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Fandom OOC for Earth 17371

People trying to apply real world logic to a Marvel rp...
There's always one in a superhero RP. I had a couple as mods once and they killed all the fun they could and tried to make it grimmer and edgier.

I don't care it lazy writing to think hulk and a hippo have the same biology. If you can't defend it then it just another roleplay of it make believe and we just make up random shit.
"how mickey mouse talk? he have big hand and talk, real mouse don't do! unrealism!"
Yeesh. That's Tuff
You might call it Tuff E. Nuff

It's also technically true. No one gave their CS a like.
Yeah, neat, bye.
You were never accepted, anyways.
I was but it doesn't matter I don't care for thinking the hulk and an average bear would share the same residence to gravity. Bit it proof as mod you have no idea what going on .
Crenando Crenando HEY! I use physics, just minimally. Like, how much force it takes to break concrete or a possible explanation for durability, but that's about it.

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