[OOC thread] A Path to Enlightenment [Chronicles of a Thousands Fists]

So, for now, Esbilon will be in charge of Akimoto (and probably Xormis's pc when he's up).

I'll update all the on going chronicle before starting new ones (tonight I plan, no meetings, no friends, just me and the laptop ! :D )
I DID IT !!! :mrgreen:

Thank you all for your patience and calm, I'll do my best to keep things running with the normal rythm :)
I figured as much, but hadn't gotten any word back from Esbilon, who I thought had to approve me as well.

I'll get some more backstory to you tonight or tomorrow sometime.
Nice work :)

Shiro will have his chronicle up and running this morning (sorry for the delay... damn work !)
I try to interfere with other's threads, but something came up in Tamat herd's thread. I do believe that you can just spend motes on your First Martial Arts Excellency to get dice to roll, and every success you get on that roll will net you a +1 to your Parry DV to defend against the clinch. hell, just describe a bit how you parry the attack, and get a 1 or 2 stunt die, and every stunt die automatically increases your DV by 1. that combo should be enough to let you escape that clinch.
Or I could let them catch me and subtly question their sexuality for doing so.

It's not about effectivness. It's all about style.

That aside, I'm having trouble understanding both the timing rules and the decrements in DVs due to actions(I was under the impression it was DV=Old DV(DV from last action until DV refreshes.)-# of actions taken-penalties from conditions)

So vs multiple opponents I EXPECTED it to be DV=Old DVs-1(just one attack)-[some number from multiple opponents]=>4-1-x=3-x in this case x was 4 so 3-4=-1. I expected to be at -1 DV. Instead I am at -3. Still doing a bit of reading the rules to find out why.

As for timing I get that the speed rating what "weapon" I'm using(or just used) sets how fast I can act. And I think "rate" limits how many actions in a flurry using said weapon. However I have no idea how/when DV refreshes...
Style is good, but staying alive is better :mrgreen:

Your DV refreshes on your next action.

Anyway, I was just suggesting, the choice of what your character does is always in your hands.
The formula is the following:

-1 dv for your attack (this one is pretty much always the same), and -2 DDV for being attacked by multiple opponents, your PDV remained only affected by your attack, but your DDV is affected by both factors.

The DV refreshes every time your action ends (except when you guard or aim) and your new action begins, basically time for you to shift from the active position to the defensive position.
Is that -2 DDV from multiple attackers a standard penalty, or a ST adjudicated penalty? I haven't seen it before, but then again I might have missed it, and it does make sense. Or were the attackers coordinating?
Page 155 on multiple opponents. :wink:

Coordinated attack requires a cha+war roll first from the leader.
Thanks, cyl. I remember skimming that, but I forgot the details. I also forgot that Tamat was getting swarmed by 4 guys ;)

GrayWatch said:
So vs multiple opponents I EXPECTED it to be DV=Old DVs-1(just one attack)-[some number from multiple opponents]=>4-1-x=3-x in this case x was 4 so 3-4=-1. I expected to be at -1 DV. Instead I am at -3. Still doing a bit of reading the rules to find out why.
If I may, it seems you and cyl have had a bit of a miscommunication. I think cyl meant that you have a total -3 penalty do your DDV, not that your DDV is -3 after accounting for penalties. So I think your DDV is currently 1 (4-3=1). Right?

Meanwhile, your PDV is only affected by your attack, so it's currently at 3, meaning you only need to raise it by 2 to prevent the clinch. (Which is what using MA Excellencies would do.)

Of course, I'm about as new to the rules as you, so I'm partly guessing here. If cyl or another experienced player could confirm my thoughts, that would be great (both for GrayWatch and for me, once I get into my first combat :) ).
Elucidation would be nice (even though I will let the clinch stand regardless as it sets me up nicely for a series of jokes in bad taste at their expense) and on seeing cyls post I'm now inclined to agree with Sessadore (I was under the impression that my current DDV was at -3, probably due to misread of cyls comments in my threat).

Also as I seem to have lost that little tid-bit of information anyone happen to know the speed/rates for kicks punches and clinches?

Clinch: speed 6, defense --, rate 1

Kick: speed 5, defense -2, rate 2

Punch: speed 5, accuracy +1, defense +2, rate 3

I was under that impression as well until I read cyl's post here and then went back to reread the combat post in detail and check your stats. Clarification by someone who actually knows what they're talking about would be good :)
Underwent a "tonight you take the TV I use my laptop" syndrome yesterday (I needs a pc !!!) hence the lack of update. Be upadting today :)
Uhh..just out of curiosity. No real reason for asking this....what would STR+ATH rating would you give lifting and/or throwing a bear?


Same as an ox I think, something like 6-7.

But Martial Arts bypass those limits, you can throw something much bigger than you with the right technique :)
update be tomorrow :(

I iz going to have a lot of work for the next 2 weeks, my boss is going to go to Europe and we need to get our new brochure up and ready for some clients, so things may be a bit slow until she's out of the country. :)

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