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Fandom [OOC] Gothamites

I'm now curious as to what other info NoOne got in watch tower and what dirty secrets Waller has hid. So good job on making me curious.
Loony_Bin Loony_Bin ChazGhost ChazGhost You two okay? I don't know if you're enjoying fleshing out Gotham a bit, especially through the trains, or if it's getting dull. I also know that it can be a little tedious to just be led through everything by me, so I'm trying to offer a good balance of independence and plotting. I personally don't mind how long you two make the day out; in fact, you could work that out in PM's or even do a collab if you two found the time.

I will tell you that Marcel won't be available the following day, but that's because the next day IC will be a follow up of Freddy and Drake and I intend on giving them some Gotham-related subplot.

Basically, I don't want 'their' story to revolve completely around Marcel. That's never fair, imo. So this is a break from that and a chance to flesh them out more than when NoOne is being the overbearing plot element. So, if this were a choose-your-own-adventure story or a massive game like Witcher III, you now have the chance to fuck around and do 'side quests' which will ultimately give you more experience and playtime, or do a speed run and go right to finding your son in Fall Out 4. The game is what you make it; I just want you to be aware you have indirect choices in that.
Oh how the mighty have fallen...I'm about to post IC on my phone ChazGhost ChazGhost , I've sworn this off for over a year now, but desperate times call for desperate measures! I'll have a post up soon
Well I had forgotten about that list, tbh. I've obviously been working on various things for the Titans Initiative. What I do know is that Marcel would have prepared a data drive for Drake to pick up since Marcel is probably the only one that can use the tech. Past that, I think Marcel was going to have Drake go to a pick up point to get a stolen credit chip to help fund their adventures, a note that I'll type up telling Freddie to buy better bread, a watch of sorts kinda like the WTBands, but more like smartwatches so that he can talk to everyone and they can talk to him. Literally, it's going to be like a fancy Apple Watch, GPS and all. Then lastly I think he was going to send Drake to an old computer hardware store to pick up the exact type of connectors and adopters that Freddie would need to read old SATA drives.

Though you can just have most of that done with Freddie saying Drake doesn't know where things are.
ChazGhost ChazGhost Loony_Bin Loony_Bin I'm likely involving someone new in these plotlines and he will likely have a role in the upcoming posts regarding the Jokerz. I was actually working on the post tonight when this was brought to my attention. So, just hold out a bit and I'll get things hammered out.
ChazGhost ChazGhost Loony_Bin Loony_Bin Still looking for another post, mostly from Freddy, so that they're getting more information on the police bulletin. I don't know if Freddy has anything portable on him or if he has to go to a stash/van or something.
ChazGhost ChazGhost Loony_Bin Loony_Bin Still looking for another post, mostly from Freddy, so that they're getting more information on the police bulletin. I don't know if Freddy has anything portable on him or if he has to go to a stash/van or something.
I know, I've only just gotten back home today after b̶e̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶b̶u̶r̶i̶e̶d̶ ̶u̶n̶d̶e̶r̶ ̶s̶n̶o̶w̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶t̶w̶o̶ ̶w̶e̶e̶k̶s̶ being on vacation, but this is my first priority, don't worry
Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul ChazGhost ChazGhost

Just checking to see if you wanted me to post or not, I figured I didn't need to because Freddy is knocked out, but I thought you may be waiting on me as well, so i wanted to check just in case.

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