[OOC] Communications

Not much to say. We all know life gets in the way of this kind of stuff. I'm happy to be participating in this again. Congrats on the girlfriend though, I can be 100% truthful in saying my roleplays would take a backseat if I had a girlfriend. At least for a little while before I tried to get her into them too :P
Sorry I haven't been replying, either. I've been dealing with some real-life shit. I've hit a couple of personal problems and so I've been really attempting to deal with them in a healthy way.
I'm still totally down to roleplay, so take your time Bud, and congrats on joining the couple's community and becoming a giggling idiot like me ;D
One Mean Ghost One Mean Ghost Randomfella Randomfella Neon Valkyrie Neon Valkyrie The Regal Rper The Regal Rper BainOfBridges BainOfBridges ShadowBroker ShadowBroker ChazGhost ChazGhost Loony_Bin Loony_Bin

It's been a while. A long while. I won't bore you with the full details of why, but it was a culmination of two things: the end of a toxic relationship and the difficulty of executing my previous plan.

I say difficulty because it was plainly very, very difficult to bring myself to write out all of the future-forward scenarios because, well, I set myself up for a lot of diversity. It was a wonderful thing in the beginning, but an extremely draining one to manage one halted.

I assure you, it isn't for naught. I have a whole group of people that were ready to help me out and support me. What did I do, you ask? I asked for help and got it in spades. All the way from how the RP was structured with the multiple active threads to the narrative that was going on. The plan is really just a more dramatic version of my previous one, but it'll do a few more things.

I'll key you in on some things. First and foremost, the time skip will be closer to a year. Why? Because I have a lot of active sub-plots going on and y'know what? It's high time we wrap the up in a time skip. The pacing was too slow for what I was going for, so the decision here is to skip it. This probably brings up this wonderful question: Well, Paul, how are we the players going to know anything if you just skip it? That's where the help really came in. A year is a long time and not only can a lot happen, but a lot of surprises can be thrown your way. The people that helped me are far better writers than I (in my humble opinion), and what's going to happen is two-fold: your characters will be developed/different in surprising and interesting ways and I will explain how this came to be in periodic flashbacks to your posts, either by my posts or through editing them.

I won't lie to you: I generally enjoy player autonomy. I wasn't pretty heavily against this at first, but those beloved friends of mine convinced me on two fronts that I'll share with you. The first was just how awesome some of the ideas they came up with were. I would go as far as saying their creative tweaks were better than my initial plots by a long shot and thus make the character dynamics massively more interesting. The second is the alternative: a timeskip without them. What would it be? Plunging characters forward a year with little-to-no-change and lackluster flashbacks. It took some time, but the ultimate kicker was when I allowed these guys (one in particular) to tell me how he would "end" my subplots--which is basically the same as a GM as it would be for your as players having your characters played forward. I was given some very interesting alternatives to how to end the VIRI simulation (or not, hint hint), what to do with Team Redbird, how to continue Anatoli's influence, what to do about villains, how to push forward hero development, how to make the Virimater plotline a beautiful failure, and so on. A lot of loose ends being tied up in ways I hadn't considered, and that I felt did a better job than even my own plots.

This leads me to the last really big thing. I'm bringing everyone together this time, even the Shadows of Gotham. So yeah, that means all the remaining Titans will return to a single team, another major event will happen, and there will be player-character antagonists. It's a big change, but sometimes change is necessary to thrive.

To those of you that don't like the idea of your characters being "played forward", I do suggest you at the very least wait until you see the post I'm going to call the Epilogue which will be the actual reintroduction of every major character. Think of it as the jump from Naruto to Naruto Shippuden.

This post is longer than I wanted, but I'm pretty excited and it was extremely nice to get help from others. Needless to say, I'm back, and in the next two weeks, expect... an explosion.

Sir Les Paul Sir Les Paul

Pffew, I think I lost track of what I wanted to say, let me list it.

  • To know the changes that will happen to my character. (Before the post)

  • To know the state of the context that surrounds my character. (After the post)

  • To know a better way to contact you so I am aware of the state of the RP.

The options were two, as you first indicated. Either move along with the described "awesome" ideas from your friends; which I can't either deny or agree... or a fast-forward year of time-skip without any change or development.The only problem here is that you see two roads and make a choice over it, while I say, "Hey- you don't actually have to take a choice among the roads. We can build a new one and travel as we go!"

Like yourself, I think I am making this answer longer than it should be... My point is, as player and many of us would completely agree, we will like to know how our character will be developed 'Before' it happens. How about character's relationship with the group and its leaders? How would change their intentions? - And even as we catch on with the 'Hows' which are many to list I imagine, we have also to catch on with the 'Why's - Why has he/she changed through out this year?

I been "inactive" with this project because nothing seem to move forward - partially awaiting for something to happen, and I intended to change that from my side. You and I worked together to create my character, it was very hard to do so and I believe we would like that this work does not become just wasted time. I will later ask for the discord chat so we can further communicate without delays.

I am excited to work again with you!
I look forward to the time skip. Let me know whats going be happenimg Drake (NeoShade) once you figure that out. I like to know what happens in that year for him.
In response to the people wanting to know what's happening with their characters, understand this: not every change will be as... Intense as others.

One character, for example, is going to have their entire identity rewrote by the upcoming change. This change will see them effectively take on the cyborg/android role from the Titans in easily my favorite way. Another will be taking up an unlikely mantle.

Finally, some characters won't have massive changes, but instead will have more personal development towards the team. A character with minimal change will be Huge, but that is because Huge by intrinsic value is extremely adverse to change as a person. The leaps he makes internally may be just as important as someone being a literal cyborg.

What I can tell you is this: there were several excellent, creative minds behind these changes and I believe that just about everyone will like where they go, and if not, it may grow on them.
In response to the people wanting to know what's happening with their characters, understand this: not every change will be as... Intense as others.

One character, for example, is going to have their entire identity rewrote by the upcoming change. This change will see them effectively take on the cyborg/android role from the Titans in easily my favorite way. Another will be taking up an unlikely mantle.

Finally, some characters won't have massive changes, but instead will have more personal development towards the team. A character with minimal change will be Huge, but that is because Huge by intrinsic value is extremely adverse to change as a person. The leaps he makes internally may be just as important as someone being a literal cyborg.

What I can tell you is this: there were several excellent, creative minds behind these changes and I believe that just about everyone will like where they go, and if not, it may grow on them.
So I assume these changes will be talked about with each person individually?
I'm excited for the new direction this RP is going in, for sure, and can't wait to see what that devious little brain of yours has cooked up for us, SLP. Cheers, mate.
So I assume these changes will be talked about with each person individually?
I'm excited for the new direction this RP is going in, for sure, and can't wait to see what that devious little brain of yours has cooked up for us, SLP. Cheers, mate.

To be honest, I want to reveal most of them together. All of us have come a long way as a group and I think seeing the changes in characters you have played alongside for upwards of a year all at once, big and small, will be a lot better experience than just focusing on your own.
Firstly, allow me to say that I am excited for these changes and the time skip, I think it's an excellent idea truly, and in terms of the plot lines and everything I'm very excited to see how you and everyone your working with will be bringing together these elements and plot lines together.

However, I won't lie, on the subject of characters I am a bit....apprehensive. Of course over the course of a year's time skip characters would change, however I'm not really a fan of the idea of being handed a list of decisions a character I've been writing made and being told 'Here, this is what happened enjoy!' surely we'd be allowed to put in our input and such, saying what things would be less likely to happen and add things we think would happen as well right? Like, I understand that there are some situations some characters wouldn't be able to not go through with and such, but I guess...I'm a bit concerned of getting a note like 'Your character gets over the death of their mother' or something when that's not something they would do...

I hope I voiced my concerns well, I'm still excited for whatever happens, just a tad apprehensive
Of course over the course of a year's time skip characters would change, however I'm not really a fan of the idea of being handed a list of decisions a character I've been writing made and being told 'Here, this is what happened enjoy!' surely we'd be allowed to put in our input and such, saying what things would be less likely to happen and add things we think would happen as well right?

This is a somewhat difficult example to explain, but my best stream of logic is that the way I am approaching certain events is that there can be huge changes that happen at which a character and player would have no control in happening--only their response. I assure you that there will be some massive changes to the NPC's, so this will not feel like everything is just unfairly happening to characters. In fact, what I intend on doing is pretty complex for a GM--it's almost a story within a story both of which are being told at the same time. Luckily, like I said, I received some help and guidance from people a bit better than myself.

That said, most of the backstory will be told through flashbacks and the Epilogue post. This does not mean you cannot have your own flashbacks that further flesh out events. And, of course, if you absolutely want to contest something, you still can PM me.

This is where I want to pause and remind you--all of you--that not a single character here came to exist in the RP without me being pretty heavily involved. I take just as much pride in your own characters as you do. I'm not going to do something to outright ruin them.

Have some faith.
I've posted the very first Part of the Epilogue (It will be multiple smaller parts) to give you a taste of where things are going.
I am confused

Shane is in an extremely unique situation in that after Control Freak took over the VIRI simulation, they actually haven't found a way to get him out of it...

However, they did regain control of it. So what they did, instead, was construct extremely advanced Android bodies for him to interact with the real world. He uses an interface very similar to the TitanGuard, but is far more lifelike. He can hear, see, smell, taste, touch, etc. the whole world through an Android body, and even if that body is destroyed, they can just deploy another. Due to this, he was given the moniker of Cyborg mostly as a nod to the OG Cyborg of the Titans.
Shane is in an extremely unique situation in that after Control Freak took over the VIRI simulation, they actually haven't found a way to get him out of it...

However, they did regain control of it. So what they did, instead, was construct extremely advanced Android bodies for him to interact with the real world. He uses an interface very similar to the TitanGuard, but is far more lifelike. He can hear, see, smell, taste, touch, etc. the whole world through an Android body, and even if that body is destroyed, they can just deploy another. Due to this, he was given the moniker of Cyborg mostly as a nod to the OG Cyborg of the Titans.
Is he still active in the VIRI simulation then? Or is it pretty much rp wise he is now a cyborg. I'm assuming there's some plot point to fix that later on then tho.
Is he still active in the VIRI simulation then? Or is it pretty much rp wise he is now a cyborg. I'm assuming there's some plot point to fix that later on then tho.

His body is being kept alive effectively by life support. Techwise, what happened is that the extremely secured data transmissions to his brain were effectively scrambled. While the Data is still being transmitted, it's completely incomprehensible to the program and thus it can't safely bring his conscious mind back into his body. His body, in fact, is basically frozen to the point he isn't even aging right now. Even then, the program would have to write all of the new memories onto his brain, so he'll be in his current state for a fair bit of time. The thing is, VIRI is an otherwise extremely powerful program. His mind is still completely functioning as long as the program runs. So, LexCorp allowed the League to create a program that allows a VIRI simulation to be compatible with the TitanGuard, then made him custom bodies. LexCorp gets good PR and gets to study how it works, Shift gets a body, and meanwhile instead of returning as a soldier with the ability to take on different types of skin, he can take on the role of Cyborg.

As for if there's a plot element to fix it, yeah. A few, actually. I'll either bring them in at some point or you might just enjoy the cyborg mechanic, but for now, this idea was too interesting to just pass up. The idea ties into the whole "just because you succeed doesn't mean there were no consequences" idea.
I'll roll with it for a while but it feels like the character has just been forcibly changed to fit your own desires, with no prior communication with me to confirm anything. A lot of Shane's personality and perks/issues stem from his powers, this almost takes all of those away until he can access his body again, which sure can be a good arc to run with but it has never been how I intended the character to play out. I also don't see how their success lead to this consequence, they seem like two different things entirely, this consequence being from a training exercise after all.

Also what happened to the other recruits in the VIRI sim?
I'll roll with it for a while but it feels like the character has just been forcibly changed to fit your own desires, with no prior communication with me to confirm anything.

Well, you're not entirely wrong; except that's happening to basically every character, albeit Shane is getting the most drastic change. As for it being my own desires, this wasn't the direction I intended on taking this at all, but when the idea was presented to me based off the VIRI simulation, I came to like it more and more singularly because not only would it be an extremely good backstory for a character of this cybernetic nature, but it again emphasizes the risk that can even come with mundane tasks in being a hero.

A lot of Shane's personality and perks/issues stem from his powers, this almost takes all of those away until he can access his body again, which sure can be a good arc to run with but it has never been how I intended the character to play out.

I firmly disagree, and here's why: his personality will persist even if his powers don't. Shane, like any of is, is who he is regardless of what he can do. Talk to an amputee and they'll tell you that while their life has changed, they're still themselves. More so, it's not like he can't simply request a body that does something similar to his old one in addition to a few new feats. Or, you could just go all the way with a new set of abilities. This is a chance less to see what he "loses" and more to see what he can gain during this chapter in his life. It's not like he won't ever get his body back again.

Just because his powers were integral to his development during his younger years doesn't mean he loses who he is without them. If that's the case, then we did an exceptionally poor job actually making character and I feel like we certainly didn't at the time.

I also don't see how their success lead to this consequence, they seem like two different things entirely, this consequence being from a training exercise after all.

The success would be defeating Control Freak, or this iteration thereof. It'll be explained a little more in full in the post for it, but Control Freak was one of the lead software engineers for VIRI which was actually originally intended to be the ultimate video gaming experience. Once it's applications were figured out, the tech, engineers, and patent were all taken in by the military and the inherent danger of the technology kept it off the market. Basically, in this world, the government prevent Sword Art Online from ever happening. Control Freak wanted to sabotage the Titans to get back at the government for what they did to VIRI and bastardizing it for military use. He kidnapped thousands of soldiers and of course the Titans to put them in the video game they were making, Dungeon of the Destined.

While they stalled out Control Freak whom had to compete with them in the game, they actually overrode his hack in the system, found out he completely digitized his mind using VIRI, and his last ditch effort to ruin everything was by corrupting the data transmissions to the VIRI network individual neural networks in VIRI chambers. About half of the people died from shock. Some went comatose. As the story is wrote now, Shane was one of the few that survived it since his body was already accustomed to major changes in form, ie his ability. In fact, you could say that his powers are fundamentally why he isn't in a coma now.
So I more mean a lot of a characters goals and challenges can revolve around their abilities, and this change doesn't lose who he is, but it fundamentally changes him as a character, which again was never how I intended the character to turn out. At least if you communicated it with me we could have come to some understanding upon it, or you even could have convinced me in a certain way.

The main issue is while this is your role-play, it doesn't mean the characters are your characters. This isn't a book that one person is writing, it's a setting upon which people are building their own characters alongside the person running the game and other characters or npc's within. Again, I'll role with it unless it becomes obviously clear that this was intent to simply change my character.
Luckily for me, I had no idea where I was going with Alex so I am alright with whatever you have planned. Really like the super hero name too.

Really curious as to how he and Becky developed as teammates though, unless we are just scrapping that.
Luckily for me, I had no idea where I was going with Alex so I am alright with whatever you have planned. Really like the super hero name too.

Really curious as to how he and Becky developed as teammates though, unless we are just scrapping that.
I hope we're not scrapping that! I liked them as teammates.
Part 2 is up. This is the end of the Virimater arc and leaves off with where Rebecca and Alex were for 4 months.

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