[OOC Thread] Above the Fading Coals [The Silver Apples of the Moon, the Golden Apples o]

Due to real life issues, I must withdraw from every game I am in. Feel free to take over my character or drop them completely. While I may be able to return one day I doubt it will happen in the near future. Have fun everyone.
I'll be away from the 18th to the 24+th getting back to france and going to see my gramps for their 60th anniversary of marriage (try to beat that :lol: )

Will probably have access to internet though, but not sure I'll be able to post frequently between the flights trains and family meetings.
Yeah so after my computer got fixed, to the surprise of everyone at work, myself included, I got lined up for a promotion to replace some dude leaving for college.

And then in the next couple weeks he waffles on whether or not he's staying and now finally it's true that he isn't gonna be around and I can continue training as an assistant manager.
trowizilla said:
CrazyIvan, is Marius going down the corridor? I wasn't sure from your post.
Right now Marius is just scowling meaningfully, unless others are headed down the corridor.
No you're not. You've just been accosted by Real Life, which, I think, everyone here can relate to. You're doing an awesome job, dear lady. Have no fear.

Okay, calling for post catch-ups! I'd like to get this game moving again, especially since it was my own fault for letting it get slow. :oops:

If you all are good, I'll post pictures of the two 9-week-old kittens I've been fostering and you call can see why Lunars could take over the world if they harnessed the power of cute.
Cuteness is nothing compared to the full power of awesomeness !

Edit. back in business :)
Okay, almost everyone has caught up. :) Hopefully WhiteKnight and TKMobile will post soon; otherwise, they might end up going on a little side adventure. Team Walkabout will be moving forward on Tuesday, so all aboard that's coming aboard!

Not that I've forgotten Team Manifest Destiny; I've got plans for you two, heh heh.
Like I said in the absence thread:

Got two big congresses next week, and I gotta take care of a lot of things for everything to be ready, so I don't think I will be able to post anything until the next week end.

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