[OOC] The Halls of Discussions [The Nightmare of Telistar]


The Bladed-Wings of Timespace
Discuss what have you here. ^^ Plot and plan amongst yourselves for the betterment or detriment of Creation xD
I've got a couple ideas bouncing around, it's down to either a Night or Eclipse Caste at this point.
I'm going for a ranger type, not sure which caste fits best

EDIT: Hammerco, which totem?

EDIT2: Are merits and flaws accepted?
Jellyfish totem.

How will Claws of the Silver Moon be addressed? At Essence 3, will it provide an additional +Dex or +Accuracy+Dex?
Merits/Flaws- As since I cannot seem to decide, I will just say yes. Don't go oddly crazy with them (If its possible... I myself don't use them cause I don't have anything that explains them xD )

Claws of the Sliver Moon- I think (Unless there is a good reason to fear the wording of this one) to keep it as the book says (Acc+Dex) for the extra 2m
Well, at Essence 3, you spend 2 more motes when activating the charm to get those benefits.

Then at Essence 4, you spend another 2 motes to get... Damage+(Strength+2)L/(Essence+1) and the Overwhelming tag.
hammercro said:
Well, at Essence 3, you spend 2 more motes when activating the charm to get those benefits.
Then at Essence 4, you spend another 2 motes to get... Damage+(Strength+2)L/(Essence+1) and the Overwhelming tag.
I might be misunderstanding if so hit me with a hammer xD . But is this fine or do you have a suggestion that refines this?

At Essence 1-2 (Your attacks [unarmed?] gain a +0 Spd, +2 ACC, Damage+Str (L), +0 Def, +0 Rate

At Essence 3 for 2m more you gain Acc+Dex to the previous +2

At Essence 4+ for 2m more you gain this peculiar Damage (+str+2)L/Essence+1 Overwhelming.
That looks fine, though for Essence 3 bit, would it equate to Accuracy (Dex+Ability+Weapon Acc) +2 +Dex?

It would work like this I would think (Though is sounds so non-weapon using)

Normal ACC = Dex+Ability+Weapon

Then we add that to +2+Dex

So ya that is what it looks like... crazy Acc ^^

On another topic, just to see what we have going on here. What type of characters are we looking at about now?
I was thinking a half-moon equine, A scout par excellence, He has a difficult time establishing himself amongst the other lunars due to what is perceived as an imperfect blending in his warform...Specifically....I was going to go with a centaur look rather than a horseman....

Also, Awesome to see a jelly lunar....
I'm deciding between a social-manipulator Endings and a researchy, info-y Secrets. I'll decide when I see what the group's lacking.
I'm thinking either an Eclipse Caste general who uses force to open the way to diplomacy, or a Night Caste inquisitor who gets the information he is after, one way or another.

I'm leaning toward the Eclipse, but if Rennaisance Blonde wants to take it, I don't mind.
Apparently I missed out on a few things.

On Chargen note: Essence 3, you can have up to 4 in Virtues before the need of BPs

And of course a bunch of different backgrounds to choose from. ^^ Suppose I might need to copy those out for those temporarily without a book eh?
Not having the book is no longer a problem for me, as Haku graciously provided me with a way to surmount the problem, though I can't speak for the other fellow who didn't have it.

Since I am rather new here, I do have one small question though; when we have drawn up our character sheets do we post them, or should we submit them to you first for approval?
I'll take the Night Caste - I have an idea for a teenage girl from Chiaroscuro. I should mention that it'll take me a few days to make up the PC because I've got an assignment due tomorrow!
No Problem, no rush. ^^

And yay, all DoTFA book needing peeps seem to have gathered their resources! This saves me attempting to do a ton of stuff. I can once again return to ACT prep work :)
Hey, I did some checking: Solars don't start out with an automatic dot in Manse. They simply own a 1-dot Earth or Air manse no matter what. A dot in the Manse background affords more than that.
Check the Solar Summary in Lords of Creation, under Step Four: Advantages; it says explicitly that starting Solars gain Manse 1 for free.

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