[OOC] On Discussions Held Elsewhere... [Broken Memories]



Any limits on Exalt type or stuff like that? Which region of Creation the story will be taking place in?
Submission of Kitty's Profile has been done.

If details of the city's appearance from a distance can be assertained, literary works might be produced.
Just found this forum.

So, gonna post my character on the next few days.

I don't know Haku's tag system. Is this a problem?
It's just putting [Profile] into the subject if it's a charactersheet. Or [Fiction] if it's fiction of your character and so on.

It's no biggie.
BTW Haku no details of anything can be provided before hand, sorry. Not before it all starts. First post will be via pm, basically it will be the same to all with minor changes for each player. That first post will end with all the PCs together someplace.
Don't know if I was supposed to PM first to ask to join, so consider the profile for SPG just an application to be accepted or rejected.
I was Aleph on Clashing Waves. And yes, I'm Arthur. Any moderator around would kindly un-change my name? As I'll probably ST here soon, it'd more... coherent not to be called as my Character for a game that isn't even running ATM.

I'm sorry if I'm being insistent, but there are a few other things I'd like to know. Will we be carrying anything when the game starts (clothes, for example)? My character obviously doesn't know he is an Exalted, but can I know what kind of Exalted he is? If so, are you allowing all the Celestials? How much of his appearance/personality should I include on the description? Could his Exalted nature be "hinted" like Haku did with Kitty (very coolly, if you ask me)?

I believe I'm having some ideas.
I've fixed the name thingie. As for what Kitty is, she can be a number of things. A lunar, a godblooded, an eclipse/moonshadow with shapeshifting, a fey... :D
I am curious as to how this will turn out.

I got the name from the Name Generator on the WW site. The strange thing is that the names have changed considerably compared to when I first tried them out.
Katherine Daniels?!?!


Am I related to the legendary Tau'ri Jackson Daniels? :lol:

EDIT - Also, where would we respond? via PM or in a thread here?
She might not know who she is... but she's not that trusting enough to sit down at a table with strangers.

Sorry, Nobble if this derails your plot.
I get the guilty feeling that I should explain more...

I just thought it'd start off a bit more... I don't know... epic. It just feels like I'm in the opening of a Stephen King story.

I think I was expecting something more exaltedly... -_-
Basically you all see two men at the table of the bar, which is a play on temporality, basically the two men you all see are two other pc (undisclosed) Its merely a means of getting you all sitting down in the bar at the same table.

ok I missed something out from the pms. That you all know the two men know well and trust for some reason but don't know why. i.e. you all know each other but haven't got the fainted clue as to why.
I think I should say what I got from my PM... at least in effect.

PC wakes up. She has no idea who she is. The face in the mirror isn't hers. She finds a wallet with a strange name and sundry. The enviroment outside is unfamiliar to her.

She leaves the room and goes... downstairs.

Where she ends up being accosted by two men who say that they don't remember anything, but they -imply- that THEY know that she also doesn't remember anything, while no one else in the bar picks that up. But won't she join them, anyhow?

How is that not suspicious and alarm bell raising? :shock:
In some ways, trusting a stranger at first sight is even MORE disconcerting, especially if -they- come to -you- first. It implies that they know more than you, ABOUT you. Tell me that's not going to raise some warning flags.

Like Haku said in an earlier post, not trying to derail things, but... it's a bit much to start off on faith like that.
If you would rather not tell me I understand, but I just wanted to know for reference: Is this standard Exalted setting (with usual ST tweaks), or modernized? The descriptions of the local and belongings made me wonder. Or should I just wait and see?
yup realise i made a little error in the intro.. should have let you all be in the bar and recognise each other and take itfromthere, my bad, apologies

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