[OOC Thread] Above the Fading Coals [The Silver Apples of the Moon, the Golden Apples o]


Senior Member
While everyone is getting their character sheets together, let's talk about what you all want in the game. Oh, and what you don't want: pet peeves, that sort of thing. I won't be able to accomodate everyone all the time (what a schizophrenic game that would be!) but I'll keep it in mind.
So, if I use Hybrid Body Rearrangement to give myself the Hive mutation, does it come with the bees?
Jukashi said:
So, if I use Hybrid Body Rearrangement to give myself the Hive mutation, does it come with the bees?
Yeah, I don't see why it wouldn't.

(The description for that mutation skeeves me out entirely, though. Brrr.)
If it helps, since it's just a temporary thing, think of it as my character reshaping part of her body into a bunch of tiny separate units, rather than a mass of insects who walk around pretending to be her.
Jukashi said:
If it helps, since it's just a temporary thing, think of it as my character reshaping part of her body into a bunch of tiny separate units, rather than a mass of insects who walk around pretending to be her.
Aaaaaaaargh! *scrubs skin furiously* Doesn't help!

Yeah, I just have a thing about swarm-y bugs, probably from too many National Geographic specials as a kid. Don't worry about it; at least it's not army ants.
Never as bad as fire ants :P

But for me, all I want is a chance to do some social combat stuff. I've never really played a proper social character before, so I'd like to see what damage they're capable of. That being said, Lotus is no slouch in a fight, either (as long as there's distance between him and his enemies...) so I'm not worried if the game gets combat heavy.
I just put up the bits of Harmonious Discord's sheet that I have done. I created a couple of custom artifacts that I'd like your opinion on, trowizilla, because I really have no idea if they're balanced or not. If there's a problem, let me know and I'll fix it immediately.
Does Domino's rules replace Lunar chargen entirely?

There's some useful bits to the standard chargen, like extra dot in favored Attribute and another favored Ability.
I'll start up Lin-Rei's sheet soon enough, oh teller of stories, but I am curious about something that came up back in the recruiting thread: can a staff count towards martial arts rather than melee? I was gonna ask for knives as well, but I mostly just want to know if the staff can be moved over a category.
I think I'll call my character Melissa. An ordinary name for an Exalted character, you my think, but did you know that it comes from Ancient Greek, and means "honey bee"? Still, for more exotic flavour, her full name will be "Melissa Muzen-Cab". See if you can guess where that comes from.

Without using wikipedia.
TKmobile said:
I'll start up Lin-Rei's sheet soon enough, oh teller of stories, but I am curious about something that came up back in the recruiting thread: can a staff count towards martial arts rather than melee? I was gonna ask for knives as well, but I mostly just want to know if the staff can be moved over a category.
I think the wrackstaff has the M tag, in which case yes anyway.
hammercro said:
Does Domino's rules replace Lunar chargen entirely?
There's some useful bits to the standard chargen, like extra dot in favored Attribute and another favored Ability.
Lunars only ever get two Favored abilities, one of which is always Survival. That hasn't changed. Instead of a 8/6/4 + 1 spread in Attributes, you have a 9/7/5 spread. Also, you have 28 Ability points, not 25.
How different is the wrackstaff than from a regular one and what book's it under? I was only drawing from core.
The Wrackstaff is in the back of the Scroll of the Monk; it's an Artifact staff.

The Exalted version of the staff is simply a long rod of metal alloyed with one of the magical materials. 
When energized with Essence, the wrackstaff can deliver tremendous, crushing blows. The staff is carved 
to give the wielder a better grip (as well as for ornament). One end bears a sturdy chisel-point while the 
other is thicker and heavier to increase the force of impact. A wrackstaff usually includes one setting for 
a hearthstone in the middle of its length.
A wrackstaff is no mere club. To use it properly, the wielder needs basic martial arts training with 
stick and staff weapons. The wielder holds the wrackstaff in both hands so he can quickly turn the weapon 
in any direction, guard, parry, spin and thrust. This chisel end (the first trait bar) deals lethal damage and 
punches through armor. The blunt end (the second trait bar) delivers powerful, smashing blows.
Spd 4, Acc +2, Damage +4L, Def +2, Rate 3, Mins Str •• Mrt •, Attune 5, Cost  ••, Tags 2, M, P, R
Spd 4, Acc +2, Damage +12B, Def +2, Rate 3, Mins Str •• Mrt •, Attune 5, Cost ••, Tags 2, M, R
I was going for a wrackstaff too, but what the hell, Mantresher are fine.

Come to think about it, maybe our estimated storyteller would so kind as to indicate me wether the 2dot and the commitment cost are for a single artifact or a pair...

Considering the extreme proximity with the Short Klave stats, I'd have to say I am inclined to think they are for a pair, but would like a confirmation.

Also, beware, I might become a 13yo living arsenal...
I'm going to be making a custom Artifact, by the way. Will I post it here, or will I start a "custom stuff" thread?
Whoa there. You can use the wrackstaff if you want, cyl, I really just want to go plane-jane here with a stick, a piece of wood to fit the unassuming angle I've worked with Lin-Rei. That seems like signature weapon territory and I was going to give her the glorious solar saber power but as a pair of hookswords.

All I really, really need to know is if the regular staff weapon can be used with Martial Arts. That's all, just a Story-Teller call.
You know I might just take a wrackstaff, a pair of short klaves, a pair of manthresher, a typhoon wheel or chakram...
*ponder* Is there anything between the rather unimpressive (and overcosted) Artifact armors in the Core book, and the "First Age Starship Troopers" powered armor from Wonders of the First Age that I'm missing?

Generally speaking, in terms of "Things I like" - I enjoy some of the Western influences on Exalted (Greek myth, Beowulf, etc.) as much as I like the Eastern and Anime influences.
Urgh. I feel a bit silly now after finding the Snake Style of martial arts -after- trying to put the character together.

But now with a clearer idea of how to do things, I'm gettin' cracking.

So, I retract the earlier rants about staves, now that I have a clearer idea of how to do things, but this leaves a few other aspects that need answering. Also, working with the man in the van, Vanman, I AM going to do the Solar Bond deal with his character.

Given the new focus and how it would really limit and eat up points to get the melee points necessary to take the Solar saber charm and prereqs, I wanna drop that idea but now I am curious, Trowizilla: what would the artifact cost be for a pair of hookswords (Not hook daiklaives) that can merge onto Lin-Rei's body as tattoos? I imagine the cost would be per sword and not as a pair, but still, I find this alot easier to do than juggle abilities and charms.... I even have a good fic idea of how she got them ( These would be the swords used in her origin story to hack apart her tormentor.)

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