[OOC] Out of Context Problem Thread [Inside the Great Maker]

We're doomed.


Right, I'll start working a character out. I'm going Moonsilver, definitely, but characterisation's not down yet.

EDIT: How professional in attitude do our characters need to be?
I'm thinking possibly Jade. Red may be involved. 8)

Along with the notion of speed and exploration/badass beatdowns of Gremlins.
Red ones go faster.

Mine's probably going to go Ultimate Courier/Infiltrator Type (Gets Through Any Blockade Or Your Money Back! Except We Don't Use Money Here.) Crystal Chameleon Style looks too fun not to use, and I only got Glories recently, so...
So, oh might ST Sherwood... what sort of purpose would the Alchemical batch have been built for?

War with another nation?

Gremlin and Void-tainted entities extermination?

Exploration of the Regions outside of the City for Resources?

Spearhead of tactical forces into the world that Autochtonia hailed from. Creation That Was?
Haku said:
I'm thinking possibly Jade. Red may be involved. 8)
Along with the notion of speed and exploration/badass beatdowns of Gremlins.
Hmm. The way my character's shaping up, I seem to be overlapping, though much less badass beating down. I a friendly rivalry- or just straight rivalry- acceptable?

EDIT: Also, Great Maker of Stories: Is this going to be our characters' first mission, or have they undertaken other things- either as part of the team, or individually before being picked for the team? Were they catalysed for the team, or chosen after having done some other stuff?
First off, thanks to Haku for setting us up, and for sharing that video. You always seem to find good stuff to post. If you find some pics of Major Motoko or Deunan Knute kicking ass, those would work well, too.

Ok, lets get to work.

Your characters are a part of a quasi-military/police force known to the people under the umbrella of Public Security. You have the ability to make arrests (hopefuly with some evidence to support your claim. The word of an Exalt goes far, but if you never back it up with something to say "this is my proof that he's a criminal" you will get in hot water.) and the use of deadly force is authorized. Needless to say that if you go on a killing spree, you will be put down like the void-tainted gremlin that you are.

Think of a specialized police force with the added bonus of being Exalted. You are the true versions of a SWAT team. You'll have access to vehicles and equpment as needed.

The bridgeway to Creation has NOT yet been made, so choose your backgrounds accordingly (No Manse, etc...)

Merits and Flaws are going to be allowed on a case-by-case basis. Since your bodies are custom made, many flaws will not apply to you, but some may.

Any other questions?
This will be your first mission as a team. Some amongst your numbers may have been made some time ago, while others could be fresh from the Vats. Which ever one works best with your concept.
I have another question.

How's thi background look? :lol:

Catalysed from a soulgem whose past lives include a maverick but brilliant explorer of the Reaches, who was largely divorced from life in the Nation- returning only for supplies, and to warn of imminent Gremlin attacks and a Regulator whose hunches were instrumental in catching a dangerous enemy spy, Irrepressible Conduit of Enlightenment's main influence is nevertheless the messenger- a mere Populat worker seconded to the Olgotary- who managed to carry the news of a disastrous accident that contaminated the nutrient slurry with mercury to the nearest neighbouring city, allowing them to send enough supplies to keep the city running until the conduits could be cleaned. That act was enough to have his soul considered for a promotion, and was the first entry of sufficient heroism to be considered for Exaltation. That influence is clear even in the Moonsilver Caste's name, and his inclinations reflect that long-dead hero's aptitude just as well.

Conduit prides himself on his ability to get in or out of anywhere- aided by his Charms, of course, but his natural talents (as natural as talents get for a creature of clay and steel animated by a human soul, at least...) play just as important a part. This is a valuable skill for infiltration and spying, but the true extent of the Protean's abilities are demonstrated when he is tasked with taking a message from one point to another. Running, jumping, rolling, swinging from conduit to girder- anything to get over or under the next obstacle and get the data needed to where they need to go. This is augmented further by his study of Crystal Chameleon Style Martial Arts, the art of the quintessential courier.

And Irrepressible Conduit of Enlightenment is proud of his abilities. The satisfaction he feels at a job well done- whether scouting a blight zone or carrying a vital component to a stranded exploration team, whether vital to the survival of the people or simply a few seconds faster than anyone's ever done it before- is matched only by the simple joy he feels from the freedom and power of running, jumping and climbing through the Realm of Brass and Shadow. That pride and joy is only magnified if another being is actively opposing his efforts- and he's well aware of the necessity of reining in his exuberance when more care is required to evade a blockade or pass a dangerous part of the Reaches. It's only when he's absolutely sure he's away free, and that it doesn't matter if they know, that he'll take a moment to let the opposition know (long after he's gone) just how comprehensively he's beaten them.

The young Moonsilver is tall and lean, with the usual greyish skin of an Alchemical Exalt of his cast and bold blue eyes. His somewhat angular face is often split by a lopsided grin- though he takes the responsibility on his shoulders quite seriously when undertaking an important mission, he still enjoys himself once the mission's underway. His white hair- an inch or two shy of shoulder-length- is kept slicked back away from his face to avoid obstructing his vision. He usually wears practical black overalls with a variety of pockets and pouches for carrying the kind of small-but-vital components that are his speciality, topped with an elegant helm of moonsilver; a clip on his belt holds a faceted, three-foot adamant baton that extends into the distinctive form of a crystalburst lance. Other than his artifacts, he usually carries simple but useful pieces of apparatus- a coil of rope, a knife, and anything he may have picked up for the particular mission he's undertaking.

Irrepressible Conduit of Enlightenment hasn't been Exalted long- though he was intended for the new Public Security team, there has been enough time as the administration was completed for him to run a short mission to rescue a stranded team of Reaches explorers by providing the vital components to repair their transport and bring the cargo of magical materials they had found back home. His role in the team is likely to encompass scouting, infiltration and surprise attacks- though as a Mirrorblade, he'll be expected to adapt to any emerging situation; a task that shouldn't be outside his capabilities.

It's not quite as long as mine sometimes are, mainly because of the nature of Alchemical Exaltation. Hey ho.

No sheet yet, but plannery is ongoing.
I have a starmetal caste in the works. Geared partially for social, but working toward comprehensive backup suites for combat and crafting as well. Probably going to become a Weaver once I get my essence up to 4.
Hey everyone. I'm leaning towards Moonsilver Caste, but nothing more concrete than that character-wise thus far.
Haku said:
Query, is the merit to gain favored abilities allowed?

Chaka said:
How are you handling martial arts at chargen?
Are you talking about MA Charms? Don't you just swap them out one-for-one? Or are you referring to something different?
MorkaisChosen said:
I have another question.
How's thi background look? :lol:

Catalysed from a soulgem whose past lives include a maverick but brilliant explorer of the Reaches, who was largely divorced from life in the Nation- returning only for supplies, and to warn of imminent Gremlin attacks and a Regulator whose hunches were instrumental in catching a dangerous enemy spy, Irrepressible Conduit of Enlightenment's main influence is nevertheless the messenger- a mere Populat worker seconded to the Olgotary- who managed to carry the news of a disastrous accident that contaminated the nutrient slurry with mercury to the nearest neighbouring city, allowing them to send enough supplies to keep the city running until the conduits could be cleaned. That act was enough to have his soul considered for a promotion, and was the first entry of sufficient heroism to be considered for Exaltation. That influence is clear even in the Moonsilver Caste's name, and his inclinations reflect that long-dead hero's aptitude just as well.

Conduit prides himself on his ability to get in or out of anywhere- aided by his Charms, of course, but his natural talents (as natural as talents get for a creature of clay and steel animated by a human soul, at least...) play just as important a part. This is a valuable skill for infiltration and spying, but the true extent of the Protean's abilities are demonstrated when he is tasked with taking a message from one point to another. Running, jumping, rolling, swinging from conduit to girder- anything to get over or under the next obstacle and get the data needed to where they need to go. This is augmented further by his study of Crystal Chameleon Style Martial Arts, the art of the quintessential courier.

And Irrepressible Conduit of Enlightenment is proud of his abilities. The satisfaction he feels at a job well done- whether scouting a blight zone or carrying a vital component to a stranded exploration team, whether vital to the survival of the people or simply a few seconds faster than anyone's ever done it before- is matched only by the simple joy he feels from the freedom and power of running, jumping and climbing through the Realm of Brass and Shadow. That pride and joy is only magnified if another being is actively opposing his efforts- and he's well aware of the necessity of reining in his exuberance when more care is required to evade a blockade or pass a dangerous part of the Reaches. It's only when he's absolutely sure he's away free, and that it doesn't matter if they know, that he'll take a moment to let the opposition know (long after he's gone) just how comprehensively he's beaten them.

The young Moonsilver is tall and lean, with the usual greyish skin of an Alchemical Exalt of his cast and bold blue eyes. His somewhat angular face is often split by a lopsided grin- though he takes the responsibility on his shoulders quite seriously when undertaking an important mission, he still enjoys himself once the mission's underway. His white hair- an inch or two shy of shoulder-length- is kept slicked back away from his face to avoid obstructing his vision. He usually wears practical black overalls with a variety of pockets and pouches for carrying the kind of small-but-vital components that are his speciality, topped with an elegant helm of moonsilver; a clip on his belt holds a faceted, three-foot adamant baton that extends into the distinctive form of a crystalburst lance. Other than his artifacts, he usually carries simple but useful pieces of apparatus- a coil of rope, a knife, and anything he may have picked up for the particular mission he's undertaking.

Irrepressible Conduit of Enlightenment hasn't been Exalted long- though he was intended for the new Public Security team, there has been enough time as the administration was completed for him to run a short mission to rescue a stranded team of Reaches explorers by providing the vital components to repair their transport and bring the cargo of magical materials they had found back home. His role in the team is likely to encompass scouting, infiltration and surprise attacks- though as a Mirrorblade, he'll be expected to adapt to any emerging situation; a task that shouldn't be outside his capabilities.

It's not quite as long as mine sometimes are, mainly because of the nature of Alchemical Exaltation. Hey ho.

No sheet yet, but plannery is ongoing.

I like what I see here. It makes me wonder just how long your backgrounds are if this one is a shorter one. :)

So, we have people talking about the following castes:

Haku - Jade

Hyrune - Moonsilver (Probably)

Chaka - Starmetal

MorakisChosen - Moonsilver

Gulup - no posts yet
To expand on my question on Nations from the Heavenly Registry thread, the reason I was wondering was because different Nations have different general outlooks, or even practices. To wit:

Alchemicals said:
The nation of Nurad is currently experimenting with state-sanctioned Alchemical cults in order to strengthen their defenses against the Void. While the other nations regard this practice as heresy and madness, the current time of crisis might force them to reconsider this stance if Nurad’s efforts prove efficacious and their own troubles deepen.
I don't particularly need/want the Cult background, but this is an example of how things may be affected.

As for Caste, I did mention to you I was making a Soulsteel in an IM. And as for the various series to use as inspiration... seen 'em all. :D

Just so long as BGC2040 isn't included... the abomination...

Edit: Also wanted to ask, is it possible/allowed to buy Charm Submodules with bonus points, or do we need to wait until we actually have xp to do so?
Sherwood said:
Haku said:
Query, is the merit to gain favored abilities allowed?

Chaka said:
How are you handling martial arts at chargen?
Are you talking about MA Charms? Don't you just swap them out one-for-one? Or are you referring to something different?
MA charms, yeah. You start with 8 charm slots and none of them can be empty I think, so none of your charm picks can go in to MA except for buying the Perfected Lotus Matrix in the first place. At least, that's what my reading seems to say to me, which sort of sucks; but it's not clear at all, so i was wondering how you were handling taking MA charms at chargen.
Chaka said:
Sherwood said:
Haku said:
Query, is the merit to gain favored abilities allowed?

Chaka said:
How are you handling martial arts at chargen?
Are you talking about MA Charms? Don't you just swap them out one-for-one? Or are you referring to something different?
MA charms, yeah. You start with 8 charm slots and none of them can be empty I think, so none of your charm picks can go in to MA except for buying the Perfected Lotus Matrix in the first place. At least, that's what my reading seems to say to me, which sort of sucks; but it's not clear at all, so i was wondering how you were handling taking MA charms at chargen.
Well... it'd be nice if MA charms are swapped one for one with normal charms as there are ways to get extra charms (1 bonus point per charm).
Chaka said:
Sherwood said:
Chaka said:
How are you handling martial arts at chargen?
Are you talking about MA Charms? Don't you just swap them out one-for-one? Or are you referring to something different?
MA charms, yeah. You start with 8 charm slots and none of them can be empty I think, so none of your charm picks can go in to MA except for buying the Perfected Lotus Matrix in the first place. At least, that's what my reading seems to say to me, which sort of sucks; but it's not clear at all, so i was wondering how you were handling taking MA charms at chargen.
Yeah, the only way I can see in the book is to buy MA Charms for an uncool 6BPs each- which I'm doing, otherwise Conduit wouldn't be able to use his lance with Martial Arts and would therefore be rather screwed...

That background's about a side of A4 in Open Office. For a character who has a childhood I can talk about and needs to have done stuff to get Exalted, it's not uncommon for them to be approaching two sides...


Name: Irrepressible Conduit of Enlightenment

Concept: Blockade runner

Caste: Moonsilver

Motivation: “Get into the heart of the Pole of Crystal- and back.â€

(F) Strength: ooo

© Dexterity: ooooo

(F) Stamina: oooo

Charisma: oo

Manipulation: oo

© Appearance: ooo

(F) Perception: ooo

Intelligence: ooo

© Wits: ooo

Martial Arts: oooo (2BP)

Athletics: ooo

Stealth: oo

Archery: oo

Awareness: ooo

Dodge: oo

Larceny: oo

Survival: oo

Lore: o

Medicine: o

Resistance: o (+1 Resisting Fatigue) (1BP)

Presence: o

Socialise: o

Bureaucracy: o


Class: ooo

Artifact: ooo (Crystalburst Lance, Victorious General's Galea, Autolabe (oo), Light Amplification Visor)

Eidolon: ooo

Charms: ooo

Contacts: o (Olgotary quartermaster)


Fourth Dexterity Augmentation [1]

Perfected Lotus Matrix [2]

Personal Gravity Manipulation Apparatus [1]

Optical Shroud [2]

Gyroscopic Stability System [-]

Accelerated Response System [1]

Precalculated Evasion System [1]

First Strength Augmentation [1]

Hierarchical Dogma Lock [-]

Second Manipulation Augmentation [1]

Integrated Artifact Transmogrifier [1]

Light-Treading Technique (6BP)


Compassion: oo

Conviction: oo

Temperance: ooo

Valour: oooo (6BP)

Essence: oo

Personal: (4)/13

Peripheral: 26/39

Willpower: ooooo oo


Populat (Protective affection for a group he remembers being a part of.)

I need to work out how to word him an Intimacy for "Getting Through Things That Make It Difficult"...
Haku said:
Well... it'd be nice if MA charms are swapped one for one with normal charms as there are ways to get extra charms (1 bonus point per charm).
That does seem the most logical way to do it.
Chaka said:
Haku said:
Well... it'd be nice if MA charms are swapped one for one with normal charms as there are ways to get extra charms (1 bonus point per charm).
That does seem the most logical way to do it.
Do you mean swapping out a Charm Slot, too? 'Cause I can see it getting rather nasty if you allow 1BP Martial Arts Charms.
I dunno. I'd limit how many you could swap, personally. Can't take the Form charm at chargen without paying the full 6 bonus points, something like that. The pre-form charms I'd allow; it's usually no more than two or three.

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