[OOC] For rules questions, general questions and raves [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

Yup. First question: Are we using the Core Jade MM weapon bonus or Oadenol's? I consider Oadenol's more balanced, personally, but am willing to go with whatever you decide as GM.
I always thought it was just shaded to a specific color... with the most plentiful color being the predominant one.
I'd rather it have it's own color, just to identify it more easily, you can have it Brown with sme flecks of one of the Jade colors for effects, but it won't net any bonus, except for the looks.
*nods* Just the idea of the combined colors being brown... ^_^ ;;;

Perhaps purple? *shakes head* not that would really affect anything.

In any event, time frame for when the game would start. Early Realm? Mid Realm? Late Realm (prior to Empress Disappearance)? Or Present Day with anathema all over the place?
I'm thinking after Empress disappears. it gives you guys more enemies to hunt down, and a chance to play with politics when you return back to rest in the Realm.
fhgwdads05 said:
Um... Tikor? Lunar Mentor/Moonsilver? Wtf? :?
That will all get hammered out shortly. It's just a holder to remind myself all the things I should figure out.

Don't take the actual stats on that sheet seriously at this point.
So whose taking what aspect?

IO know Tikor is taking fire and fhg is going earth...
I was kind of curious as to what was done or not done...

I'm thinking of an air aspect.
Glowing Coal Radiance.

I'm wondering if you're going with this charm as Reflexive?

Also, how does one resist this charm in your games?
Definitely, pending our ability to make it work for our characters. Hwan is an Immaculate Monk, you see. :P
Hey SRC, how are you handling Immaculate Monk character gen, in specific regards to Charms? The MoEP: DBs makes no mention towards whether or not the Enlightenment Charms required to take CMA are counted as part of the 5 Immaculate MA Charms you start with. Some people say they do, some people say they don't. My only concern is that if they don't, considering my character's lack of dice adders (no Excellencies because of the Charm choice requirements) he will be quite far behind everyone else before XP (and probably after, considering how CMA Charms cost more than normal DB Charms >_>).
Tempted to go with a Cathak and fire aspect... but nothing definitive until I get my CMA "Elemental Bending" approved :)
I'm looking at the Blessed Isle book page 90. Do we all need to buy at least Backing[Wyld Hunt] 1 or better, or will we be granted a free point in this background?

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