[OOC thread] A Path to Enlightenment [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

Just a quick check to see if some guys are still in

Karrth, Sadbot ? you still breathing ?
Yeah well no more I think :|

I'll work hard to get all my games going, with each day passing, this multiple game will unfortunately be the last, but I'll do my best to hit it before monday ! :)
Hi there. Thanks for having me! Still figuring things out here, so there's going to be quite a few questions :wink: This is the place for them, right?

So, just to make sure I've got this straight, this 'game' is essentially a number of solo games with a similar theme?

For character creation, do I just go ahead and make a thread in the character forum, and work on it there? Is there a certain format that you prefer for character sheets? I'm not too familiar with the setting, so I might need some help finding a place to fit, as well. Oh, and you can change thread titles here if you're the thread creator, right?

yes... yes... yes... look at the format the others have used... you just need to edit the original post. :)

Don't worry about the setting, I can have you team up with someone rather easily.

Question: do you have the Scroll of the Monk supplement ?
Awesome :)

I do have Scroll of the Monk, but haven't touched it yet. I'm guessing it's a good one for martial arts characters, eh? Haha.
A couple of questions. (Ok, maybe a lot of questions.)

What's the deal with Specialties? Do they cost anything? Are there lists of them that you pick from, or do you just make them up? Do they actually apply to rolls?

With Artifacts: If you pay the background for them, you automatically have it, right? In other words, the artifact background is the only cost for getting an artifact?

With normal equipment: How do you know what you can start with? Can you just pick up things with a cost of (your Resources -1) for 'free', within reason? What about items with the same cost as your resources?

I think that's all for now ... thanks for your patience, everyone.
Specialties: they cost BP to buy (table's in the corebook) they add a die to the pool when they can be used.

ex: you got MA 5 (spe unarmed +3), everytime you fight with your bare feet and hands, you get your pool +3.

The Artifact cost is the sole cost for getting it.

Standard equipment: yeah, you can buy stuff up to Ressources -1 or you do pay for the Ressources and get the item you need and Ressources -1 in the end.
A couple of questions. (Ok, maybe a lot of questions.)
What's the deal with Specialties? Do they cost anything? Are there lists of them that you pick from, or do you just make them up? Do they actually apply to rolls?
White Wolf has a bad habit of tending not fully explain some things, Specialties being one of them. They were explained far more in depth in 1e than 2e. Anyways...

There are lists of examples of Specialties for each Ability beginning on page 106 of the Core rulebook. It's mostly general belief that they serve as guidelines, and that you're free to create Specialties of your own, within similar scope.

Specialties do in fact apply to rolls. You may have no more than three Specialties per Ability. Each Specialty adds one die to its related roll. You are allowed to have multiples of the same specialty, and the dice benefits from such do stack. If you are in a situation where more than one Specialty may apply for an ability, these too stack. For example, you could have the Melee Specialties of Swords, Swords, and Swords. This would give you three extra dice on all Melee rolls while wielding a Sword. Or perhaps, you could have Swords, While Fighting Multiple Opponents, and Fighting With Two Weapons. In this case you would gain an extra for each Specialty applicable to the situation. When fighting in single combat with one weapon, you'd only gain one extra die, but when fighting against several attackers while wielding two clubs (not swords), you'd gain two.

The costs for specialties are listed on page 85 (for the bonus point costs at Character creation) and page 274 (for the experience point cost and training time for in-game purchases).

With Artifacts: If you pay the background for them, you automatically have it, right? In other words, the artifact background is the only cost for getting an artifact?
Correct. You may need to commit a certain number of motes to attune and use your Artifact, though, the exact cost of which listed under each Artifact (it varies from artifact to artifact).

With normal equipment: How do you know what you can start with? Can you just pick up things with a cost of (your Resources -1) for 'free', within reason? What about items with the same cost as your resources?
That would generally be the case, but I think this is something that usually depends on how the Storyteller likes to run things. Unfortunately, I can't be any help on this one :/ . cyl?

I think that's all for now ... thanks for your patience, everyone.
No problem.

EDIT: Grr... Curses, beat to it! I'm more in depth though :P .
A couple more questions.

First is about the Master background that (it looks like) cyl created for this game. I'm wondering what to put this at ... I'm thinking that the reason Mr. Mystery decided to go vigilante was that his master was killed. If that were the case, would that effectively give him zero dots in Master?

The other is more general; it's to do with wielding two weapons. From cyl's rules addendum thread:

cyl said:
2. What is the benefit to wielding two weapons?
Rate and versatility.

2 weapons, 2 serie of stats (acc / dmg / def), and each Rate adds to the maximum of actions per flurry.
Now, if I had orichalcum razor claws (rate 4), does that mean I can do 4 or 8 attacks in a flurry? It says "Artifact and attunement cost is for a matched pair; no offhand penalty to wield set paired" in the razor claws' stats.
So update time, I'll start with SRC who's been waiting for ages.

Also where are we with Mizu ?!
I need to give you his full backstory (that remains unfinished) and a writeup for his custom artifact (3-dot "wooden" slashing sword with some nifty tricks :P ). Those are somewhere on my list of priorities, and I've been hoping to get around to them for some time now -_- .

I'll see what I can do this week.
Ain't time a bitch ?!

I personally hate plannings & schedules, but when time lacks, you got no other choice :evil:
Damn... owner's meeting tonight in my building... I am so overloaded with IRL constraints ! :evil:

Just a bit more patience my friends :oops:
Oki doki, Akimoto & Tusky are done.

Blossom and Loser will be done this afternoon (with more description :wink: ), then Vallo - Tamat probably tonight, and Ibis tomorrow.

Thank you for your patience.

Where are we with Jari ? I think he's good to go...
So... I'm going to have Esbilon to help me ST some of the chronicles, we talked about the games and he's very interested and we share the same vision of the game and plots, so we'll be sharing "custody" from now on :) (some chronicle will belong to him now, but we will keep at all time constant communication to coordinate our STing).

I hope this is ok with everyone. :)

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