OOC Chat

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Okay so I was making up RWBY weapons in class instead of paying attention, and I'm posting them here in case anyone wants to use them. Everyone's already made their weapons, but ya never know. And I just want everyone to see them.

•A book, except the pages are made of metal and the user can use them to make origami swords, shurikens, shields, etc. Dust can be inserted into the spine for various effects, and the book is attached to a chain that goes around the user's shoulder like a mailbag. The chain can collapse to form a pole with the book at one end, and the covers are sharp to allow the weapon to be used as an axe.

•A bladed yo-yo that unfolds into a pistol, like Gambol Shroud without the katana.

•Arm cannon that is just really heavy so that you can hit people with it.

•Soccer ball with spikes on it and produces an explosion of Dust when it hits something. Comes with cleats that can be used as blunt weapons.

•A staff with both ends lit on fire. Each end has a shotgun that shoots dragonbreath.
Okay so I was making up RWBY weapons in class instead of paying attention, and I'm posting them here in case anyone wants to use them. Everyone's already made their weapons, but ya never know. And I just want everyone to see them.

•A book, except the pages are made of metal and the user can use them to make origami swords, shurikens, shields, etc. Dust can be inserted into the spine for various effects, and the book is attached to a chain that goes around the user's shoulder like a mailbag. The chain can collapse to form a pole with the book at one end, and the covers are sharp to allow the weapon to be used as an axe.

•A bladed yo-yo that unfolds into a pistol, like Gambol Shroud without the katana.

•Arm cannon that is just really heavy so that you can hit people with it.

•Soccer ball with spikes on it and produces an explosion of Dust when it hits something. Comes with cleats that can be used as blunt weapons.

•A staff with both ends lit on fire. Each end has a shotgun that shoots dragonbreath.

It sounds like the book would have to have some sort of semblance with it, but a lot of these are really cool. :)
I really like those ideas, me and you think a like I must say with the very odd weapons and all. You will understand that comment more soon.
The book one

(id rather not anyone take it lol),

because its close to an idea for a weapon I had that I wanted to make a character based on.
xD  well i mean, anyone can take it if they want.. it was just sorta close to something i was coming up with for another character, and i didnt want it to be too similar you know? hahaha
*Been gone all day*
*Come back*

*40+ messages from this forum*


Alright, I saw the team stuff, and it looks great, good work everyone ^^ =D

Also, @Clockwork Syringe I say it would be good to start like right as the initiation begins and we are thrown in as like a Chapter 0 thing. It'll get us started into the rp, the styles of everyone, and how mob and boss combat will go down.
Passed out earlier, woke up after the shortest nap in the world (about an hour) -feels terribly tired still.

Why'd I wake up then? lol

Anyway, hihi :)

Eco is such a good name for that character xD  *is glad I came up with it*

Also it sounds like Eco and Greta would get along well, or be severe rivals :P . Possibly both haha.

Also Eco and Skye are both weak to fire dust! Hehe
My guy is up and I am guessing you guys want us to start right at initiation. I can start making the intro if you guys want.

Eco is such a good name for that character xD  *is glad I came up with it*

Also it sounds like Eco and Greta would get along well, or be severe rivals :P . Possibly both haha.

Also Eco and Skye are both weak to fire dust! Hehe

Oh they are both weak to fire? Don't fight Lilla, she has what is the equivilant of Dragon's Breath shotgun shells...

I didn't even think of adding elemental weakenesses or stuff like that to my character. I just kinda made Lilla strong vs nothing and weak vs nothing in particular.
Well Skye is largely based on Ice and Icarus. Icarus died because his wings melted off. Since she has skin of something like "diamond (or ice)" it made since for its weakness to be fire, instead. I tend to like adding specific weaknesses and/or character flaws to my characters. xD

Greta's primary weakness is grabbing her tail. HA Shes Goku from Dragonball lol (just realized that).
i feel like elemental weaknesses would apply only to dust users who fused a certain type of dust with their body. Or unless your char just always uses one kind of dust. like ALL the time.
I feel like adding more dust qualities to Lilla's shotgun as time goes by. Like a way for her to deal with flying enemies and such...dunno.
Well Skye is very tanky. Her Semblance alone makes her invulnerable (basically). Except versus specifically flame. She can use fire dust in her weapon, and can use dust with her semblance to make different effects. She just cant use fire dust with her semblance.
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