OOC Discussion

Bruh, the Discord number ID thingamajig ain't showing up no matter how much I mention myself like a notif whore
Yes, I'm in the server thing and I'm punching in the keys into the get ID thing but the ID thing isn't coming out like it's supposed to. No numerals, nothin'.
[QUOTE="Lazy Rocktime]Yes, I'm in the server thing and I'm punching in the keys into the get ID thing but the ID thing isn't coming out like it's supposed to. No numerals, nothin'.

that is odd... I can only say try back later or into another program... (in case you're on a browser try to install it on the pc, or the cellphone... )
[QUOTE="Lazy Rocktime]Yes, I'm in the server thing and I'm punching in the keys into the get ID thing but the ID thing isn't coming out like it's supposed to. No numerals, nothin'.

If you are typiing "\@Lazy Rocktime" (or whatever username you chose for Discord) into the Get ID channel, and still are unable to get an ID, you will need to post a thread in Admin Contact and ask them to grab the ID for you. Admins are the only one with access to the ID channel after they've been confirmed. Giy and I are unable to see it and therefore we can't help you - otherwise we totally would.
@ViAdvena A+++++ character, I don't see any problems so congrats on knocking it out of the park. I can see her and Laurel paired up a lot they both have somewhat travel / teleportation based powers.

She could probably help laurel a lot since she seems to have an innate gift for direction which is something Laurel needs to learn.

@TheDox I meant specifically as a small child (baby to like 6 ) how did he survive on his own. How did he get his name. Did he live in foster care for a bit and just leave? Does he have any long term health effects from poor nutrition, us he illiterate? Those kinds of things, like if he is meant to have been homeless all his life maybe do a bit of research on it? Cuz like on the news you always here about the drugs, the child traffixlcking, the child prostitution, etc. So how did he dodge that? And how did he hand being exposed to the weather -not just cold but like hest or rain ?

Speaking of temperature how is he effected by extreme heat? Does he have a higher instance of heat stroke or something? Since his body is so acclimated to the cold.

Also for his powers you might want to take a look at Robert Drake (Earth-616)

The way his powers manifest remind me of ivan. Not saying you have to have the same abilities or have them work the same way bit like this was why I asked about pulling moisture from the air earlier.
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readingraebow said:
@TheDox I meant specifically as a small child (baby to like 6 ) how did he survive on his own. How did he get his name. Did he live in foster care for a bit and just leave? Does he have any long term health effects from poor nutrition, us he illiterate? Those kinds of things, like if he is meant to have been homeless all his life maybe do a bit of research on it? Cuz like on the news you always here about the drugs, the child traffixlcking, the child prostitution, etc. So how did he dodge that? And how did he hand being exposed to the weather -not just cold but like hest or rain ?

Speaking of temperature how is he effected by extreme heat? Does he have a higher instance of heat stroke or something? Since his body is so acclimated to the cold.

Also for his powers you might want to take a look at Robert Drake (Earth-616)

The way his powers manifest remind me of ivan. Not saying you have to have the same abilities or have them work the same way bit like this was why I asked about pulling moisture from the air earlier.
He's affected by heat fairly normally, but his ice may melt at a much faster pace than usual.

That said, he could still decrease the temperature of himself and/or his surroundings if need be.

As for the back story - he got his name from a note (possibly laminated or something) that was left somewhere with him.

Aside from that, in all honesty I really don't see the need to pull some huge explanation out of my ass for something that's barely even relevant to the current storyline - don't get me wrong, I appreciate the feedback, but I feel as though that part of the backstory would be more effort to explain than is really necessary.

He was vaguely looked after by various people for varying amounts of time, but still remained on the streets and for the most part alone, somehow literate and with no lasting health issues (yet a fair few temporary things, I must say).
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@TheDox fair enough I tend to think a bit indepth into things personally and I'm not saying you have to write a whole biography or anything. Like you didn't have to re-write his whole history to be like- it was a cold winter day and a baby was born on a icy slab of concrete and abandoned. for days he remained alone with only the rats to look after him.

Your not writing a novel I understand that. But like maybe just have it in the back of your mind - him being a homeless person would be a very huge part of his character. It would effect how he would interact with people as he would have spent his whole life on the sidelines of humanity - overlooked or abused by most of the people surrounding him.

And you know he probably should have lasting health issues if he was on his own. Just because realistically your not going to get three square meals a day or the proper nutrition if your scrounging for food in dumpsters or eating rats. Like think about it in order to avoid like scurvy or stunted growth you need proper food. Hell in order to avoid brittle bones you need to drink milk fairly regularly and I'm not sure how he would get that on the streets.

Again I'm not saying you have to write out his struggles with poverty or starvation. But maybe just look up the lasting effects of malnutrition at a young age? Just to see where he would be in terms of over-all health now.
readingraebow said:
@TheDox fair enough I tend to think a bit indepth into things personally and I'm not saying you have to write a whole biography or anything. Like you didn't have to re-write his whole history to be like- it was a cold winter day and a baby was born on a icy slab of concrete and abandoned. for days he remained alone with only the rats to look after him.
Your not writing a novel I understand that. But like maybe just have it in the back of your mind - him being a homeless person would be a very huge part of his character. It would effect how he would interact with people as he would have spent his whole life on the sidelines of humanity - overlooked or abused by most of the people surrounding him.

And you know he probably should have lasting health issues if he was on his own. Just because realistically your not going to get three square meals a day or the proper nutrition if your scrounging for food in dumpsters or eating rats. Like think about it in order to avoid like scurvy or stunted growth you need proper food. Hell in order to avoid brittle bones you need to drink milk fairly regularly and I'm not sure how he would get that on the streets.

Again I'm not saying you have to write out his struggles with poverty or starvation. But maybe just look up the lasting effects of malnutrition at a young age? Just to see where he would be in terms of over-all health now.
I'll definitely look into health effects, but I'm not sure if they'll fit very well. I guess we'll see.

But yeah, as I said, I really do appreciate the feedback, I just don't feel the depth of it all is necessary.

And yeah, it's a big part of his personality - the determination, the ability to think rationally and objectively, even the sadism. All developed (or at the least emphasised) by his time on the streets.
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welian said:
//sharpens knives

Such detail is like..

thinks of a comparison

If I asked you, Marvel, or DC, to explain why their character's powers work, with scientific accuracy

Some things are best left assumed for things to work. It's not that I don't want to put effort in.
TheDox said:
Such detail is like..

thinks of a comparison

If I asked you, Marvel, or DC, to explain why their character's powers work, with scientific accuracy

Some things are best left assumed for things to work. It's not that I don't want to put effort in.
lol. well marvel actually does do a pretty good job of explaining things with at least an attempt at science. when they don't just go - because DemiGod or Magic.

dc, is a little more comic-booky. and honestly if he makes it magically snow because of idk his amazing mind powers idc. i was just curious honestly because if he did pull moisture out of the air that could be a secondary effect of his power. he would make it very dry and i think like difficult for other people to breathe or something. that was where i had intended to go with that.

and the effect of heat is because i've gone to both florida and texas during the summer months and that kind of heat is no joke. just normal every day people can get dehydrated or heat stroke if their not careful. for someone who is used to keeping his body at i'm assuming a pretty cool temperature it would be even more difficult. i'm not saying he has to pass out every time it gets above 70 degrees, i'm just saying maybe have him be uncomfortable or go comedically bare. like just walk around in his boxers because he's soooooo hot and everyone else is just a little warm.

that kind of thing. it was just something i thought might be interesting to explore but as you said it's not like a major character point or anything - or even anything you had to do.
readingraebow said:
lol. well marvel actually does do a pretty good job of explaining things with at least an attempt at science. when they don't just go - because DemiGod or Magic.
dc, is a little more comic-booky. and honestly if he makes it magically snow because of idk his amazing mind powers idc. i was just curious honestly because if he did pull moisture out of the air that could be a secondary effect of his power. he would make it very dry and i think like difficult for other people to breathe or something. that was where i had intended to go with that.

and the effect of heat is because i've gone to both florida and texas during the summer months and that kind of heat is no joke. just normal every day people can get dehydrated or heat stroke if their not careful. for someone who is used to keeping his body at i'm assuming a pretty cool temperature it would be even more difficult. i'm not saying he has to pass out every time it gets above 70 degrees, i'm just saying maybe have him be uncomfortable or go comedically bare. like just walk around in his boxers because he's soooooo hot and everyone else is just a little warm.

that kind of thing. it was just something i thought might be interesting to explore but as you said it's not like a major character point or anything - or even anything you had to do.
Noted. I can see him doing some interesting stuff, when it gets hot.


Please excuse my lack of pretty fonts and, well, a gallery. Those are soon to come should this be given the thumbs up.

EDIT: Gallery and relationships are updated.


Clemence, Gwyneth

  • Full NameGwyneth "Gwen" Clemence
    SubjectEmotional Composure
    HairChestnut; wavy; neck length
    BuildEcto/mesomorphic: svelte, thin, and fit
    LimiterLevel 3; Active

if you'll excuse me, i'm off to cry in a corner as i await rejection
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k yea, i cant wait so im just gonna put up my cs with the old pic and get started on a post later tonight prob, ill notify u guys when it changes
Oh my gosh this took way too long for me to get done because of technological and general life hiccups thrown my way. @welian


  • Full NameNikolaus Claude Brandt
    RaceHalf German Half American
    Eyes Blue
    Hair Platinum Blond
    BuildLean & Muscular
    LimiterLevel 3; Active
    NotesSmokes Frequently
Rida said:
Clemence, Gwyneth
Hm, the first thing I read, because that's where the most commentary is often needed/given, is powers. With your character I think the power already came up, and I don't really remember what or where. The subject was basically whether or not having emotional manipulation is god modding or not. Now, again, I can't remember where in the OOC thread this conversation was, but it was quite far back. Maybe it's a good idea to find those posts and read them, since that tiny thread basically said most of what there was to say without having a specific character with those powers.

Secondly, your personality and the points in the "Heroism Meter" don't really match up. You describe her as 'dis-organised' but on the scale of chaos to orderly you give her five points of nine, which, to me, indicates a mostly to somewhat organised character. 'Dis-organised' and 'overly analytical' also seem somewhat contradictory to me, but that's probably just me.

Lastly, because I work back to front, in your general tab you listed the limiter as being recently activated, to me this seems contradictory to the backstory, where she got a limiter at a young age, and limiters can't be turned off until you're 18. Did you mean recently re-activated, and if so, why would it be activated after a period where it wasn't active?

AngstyAlb said:
Again, I work back to front, I don't know why. So let's start with your power. It's awesome. I was kind of waiting for someone to turn up that could basically make holographs. That said, I do have some questions and comments. Firstly, I'd move invisibility to the sub-powers header, since it's described as applied holographic projection. The second sub-power is basically that his fists can go the speed of light, am I right? How do his hands hold up to the pretty extreme friction and the like? Do the projected photons offer some sort of protection? Also, with two speedster characters already accepted, I'd shy away from saying faster than anything in this world. With the weaknesses it's implied that he has no power to actually create light, but does this mean he can create darkness by, uhm, 'pulling' photons from say, one side of the room to the other? Also, what is his range, both with how big he can make his projections as well as how far away from himself he can make them? Can he only manipulate photons he can see? How long can he hold a projection up? Definitely a nice touch that someone who would be so dependent on light is afraid of going without.

Again, I'm confused by the points you put in your 'Heroism Meter' versus how you described the character. You put 4 points in the 'Selfish' to 'Altruistic' scale, but describe him as 'Self-Centred'. The rest of the biography tab seems good to me.

Just one note on the General tab, and this is not at all something you need to change, but I think your character is the third or fourth (part) German in this RP.

Those are my two cents on both character sheets, and I didn't expect that to become so long. Two very interesting characters!
RemainingQuestions said:
Hm, the first thing I read, because that's where the most commentary is often needed/given, is powers. With your character I think the power already came up, and I don't really remember what or where. The subject was basically whether or not having emotional manipulation is god modding or not. Now, again, I can't remember where in the OOC thread this conversation was, but it was quite far back. Maybe it's a good idea to find those posts and read them, since that tiny thread basically said most of what there was to say without having a specific character with those powers.
Secondly, your personality and the points in the "Heroism Meter" don't really match up. You describe her as 'dis-organised' but on the scale of chaos to orderly you give her five points of nine, which, to me, indicates a mostly to somewhat organised character. 'Dis-organised' and 'overly analytical' also seem somewhat contradictory to me, but that's probably just me.

Lastly, because I work back to front, in your general tab you listed the limiter as being recently activated, to me this seems contradictory to the backstory, where she got a limiter at a young age, and limiters can't be turned off until you're 18. Did you mean recently re-activated, and if so, why would it be activated after a period where it wasn't active?
Hi! Firstly, thank you for the lovely input!

Yes, we had a conversation about emotion manipulation when I first brought the topic up, and I tweaked the power according to each of their suggestions. We do have a Telepath in this roleplay already I believe, so an Empath would be the counterpart to that. I'm open to suggestions, however, so please let me know if you feel the power is still a little OP!

A five for order? Crap, I must have messed up the points. Thank you so much for pointing that out--I'll be sure to fix that. As for being disorganized and an over-thinker, I don't exactly understand how that would be contradictory, so I'd love it if you could explain your reasoning, sweets. I actually based those two off of myself

As for your last point, I figured this would cause confusion. Her limiter has been inactive for the past several years, but a recent "high-strain incident" had it reactivated. I'll probably change the wording for that.

Once again, thank you so much for looking my character over--it means a lot.
Rida said:
Hi! Firstly, thank you for the lovely input!
Yes, we had a conversation about emotion manipulation when I first brought the topic up, and I tweaked the power according to each of their suggestions. We do have a Telepath in this roleplay already I believe, so an Empath would be the counterpart to that. I'm open to suggestions, however, so please let me know if you feel the power is still a little OP!

A five for order? Crap, I must have messed up the points. Thank you so much for pointing that out--I'll be sure to fix that. As for being disorganized and an over-thinker, I don't exactly understand how that would be contradictory, so I'd love it if you could explain your reasoning, sweets. I actually based those two off of myself

As for your last point, I figured this would cause confusion. Her limiter has been inactive for the past several years, but a recent "high-strain incident" had it reactivated. I'll probably change the wording for that.

Once again, thank you so much for looking my character over--it means a lot.
I'm not going to give an in depth reply, just a correction. The reply is coming tomorrow. The correction is that I misunderstood the chaos/Orderly scale it's how much they follow the rules, so those two don't really contradict! Sorry!

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