[OOC thread] A Path to Enlightenment [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

Okay so Nob: I'd need to look deeper into GWM to see how I could exploit the situation, so it may take a few days before I find the right way.
ok its early in the morning... GWM?

Good Will Murder?

Generally We Mulch?

Great William Mulder?

Going With Michael?

ahh.. not got that ...yet... but saying that i'm still reading Scroll of the Lost Races... not read East, ghosts and Demons.. or south... need more time.......
A thousand apologies everyone, things are just getting crazier and crazier at work, dunno when I will have a normal rythm back... soon I hope, sorry for the new guys :|

I'll try to update the chronicles a bit this week end and 1 per day of the next week.
All updates are now done, waiting on Idyllic Silence to go on with the Blossom / Looser tag team. :)
erm. I know you have posted most recently in mine but you need to again. We had a discussion on the mechanics of accuracy, damage, soak and penalties, but I was the last one to actually do something.
Also, it would be nice to know if the chain maidens dropped or barely flinched or what....Though judging from the last one to go down this may be a forgone conclusion......
They're not extras if this is what you're asking.

Else you'd have vaporized the others upon hitting them.

So they still stand, but they're hurt.
No, she's being nice by offering him a chance to not lose the fingers, then his hand, then the arm...

It's all a matter of perspective, right?
Now that we're on the subject, are there any rules in Exalted about torture? and what to do when the (free) intimacy you have to your limbs contradicts with the loyalty intimacy you have for your boss ;)
Hey all

Sorry for the lag of posting from my end... But I got a good excuse at least :-/ I'm in the hospital and I have no idea of when I get out. It might be a few weeks or it might be months, I won't know until the tests come back.

Sorry :(

I'll be withdrawing :-(
Esbilon said:
Now that we're on the subject, are there any rules in Exalted about torture? and what to do when the (free) intimacy you have to your limbs contradicts with the loyalty intimacy you have for your boss ;)
I'd say each time they come into conflict, one gets a point of erosion. Which one depends on which they hold more dear.

If you hold your loyalty more valuable than your ability to serve(IE: No limbs means you can't serve), then your intimacy with your limbs get eroded. :P
Just wanted to giver a heads up, I'll have a very spotty Internet connection for the next two weeks. I have to move back to Israel, so it's gonna be a bit rough the next two weeks, and then it should sort out.
Any chance I could take over my old character again? Akimoto the spear dancer...

I'm still in the hospital but I got a net connection now and I should be able to get a post up every day.

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