@Lexielai I have finally finished my character! May I ask you review him for any mistakes whenever you can? I'm kind of proud of him, but I'm sure there are a few holes since I wrote it mostly in one day.
@Daimao No clue. There's no dice system on RpN, so it wouldn't be easily accessible. I was thinking I'd just roll dice for tense, important plot situations to see how successful you action was. And if I did that, I was deciding between standard d20 rules or fate dice rules. I think I'll have to experiment to see what works best.
@Volfy Read your character sheet. I like the character; she's the first real adventurer we've got haha. =D
You're right that there are a few grammatical errors. I have no issue with the content or the writing; both are well thought out and well written respectively. Let me know as soon as you correct the grammar and I'll approve.