OOC Chat

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If you're creating a character @BlackJack you should probably pick a color you want, then try to form a name around that. For instance I chose blueish, then went with Skye, and made her color Sky Blue. For my other character, I went with gray and came up with Greta. Then the rest of the character just fell into place.

@Mossino Gj! :) <3 
We actually have a Carmine in the rp, he will come into play later. I need like a more minty looking green or a lighter red I am thinking. But I am really unsure. Again I am studying NTR and trying to come up with stuff.
We actually have a Carmine in the rp, he will come into play later. I need like a more minty looking green or a lighter red I am thinking. But I am really unsure. Again I am studying NTR and trying to come up with stuff.

Scarlet might be a good light red color

As for minty green, well Honeydew, mint cream, Neon Green
If theyre gunna be something like KANL

That leaves S S J

I came up with something like team Jaspe: JSSP 

Requires a P name though

Colors: Pale green? Peridot (yellowy)? Pistachio? Pumpkin (orange), Powder blue, Phlox (purple), Purple, Prune (reddish), Plum, Pink
If theyre gunna be something like KANL

That leaves S S J

I came up with something like team Jaspe: JSSP 

Requires a P name though

Colors: Pale green? Peridot (yellowy)? Pistachio? Pumpkin (orange), Powder blue, Phlox (purple), Purple, Prune (reddish), Plum, Pink

That however contradicts Blackjack's statement about leaders. But its up to Blackjack to make the final call. KANL is good.
I think team leaders should just be up to whoever. I mean, Jaune and Ruby were leaders, and look at them. Besides, having a really odd person as a leader could be good.
I think team leaders should just be up to whoever. I mean, Jaune and Ruby were leaders, and look at them. Besides, having a really odd person as a leader could be good.

This is true, but both Ruby and Jaune are leaders because they exhibited leadership qualities. Or they're leaders to bring those qualities to the surface.
Karmin as team leader will be terrifying.

After this I went to read Karmin's bio, and as soon as I read this 

"Karmin is blunt, brusque and boisterous girl. She has a lot of aggression in her system, and she vents it without much care to the consequences. She's the type to start and argument over any topic that takes her fancy, even if it seems like a fairly trivial one. She happens to have a lot of strong opinions about a variety of issues, and she won't hesitate to let someone know exactly what she thinks about them. She's also exceedingly stubborn and bull headed, and nobody should expect to change her opinion on something without first giving and arm and a leg. She doesn't like to fight simply for the sake of fighting, but she often gets into fights due to her combative nature."

I immediately burst out laughing imaging her as a leader.
After this I went to read Karmin's bio, and as soon as I read this 

"Karmin is blunt, brusque and boisterous girl. She has a lot of aggression in her system, and she vents it without much care to the consequences. She's the type to start and argument over any topic that takes her fancy, even if it seems like a fairly trivial one. She happens to have a lot of strong opinions about a variety of issues, and she won't hesitate to let someone know exactly what she thinks about them. She's also exceedingly stubborn and bull headed, and nobody should expect to change her opinion on something without first giving and arm and a leg. She doesn't like to fight simply for the sake of fighting, but she often gets into fights due to her combative nature."

I immediately burst out laughing imaging her as a leader.

i can see Nyx just watching from the sidelines while Karmin is fighting someone. (Nyx is very hard to tempt into a fight. unless your a grimm)
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