OOC Chat

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Yeah, technically, but shes (shhh) not that skilled with it yet

she only knows how to let it take over her entire body

but it does start somewhere, and goes over her body.

Like it starts maybe at her stomach and the diamondskin spreads out from there. (its not instant)
2 minutes ago, Clockwork Syringe said:

I'd like to think that both @BlackJack's and my characters are special exceptions to the rule.

In other news,



*cries because you gave me flashbacks to R2 series ending*
1 minute ago, Thalia_Neko said:


i did not really like code geass either 



im not that surprised, tbh. i only ever saw the second season. XD(which i didn't know was the second season until after i had the ending spoiled for me)
bright blue balls, blinked observing the beginning battle below.

lmao, i really attempted alliteration right there XD nearly got it perfectly, couldnt find a replacement word for observing! XP

i hope my latest post with skye is good, teehee :>
Code Geass had many, many flaws but when It actually got around to being the massive geopolitical Mecha thriller it was hyped to be, it was damn good. 
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