OOC Chat

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1 minute ago, Clockwork Syringe said:


Hurry! or the memes will consume the rpers! 


noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! its 1am for me rn. i don't wanna miss the start! im terrible at jumping in after an rp has started.
Sadly I must sleep for I have class and Anatomy quiz wednesday. But before I leave I will put up the intro post, sorry if it seems rushed but I am a college student and I don't get enough sleep as is. Eco will be the last to be launched so it will give me time to post again. Remember, lets make this semi quick.
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not sure if headmaster flint is insane, incredibly smart, or just a butt. This is gonna be fun.
I won't be posting. at least not tonight. because rn while I'm tired my post would end up being two or three sentences.
Also a question, should I change Skye's name so it would better match team Angel? Maybe say.. Azure, or something like that?

Edit: Maybe just turn her name around, and make her Icema Skye? (so her first name can be Icema?) pronounced Iyzma? or just Iyzma for clarity? Simply "Ice"? Ivory? for a white like ice?

Iduno I feel like I should change it to make it better for "Team Angel"
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You know, attempting to write a good post at 1:47 am last night was not the best of ideas....

Made my post a bit better, also didn't know I was in a hosted project with so many great writers >_> *Is outclassed*
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You know, attempting to write a good post at 1:47 am last night was not the best of ideas....

Made my post a bit better, also didn't know I was in a hosted project with so many great writers >_> *Is outclassed*

Hehe thanks! And nawww. It was just easy to make a pretty substantial opening post, because there was a lot of info to take in and put out xD . Your post was good, simple, and sweet, mine was a lot of fluff lol

Also, any opinion on changing Skye's name?
Hehe thanks! And nawww. It was just easy to make a pretty substantial opening post, because there was a lot of info to take in and put out xD . Your post was good, simple, and sweet, mine was a lot of fluff lol

Also, any opinion on changing Skye's name?

Hm, well, if we are going with team INJL, then perhaps Ivory Skye could work, and she just goes by Skye?

I think you could pull of just making her Skye Ivory (Which has a nice ring to it) and you use last name for the team name.

Edit: re-reading the RP posts, we do have a lot of downers, sheesh. (and im one of them <3)
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Hm, well, if we are going with team INJL, then perhaps Ivory Skye could work, and she just goes by Skye?

I think you could pull of just making her Skye Ivory (Which has a nice ring to it) and you use last name for the team name.

Edit: re-reading the RP posts, we do have a lot of downers, sheesh.

To be honest, Joshua's in his combat mode currently so they wouldn't see his true personality until after they are out of combat. Speaking of true personality, how do we want to decide teammates?
oh you mean "partner" lol no idea :o

i sorta hinted that Nyx could potentially be Skye's partner, simply because I thought they might have a funny dynamic, but it doesnt have to happen really xD  it was just a small hint
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