[OOC Thread] [Acrotomo]

BH will continue slacking shamelessly until interrupted.

When this happens, can I know essence and HLs recovery?
I think the last thing Lost Mountain and Alaura were doing was trying to identify those tracks. Could you give them a result on that action, or do you need a roll from them?
HoratioAtTheBridge said:
I think the last thing Lost Mountain and Alaura were doing was trying to identify those tracks. Could you give them a result on that action, or do you need a roll from them?
Me thinks we're about to know when we examine the pregnant creature who or what she is.

I don't want to piss off a pregnant chick who can spit acid :lol:

It's a creature that Lost Mountain has never before seen in the wild.

I took some liberty here. I assumed that Lost Mountain has never tracked a pregnant human before.

Humanoid tracks, with small feet, but surprisingly excessive weight and a short gait.

I intentionally made the clues vague, but if you look back over them, I think you'll see that they make sense, and are a bit funny to read, knowing the answer now.

In any case, your characters might be putting the clues together themselves.

Hope nobody has anything against Wyld mutations.
And now we got a mutant to be born. What's going to happen to us tonight ?! :lol:

Seriously though. this is one of the few times I realize that keeping things to a human / mortal level can also be very cool.
I'm running a game on GiantITP with that theme. It's heavily RP based, and I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out. It took until page 3 for anyone to roll any dice!
Yeah even when you are in the trade, you still dont get much call for tracking down pregnant women. And considering I'm married and my wife is pregnant, I've got a really good feeling I know the exact "agreement" there is between the two as to why she is standing up on her own.
Have you thought of any names yet? Might I suggest the distinguished name Joseph? It also has a very nice feminine form, Josephine, if the child turns out to be a girl.
HoratioAtTheBridge said:
Have you thought of any names yet? Might I suggest the distinguished name Joseph? It also has a very nice feminine form, Josephine, if the child turns out to be a girl.
Just wanna say that I've never met anyone named Joseph, or even Joe, that was a good person. All bad, nasty people.

Sorry Cyl, I'm giving others a chance to post as well. Maybe some actions, some inter-player interaction. If they so choose. I'll respond tomorrow either way, but I figure someone might want to help, or talk to Jean.
No problem, I realized I was a bit monoplizing Sarah here.

You can compensate by reloading Alaura's prelude I can do 1 post per day now :wink:

sidenote: take care of not overloading us with thing to do, we got a pregnant mutant, a crazy angry ghost and the Wyld Hunt on our backs.

That may have not been obvious, but the ants should be accomodating an underground cavern-camp at a rather safe distance from the beaten tracks we're walking on, so if the Hunt catches up with us, they'll pass right through us.

No fires tonight, except the ones we need to cook, god bless Fire blessed blankets 8)
Hmmm... close community near the wyld... that sounds unlikely considering where we are... that must come from something else... and there's a whole community out there becoming mutants.

Was there anything in twelve irons journal about a wyld influence around the Peak ?
cyl said:
Was there anything in twelve irons journal about a wyld influence around the Peak ?
No he did not, which is odd. Granted, his expedition was a long time ago, I think 200 years, but still.
Hmmm okay, I'm going to let the guys do some posting too before I unleash my devastating combo "Hundred Questions per Sec" :lol:
Nowhere I wrote BH is yelling.

BH is just pissed of at all this secrecy and hiding, is against his intimacies.

He's otherwise quite relaxed.
Sorry but nope. This is environmental damage with a min damage of 1.

I don't know how corrosive the acid is, but if it's like an acid bath it should be like this:

- Stam + Res vs Trauma (5) / action.

Successes mean you take 4 L failure 4A, and as enviro dmg is 1die min, you'd take at best 1L rolled per action.

That's a 40% chance to loose 1L per action, so you'll likely see the melting of your skin, then your muscles, then your bones, and then you'll die screaming like in the aliens movies... :mrgreen:

What we can do though is summon help. Some water aspected demons with affiinties with acid and able to transmute it, and or some water elementals. Anything granting you a Hardness of 4 could be useful too... perhaps a living armor could do the trick.

I could also probably figure out a way to make special gloves for us, some good rubber, a few tests and there you go.

Alaura probably have some rubber equipment as acid is commonly used for traps in tombs or dangerous places.

ST's call.
IIRC Perroneles don't grant Hardness...

Wouldn't be better just to use Iron Skin Concentration?
Works for instant duration... not action, I already ruled that one out :|

Apart from Element Resisting Prana, there's nothing very useful in that department.

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