[OOC] Team Anathema Discussion Thread [Clashing Waves]

I imagine you're not out of the woods yet... And there probably has to be some resolution between the Circle and Architect/Snow that can't or shouldn't just be settled OOC. >_>
Hey guys, would this be a good time for my entrance? You know, while you're all angsting about your back-stories? My character's got some GREAT news!
Yeeeeeees. Most excellent news indeed. :twisted:

Time to turn the "evil ST" dial up to max. :twisted: :lol: :twisted: :lol: :twisted:
That scene was... cruel. Amazingly so. Even a bit moving.

I'm preparing my post right now. It should be there before tomorrow.
Rowan is about to begin examining the airship, and I was hoping to be able to have a flash of inspiration on their functions by picking up a Intelligence Excellency and adding a couple dots more of Sail out of the block of points on hold. Sound good?
I spent a good few of my Ability dots giving Fury the standard dynastic education. She also has high Sail and War, and a speciality in the Realm's tactics. She should at least have an idea where everything is.
Cool. So, once I 'remember' some details, between the two of us, we can operate this ship to take us to our next stop.

Hmmm. Almost forgot that I have two dots in Craft: Magitech. That should help out, too.
Hey... Sherwood, you know to have any dots in Craft (Magitech), you first need two dots of both Craft (Fire) and Craft (Air) as well as one dot in any other Craft (Element....
Nay, it's in the sidebar where it discusses the various extraordinary Crafts, as well as a few other places.

[QUOTE="Book Of Sorcery Vol. 1 - Wonders Of The Lost Age]
Craft (Magitech): A character with this Craft Ability has conducted an intense study of the creation, enchantment
and maintenance of weapons and devices from the First Age (including the High and Low First Age). She may have

learned the techniques of First Age engineering in Lookshy, at the Heptagram, in Yu-Shan or in some similar locale

that still has systems in place to teach such complex lore. This Ability encompasses knowledge of Essence circuitry,

motonic physics, clockworks and other highly sophisticated technologies. Most automata and inanimate First Age

artifacts are built and repaired using this Ability.

To represent the necessary understanding of precise engineering and the arcane substances used in First Age devices,

the character must have two dots each in Craft (Air) and Craft (Fire) and at least one dot in another Craft form

before she can learn this exacting discipline. Furthermore, her rating in Craft (Magitech) cannot be higher than

her Lore rating.

Most sorcerer-technician characters will have at least moderate levels of this Ability, and all sorcerer-engineers are

masters or near-masters of this arcane art.

Someone with Craft (Magitech) 1 can perform basic maintenance and repair on simple Shogunate-era devices.

Someone with Craft (Magitech) 3 can use schematics to build an implosion bow from scratch (provided he has the

components). Someone with Craft (Magitech) 5 can design and build entirely original First Age-style devices and

weapons systems, including items never seen before in Creation.

Characters possessing the Savant Background may add their Savant rating to all rolls that use this Ability.

Example Specialties: Automata, Perfected Calculation Arrays, Skyships, Naval Vessels, Biomagitech, Energy Weapons,

Transportation Devices, Utilitarian Artifacts

Underlining is mine.

There's a reason Laughter is a jeweller, blacksmith and cook, ya' know? :wink:
I see. I missed that before. Well, I've been waiting for the scene to end so I can spend massive amounts of points on new Charms; some of those points will now be diverted to my Craft skill. :roll:
Sherwood said:
BTW, the intro of Braydz character was a bit vague. Are you flying in? Running? Sailing? Do we see his/her approach from the ship?
Sorry for the vagueness, but I am taking it slow, trying to stay chronological kinda. It was basically, "I full-move this action."

On this train of thought, what might someone flying in over the ocean see of this whole scene? Somewhere there's a sinking ship, and there's a Starmetal Warstrider down, and a Manta Carrier somewhere?
Manta Carrier in the air above the wharf, with a bird-shaped Moonsilver Warstrider sticking out of it. Lunar animas coming from inside. The top of a large ship's masts sticking out of the water by the side of the wharf. Powered down Starmetal Wartstrider on the wharf with two Sidereals hugging in front of it, both of whom have their Animas going. The wharf's been smashed up a bit when the Warstriders crashed into it. Solar with anima talking to a rather shocked looking War-Form'd Lunar, also with anima going, unconcious Gunzosha propped against the wall nearby.
Excellent. Thank you, mom and dad, for the terrible scholastic pressures of youth in the Realm!

Hmm. On a somewhat related note: if Merits and Flaws had been allowed, I would have given Fury the Terrestrial Bloodline Merit to represent her patrician status. And that Merit came with certain rules, such as that it no longer applied for Celestial Exalted above Essence 4, since their kids were Half-Castes instead. How would you handle such a thing, particularly with the revelation that in 2E, beastmen (who are Lunar half-castes) can Exalt as Dragon-Blooded?
I'd say that they'd actually keep the merit, and pass it on to their descendants, but Half-Caste cannot Exalt as Terrestrials. Beastmen who are not Half-Caste, either because they were spawned by a Lunar not high enough in Essence to spawn Half-Castes or because they are a few generations removed from their Lunar progenitor, may still Exalt as DBs/Solars/Abyssals/Sidereals etc.

So a Beastman with Half-Caste powers cannot Exalt as anything but a Lunar, but his descendants might.

A Beastman without Half-Caste powers can Exalt as normal.

A human descendant with Half-Caste powers cannot Exalt as anything but a Lunar, but his descendants might.

A human descendant without Half-Caste powers can Exalt as normal.
Generally speaking, the Manta requires two attuned pilots and two Hearthstones. Since the folks attuned to the Hearthstones are now both dead, they fail as well.

Normally, if one pilot were dead, the other would be able to keep it aloft and move under emergency power. It'd work normally in fact, so long as didn't try to move at any real speed. With both dead though, the craft is going to crash because it now has no power keeping it aloft.

Fortunately, Mantas float.
Hey Tome, how many rolls do you want me to make? It's normally one per injury, with a difficulty of how much damage was dealt by the wound.

Also, staunching bleeding and applying bandages normally calls for a Wits + Medicine roll, but I figure that's normally for helping a victim who hasn't been stabilized or bandaged up already. As the situation isn't as dire at this point and Snow could probably take his time, is there any chance the roll would use Intelligence instead of Wits? >_>

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