OOC [Living In Aincrad: A SAO RP]

Riven said:
I remain alone in school with nothing to entertain himself with but RP >,_,<
pshh murica

Same when I'm in class, but I cant do a proper post while at school cus I need full focus xD
Ratchet said:
pshh murica
Same when I'm in class, but I cant do a proper post while at school cus I need full focus xD
PSSSSHHHH, Focus, what is this Focus you speak of, All I have is "Imagination"~~~ 
Only time I TRULY focus is Marching Band, for obvious reasons
Ratchet said:
pshh murica
Same when I'm in class, but I cant do a proper post while at school cus I need full focus xD
Whut, I can't even post at my school, I need to walk into town during my study period and use public computers if i have to post a school >_>
[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]Whut, I can't even post at my school, I need to walk into town during my study period and use public computers if i have to post a school >_>

My school, they give us our own personal laptops to use, however the only limitations is it blocks certain sites (for obvious reasons) , thank god RPN isn't blocked ^^

I mainly spam myself with Vocaloids in my free time on this laptop x3
My school allows us to use iPads, macbooks n desktops really. Technologic school owo
Ratchet said:
My school allows us to use iPads, macbooks n desktops really. Technologic school owo
And so forth, the future of America's Generation is about to end in flames ^^"

So forth, I'm running away to London when I graduate
Also, did either of you watch Tokyo Ghoul? Interested in an RP in it's universe?

Never Seen it, I would love to do a Hetalia or Gundam RP sometime though
[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]Haven't seem em, but I need something to do so I guess I'll watch Hetalia because I like it's name

Hetalia is enjoyable for its cartoony outlook, I prefer Gundam though
Well. That was a lovely conversation to wake up to.

*cough, takes deep breath*

Australia is awesome and I'm not just saying that because I live there. yes,, we have some deadly animals. But bi more then other countries, of course, there are some vicious drop bears, but stay away from trees and your golden. Lol

Spring is the best time to come. Not too hot, not too cold. Which is now sept-November. Although novemebrs members probably getting towards summer temps.

Where else can you go and see a gaint rocking horse? Or lobster? Or orange? Or sheep? Or any number f giant things?

Plus. Kangaroos.


And yay, more things to watch!
Caits said:
Well. That was a lovely conversation to wake up to.
*cough, takes deep breath*

Australia is awesome and I'm not just saying that because I live there. yes,, we have some deadly animals. But bi more then other countries, of course, there are some vicious drop bears, but stay away from trees and your golden. Lol

Spring is the best time to come. Not too hot, not too cold. Which is now sept-November. Although novemebrs members probably getting towards summer temps.

Where else can you go and see a gaint rocking horse? Or lobster? Or orange? Or sheep? Or any number f giant things?

Plus. Kangaroos.


And yay, more things to watch!
Nice post Caits :) #Suki4President

lol. this is a drop bear:


There were two german exchange students at my school a few years ago, we went on a camping trip, and we told them about drop bears. I pointed at a koala when we saw one and said "Drop bear"
SekiryuuteiDxD said:
What is everyone up to, trying to look for a spot to jump right in
So far I can remember that the party is in the next village from Town of Beginnings and inside an Inn. Some are level 5-7 I think and it just changed to the next day.
Sorry having computer troubles at the moment and have to do a complete restore so that's taking my attention.

And food.

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