OOC Chat

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The reason I took work off is just because I don't want to wash dishes on Halloween it was not specifically for this, just so you guys don't think I am that hardcore XD.
Hmm we have 4 people willing to join but they all asked around the same time so I have no idea what to do.
That is the fairest way it seems, i think they will all be signing up as guys so in the end we will have 3 guys and not two like you wanted.
Ha! Yah, aww, dernit. :P

Nah, jk, its fine whatever they join as xD

Did any of the remaining people contact you @BlackJack? To see who is the last person? Or is it just a first come, first served sorta deal?
Well Clockwork who was not originally in the interest check thread requested to join as soon as the roleplay went up along with two others. However they asked 22 hours ago and the others asked 20 so just to be fair I will let them take the spot for now.
Well Clockwork who was not originally in the interest check thread requested to join as soon as the roleplay went up along with two others. However they asked 22 hours ago and the others asked 20 so just to be fair I will let them take the spot for now.

Good to be here everyone! @Cruor Flumine nice to see you again! Also I will get to work on uploading my character
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Actually 2 of them have been replying to me via personal message, this person here has been and so has another. But for fairness sake I have to let the one who requested first to join.
@Clockwork Syringe
Pyrrha was my fave character from the moment she was on screen in RWBY. Seriously I was FURIOUS/UPSET/HORRIFIED/SUPER SAD when she died. I almost boycotted RWBY right then. No joke, nothing in anything ever has ever effected me like Pyrrha's death did.
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