OOC Talk


Nevermind~ I figured everything out. I still have a question but it's about the characters themselves and not me continuing to make mine.

Wtf- I leave for two hours and come back to ships, smut, fanfiction, and more....

What question do you got? cx @Despairingly Lucky

I didn't read through that but... I'm kind of afraid to check the OOC after this now TBH,

But it included shipping lol,

I like to imagine this as a virtual version of asking someone out except it's a character asking another character to be shipped together.... Now that I think about it it's more like arranged shipping and we're the parents... I think too deep... Anwyways~

I know I'm not done him yet but would you like to ship Mitsuru with Izuru? I feel like they'd go well together for what I have planned for him cx haha


@Despairingly Lucky

:D I have no problem shipping the two of them together~! <3

omg- you're right-

it's arranged shipping :0 our poor oc's can't even make their own choices //shot



Omg xD

Well... Izuru is like Hiro in the sense of he's like "Anyone wiling to take me!?" So he's fine with it


And yay! I promise they'll be cute. They'll match well cx

My sweet Amari shall be all alone....Ruining every persons lifes!! Yeah!!

WTF.....Why do Skyrim mods take so long to download....Ugh....
Ships galore, meanwhile Koizumi is making hearts with all the ships and pasting them in her wall

Hey guys!

I saw the discussion about smut and just wanted to remind everyone we don't allow any explicit/erotic content here on RpNation. No one broke any rules or anything like that, I just want to offer a friendly reminder. Please enjoy your roleplaying! *twirls away* Oh, before I go, if you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to me (or any other staff) on admin contact.


Ah sorry about that! ^^! Don't worry though- I wouldn't allow actual smut in the roleplay anyways for several reasons xD

the chat suddenly died
shattered said:
Ah sorry about that! ^^! Don't worry though- I wouldn't allow actual smut in the roleplay anyways for several reasons xD
the chat suddenly died
Yeah I know right.
I also kinda ship Shizu and Naoki...

They'd be cute together... (Mostly because I have a slight crush on his faceclaim haha).

And of course the twins are shipped. I think Shizu won't know what that means but Aki will be all embarassed and every more quiet than usual. Haha.
shattered said:
@Despairingly Lucky idk what i did link

My god Kanra!


And... umm...
@Cami I'm not completely sure what you mean by that but... Thanks.He probably needs it... Also his Luck stat is maxed so, It will be c:

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