OOC Chat

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Yeah, not happy and such. But we should get back to that soon enough. This is the perfect time for character development and such.
[SIZE= 13px]i like the tone of the mission[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]it feels like something wrong could happen at any minute [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]it's exciting[/SIZE]
I am amazed no one has tried to chuck the bomb away.

[SIZE= 13px]If this was a video game, I'd have already destroyed that keg, lololol.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]But Natsuki's not the kinda person to try and randomly blow stuff up, heh. :P [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]Currently stuck at school because my club's meeting was cancelled. Gotta wait for my ride, hahaha.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]I'll try to type up a post but I'm a little exhausted. Danchou without coffee = a literal corpse.[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 13px]I'm bored, hungry, and tired.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]Nice combination, isn't it?[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]I think I'll just read a book and type up later. I have to introvert or I'll die right now, heh.[/SIZE]
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[SIZE= 13px]I got lucky and a friend showed up, so I got to leave quicker. :)

I read a book and had time to myself, so now my brain's ready to do stuff! *chugs down caffeine for good measure*[/SIZE]
[SIZE= 13px]i think i finally came up with an alternative semblance for natsuki:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]imitations (i think it'd be more fitting to say "duplications" but this phrasing fits more as a character aspect...i'll explain in the future :PPP)
so basically[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]she'd be able to make multiple copies of objects at once, really quickly[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]and like use them in combat
(like create tons of dagger-fans and tons of bullets)
kind of like how sakuya izayoi does [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px](except without the OPness and time manipulation...[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]...as much as i would like to have a time stopping power, that stuff can get real OP real fast
and i'm allllllll about them balance[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]the only way of nerfing that, i think, would be like[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]having like three seconds of time stopped[/SIZE][SIZE= 13px])[/SIZE]



[SIZE= 13px]the bullets and knives would fly forward towards one direction[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]the drawbacks to this tho is that like if she wanted to make more batches of the knives/bullets already in the air, the copies of the copies would be worse in quality (and it's not like she'd be able to keep track of the original knife among the copies so it's not like she can spam the heck out of copying the first knife) 
plus, while she create a lot at once, it's not instant and if she gets hit as she tries to create copies, all of the copies are "cancelled" and they disappear

lemme know how to balance this stuff better if it seems op[/SIZE]

Olivia's solution:

*Crawl on top of bomb*

*Nuzzle it*

*Bomb defused*

[SIZE= 13px]for some reason i feel like that won't end well :///

*loud explosion*[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 13px]does natsuki's new semblance idea work 
forgot to tag you but being as you're the gm i wanna make sure it's fine w/ you before i go along with it as it might be useful for something i'm planning 
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