depend on conviction. I'm with SRC on this. A abyssal doesn't really make the best ruler in this kind of situation.

How about some sort of council made of our circle like the Council of six of Atklatha in Forgoten Realms ? That would be a reasonable compromise.
You did suggest a symbolic role, Khantalas.

Maybe vent through Stigmata as the Martyr General of the dominion?

"See how he bleeds for you, people of Unspecifiedistan! The Martyred Lord who who strikes down our enemies, that you do not suffer the ravages of war too harshly!"
So you really want me to be a Zenith, then?

I mean, I could do it. It wouldn't be as cool as a Midnight, and I could never learn Void Circle, but I could manage.

EDIT: Sitgmata is... well, I would probably not venture into the battlefield too often, but the lethal damage is going to hurt. I would have to buy around 3 levels of Ox-Body Technique for it to work.
I like the idea of having you as a Midnight, certainly. Hell, you can justify it and do it more easily than I could an Infernal. We just need to find a different role. Perhaps you could go for a spiritual role? Trying to encourage Ancestor Cults in the Dominion, in addition to expecting it to take down the Realm?
Well, I would be the priest-king, anyway. Spiritual leadership goes without saying.

EDIT: One problem about being a Zenith is that it kinda cuts down my effectiveness as a general, since I don't have Omnipresent Overlord Technique (which should have a Mirror, but doesn't).
I'm pretty sure there's some solar ability somewhere that has similar effects. That's what favored abilities are for.

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