OOC Chat

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I feel like adding more dust qualities to Lilla's shotgun as time goes by. Like a way for her to deal with flying enemies and such...dunno.

gravity dust answer your problem. Ruby used it in her vol1 trailer. it apparently lets you launch yourself around.
Well Skye is very tanky. Her Semblance alone makes her invulnerable (basically). Except versus specifically flame. She can use fire dust in her weapon, and can use dust with her semblance to make different effects. She just cant use fire dust with her semblance.

Joshua's more of a mix between a soldier and a medic. Soldier in the case of his weapons, Medic in the case of his semblance and skills. It also helps that he's strong and tall AF.
I feel as though since Joshua's a medic, someone's character's gonna make the "Heello Doctor" joke. Aside from that, having a medic that can take hits is beneficial.
I'm honestly scared combat will go badly, or get really dull or repetitive, or i'll be really bad at it ;~:
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