[OOC] Team Anathema Discussion Thread [Clashing Waves]

Lord Ben

Elder Member
How do we know each other? My character is a wanderer by nature so I'm okay with nearly anything.

Off the cuff suggestion. There is a sorceror if I'm not mistaken. Possibly she could have been working with some Western Lunars in exchange for some spells. I could be there on some crusade against the fair folk.

So if the Lunar characters have put any thought into factions the Swords of Luna and the Senchals of the Sun King would be easy choices to integrate the groups.
There are three Sorcerors, actually. Aleph (arthur's character) is one. Sherwood's proposed character, (a No-Moon Lunar), is one. And my Twilight is a Sorceror-Engineer. As for how we particularly met, I need to finish working out the rest of the details of my character's backstory, so I'll get back to you on that asap >.>.
Hopefully Jukashi's character will be able to handle the brunt of the physical combat if we're going in with two or possibly 3 sorcerors and my mass combat type character.

Think I should drop the 6 charms for Tiger Warrior and focus on ass kicking?
You could do the sensible thing and get 5 dragon style or perhaps solar hero style? there ARE starting preform charms that allow you to do ass-kicking there.

<inner dynast>no... you don't need to worry about ass-kicking. leave that to the dragonblooded</inner dynast>
Yeah, but that's not my style. I like swords. If it were pvp I'd go stealth/archery or stealth/thrown.
5 dragon style IS swords/spears + armours ^_^


Fire Dragon is paired short swords + armours

Snake style is hooked swords + armours

and so on
No it's not. It's martial arts... no real swordsman would call that sword fighting any more than cricket is baseball... :)
It's martial arts and swordsmanship with a hint of zen-ism.

<inner dynast>come on, take the bait, go down a path with no perfect defences</inner dynast>
What I meant to say though was that if I don't start with Tiger Warrior I'll never start buying war charms and get to it ever. I tend to not mind buying combat charms one at a time, but non-combat stuff I like to buy in chunks.
I believe my girl can take some pounding, at that. Lunar Excellencies are awesomely useful. I suppose it'd be a good idea to start building towards some more specialised defences soon, though... and maybe some self-healing for added endurance. Haven't played a 2nd Ed. Lunar before... any suggestions for my experience path?

As for meeting, she's not really involved with Lunar politics yet (she wants to explore a bit first so as to make a better judgement), but she'd be most friendly with the Wardens. It's open, though. Perhaps some other Lunars, needing a handy Full Moon (perhaps to pilot a warstrider? :D ), come looking for her, and find her hanging around with Lane? That'd get them both into the plot.
Jukashi said:
I believe my girl can take some pounding, at that. Lunar Excellencies are awesomely useful. I suppose it'd be a good idea to start building towards some more specialised defences soon, though... and maybe some self-healing for added endurance. Haven't played a 2nd Ed. Lunar before... any suggestions for my experience path?
I'd like to point out that Lunars have both a Perfect Attack (Lightning Stroke Attack) and a Perfect Defence (Flowing Body Evasion). They also have some charms for getting around soak and hardness (Impressions of Strength, Shell Crushing Atemi, Burrowing Devil Strike). I would recommend these if you plan to take on combat duties against warstriders.
A Perfect Parry or Perfect Soak would be more suited to her mentaility, but I'll look into it. The Attack I'll probably get, but there's a tree to climb... and I have to choose which way I take to it. Plus I want some extra action Charms, and it'd be nice to raise my Essence (Another mutation point! Added dice-caps in Fury-mode! Woo!), and self-healing is always nice... So many options.
Handily the perfect attack is on a tree after a few speed reducing charms and extra action charms. So that's very nice.

As for recommendations I'm running a 2E Lunar game and my players have very good luck with Relentless Lunars Fury combined with that tiger dodge charm because it reduces your DV penalty each round, also wasp sting blur to reduce the speed of a weapon, and then might bolstering blow to never run out of essence unless you try to really really hard.

Failing that halting the scarlet flow with DBT is always a winner. Not to mention the armor gift charm.

Of the two paths I like the Relentless Lunar Fury a bit more personally, gives you more options and I like being offensive rather than just a regen type guy.
Er... well... I'll certainly present myself in-game as a sorcerer, as that is what my character seeks to learn, but he's not a very good sorcerer. He knows only two spells, both of them are Terrestrial, Demon of the First Circle and The Impervious Sphere of Water (or Air). For game mechanics, he is more of a swordsman/social guy.

As for meeting you, I think that would be fairly easy. I'm currently looking for a circle start a campaign of justice in Creation, and I've been traveling since I left my "wife"'s manse. I can see compatibility with almost every other character on Team Anathema.
I'd be traveling the West semi-openly while training militias, etc. Though tracking me down might be slightly rough as I tend to wander.
Here is my two cents on my character.

My first spell is Summon Elemental. Damn handy. We are on a ship in the middle of the storm. Use the air elemental to calm winds and the sea one to give us good currents to move quickly.

The Elemental Empowerment Ritual is also fantastic for a thousand and one uses. Self repairing ship parts, burning hot cannonballs, armor and weapons that are light as air...

And who can say no to an 18L base attack for the Flying Guillotine?

For the rest, I went with the two Dex Excellencies so I can use the one to drop the cost of the second, and let me add it to just about everything I can need for dex, doubling my base roll. From here, I'm going to add on to the various charms until I have my defenses upped, and a set of kick-ass attacks. I got the Armor Forming Tech with my Moonfaced Mail so they stack for me in my DBT, and the feathers add another 1L/1B. Not too bad in a fight.
My character is a Sorceror-Engineer.

His very goal in life is to create unparalleled wonders. Of course, the Chosen of Serenity Sidereal in the Realm group happens to be his fiancee, so that may cause us some issues >.>.....

Anyway, he's either at his underwater Manse-Workshop (a hideout for us?) or somewhere in the Wavecrest Archipelago area finding out whatever else he can about the area in the First Age (more particularly in regards to Luthe).

As for spells, I picked up Incantations of Effective Maintenance (speeds up repairs/maintenance), Thunder Wolf's Howl (decent attacking spell), and The Parting of the Seas (see "parting the Red Sea;" Wikipedia it if you have to).
I like the underwater workshop idea. Makes it much harder for someone else to stumble onto it.

Once we get going, I can task some elementals to be security around the place, just to make sure that a bunch of Fae or Water Aspect DB's stick their noses where they don't belong.

I need to pick up Summon Demon. The first circle demons are good for stuff like that, and you don't need to treat them as nice as you do the elementals. The authorities in Yu-Shan don't like it if you treat the elementals crappy, but they don't care what you do to a demon.
Those Demons will not like it though, and we don't need to go pissing Octavion off >.>. In the mean time, we all should get Emerald Countermagic, as I see none of us have it. Its incredibly useful.

Now, I don't plan on having my character go for the Sapphire Circle any time soon, so one of you guys (Sherwood or Arthur) should consider it. My character needs to perfect his crafting abilities so he can start pumping out lots of 1st-Age goodness for us.
fhgwdads05 said:
Those Demons will not like it though, and we don't need to go pissing Octavion off >.>. In the mean time, we all should get Emerald Countermagic, as I see none of us have it. Its incredibly useful.
Now, I don't plan on having my character go for the Sapphire Circle any time soon, so one of you guys (Sherwood or Arthur) should consider it. My character needs to perfect his crafting abilities so he can start pumping out lots of 1st-Age goodness for us.
Actually, I expect you will have other problems beyond mere second-circle demons.

For instance: Fae, Lintha Pirates, Zombie Pirates, Human Pirates, Fae Pirates, Chimerae, Some more Pirates, Deathknights (who also happen to be pirates) and surviving social combat against a Deathlord (also a pirate). Oh, and lets not forget the transvestite sea-god...
fhgwdads05 said:
Always ready to spring the hurt, I see :-p
Would you believe that it's the transvestite sea-god you should be the most worried about? (Blatant lie, unless your name is Lane Tamur.)

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