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Fantasy OOC: Beyond the Gate at World's End


Interest Check OOCCharacters • IC


[SIZE=14.6667px]It[/SIZE] is said there once was a time when the laws of magick were so that the children of man and the creatures of magick lived side by side. It was not harmonious, for the creatures of magick were fickle things and danger and chaos abounded.

[SIZE=14.6667px]In time, though man had less strength than his supernatural brethren, he banded together with all his brothers and pushed back the magickal creatures. He sought them through fields, and villages, and valleys, he pushed them to the edge of the world, and then he pushed them over.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]And so it was that the Realms of Man were founded, and so it was he built a wall to keep that which had been forbidden from spilling back into this world.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]But the creatures of magick were long-lived, and clever, and angry, and vengeful. And one morning there was a gate in the wall that yesterday had none, and there were creatures in the dark where only shadows once lived, and the bell tolled for the children of men.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]It tolled for their souls, it tolled for each man, woman and child, and so it would take back that which was stolen from it and damned the lives of all. It would take it in blood, in madness, in suffering and in toil.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]And so a dark age fell over the Realms of Men until, many years hence, a bargain was struck. In time the Realms of Men would pay the toll, they would pay it with the blood of their First Borns, with their children, they would send them as tribute through the Gate That Never Was to live at World's End with the monsters and the beasts.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]And there were monsters. And there were beasts.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]And this is your story.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]• Surreal Fantasy: Lots of weird stuff will happen. Regularly. You live literally at the edge of the world. Wonder, beauty, magic and the macabre is all around you.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]• Dark Undertones: Think old school legends and myths. Those are the sort of creatures that are your new neighbours. Bad things can happen.. and do. Often. You might get magical powers, you might get wounded, you might go mad or even die.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]• Survival: For the humans among you, you will have to build up an abandoned village to survive. You'll need to befriend the supernatural creatures who live with you, without letting them take advantage of you and without giving them a desire to mess up your mortal life. A supernatural friend is a boon: but you take one at risk, for they are fickle creatures indeed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]• Mystery: It isn't safe Beyond The Gate That Never Was. Someone among you has been enchanted by the Tolling of the Beast, the bell that sounds solely to bring misery to those who hear it. All the people in your village, and you yourself, hold dark secrets. It's up to you to find out what those are, who's calling the Beast to your doorstep, and why you were brought to these lands anyway... before it's too late.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]• Chance: Every event will be determined randomly. There is a chance of character death. By joining this roleplay, you accept you are at the mercy of the dice. This also applies to any characters the GM might own. For these reasons, it could be wise to make more then one character.[/SIZE]



[SIZE=14.6667px]When the bell tolls by itself, you know bad things are coming. Board up your doors and windows and pray it hasn't chosen you.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]A myriad of different things can happen when the bells toll: a character is suddenly gripped by madness, a Ghoulish Army marches through town, the Blood Moon rises and calls in the payments of all debts owed... whether you are ready to pay or not. The worst of all is the Tolling of the Beast, for when the beast is nearby death and destruction are soon to follow. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]It is possible to climb the bell tower and toll the bell for one's own ends. You might do it for revenge, to get back at an enemy, in grief of a lost love, or because you have been gripped by madness. Perhaps you'll even call to the skies and beg for a specific outcome: and who knows, perhaps whatever is out there will listen to you.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]But there's a price. There's always a price. [/SIZE]



There are many kingdoms that send Tribute beyond the Gate That Never Was.


The Old Lands: A kingdom that never fully recovered during the dark age, it is a medieval civilisation with a few tribal cultures living on it's borders that often ransack the outlands of the kingdom. The ruins of many great castles and cities scatter the realm and some have been reclaimed and built upon. Since the Dark Age, many towns and forts have been rebuilt.

The North Kin: People who origionate from the North Kin are, for lack of a better word, neanderthals. Huge beasts hulk around the land and they are no strangers to fighting for survival. While they have no education they learn quick - but understand little of the more modern kingdoms, and typically default to their brutish, instinctive ways.

The Empire: Covering it's own continent in the western sea, the Empire is a place of Progress. Here the steamboats and steamtrains clog the skies with smog that could block off the sun. Despite producing many sickly children, and being a very strict continent, they are a proud people with many factories and technological advancements.
The Lawless: Bordering the Old Land, the Lawless is a rough place to grow up. A series of tribal groups live in the wasteland that was first targetted by the revenge-filled Magickal creatures. Little is left and less then little is safe, with one as likely to die to a ravage beast as they are to a nomadic group.

Veldamar: A technologically advanced Civilisation that is famous for it's neon lights and glittering sky walkways. It takes an ambivalent stance on it's neighbouring kingdoms, and let's nobody in who is not a Veldamar citizen, and certainly does not let their own kind out... except for toll payment. Still, it is said these pristine streets are not as clean as they sound. In the underbelly of the city are addicts addicted to virtual technology highs, to syringes that promise memories belonging to others. The people who live here are usually quite jaded and emotionally dulled.

Yu-koku: The country of Yu-koku, until recently, was one of the most closed-off countries in the world. However, as its technology fell behind and the people grew disconsolate, it opened its borders and began learning from the sprawling territories of the Empire. On the needle-thin bound between tradition and technology, it is not uncommon to see families of old-fashioned sword users, nor is it strange to see easterners adopting the dressing and tech fads of the Empire or Veldamar. Most of the Yu-koku people are quick to learn outside culture, and embrace it in conjunction with their own as well as they can. (created by @Alto)



  • All forum rules apply. Brush up on them.
  • GM is Goddess and has final say on all matters.
  • PM all character sheets.
  • No metagaming: giving your character OOC knowledge. This is game-ruining due to this being a mystery roleplay, so try to keep your secrets secret.
  • Don't ignore another player's post they've put their time into. Perhaps your character is ignoring someone, but don't straight up blank a player's post.
  • This roleplay is PG-13. Anything above that needs to fade to black. Romance is encouraged, so long as it makes sense in the situation.
  • No godmoding, giving yourself new abilities, making yourself invincible, ignoring all damage or effects of a post.
  • By joining this roleplay, you accept your character might die, change, become corrupted, or generally have surprising things happen to them they don't expect. This is non-negotiable, so please be good humoured about it. If the idea of unknown things affecting your character unsettles you, this isn't the right roleplay for you. You will be PMed in advance if your character has died to the dice - this does not mean you are no longer in the roleplay, you'll just need to make another character.
  • Character development is a must. Characters are expected to act in accordance with their fears, motivations and afflictions at all times. Players who embrace these new challenges and roleplay in accordance with them shall be rewarded. It's beautiful seeing a character learn and grow during a RP, so lot's of that lovely stuff, please! ^^
  • You are encouraged to have multiple characters due to this roleplay being luck based.
  • As well as character posts, the GM will make GM posts that affect the roleplay world. These include player choices as well as events and flavour text. If you are rping with the GM's character and waiting on a response, please don't be offended if you see a GM post appear seperate from the character posts. GM posts do take priority.
  • A note on posting: If there is no IC post or contact within 10 days, other players can and will NPC your character to finish any scenes you were in so they can continue so the roleplay doesn't stall. If another 10 days passes without any form of contact, your character will be brutally sacrificed to Lady Luck in the hopes she will shower us in her mercy, o sweet ruler of the dice.
  • Minimum around 2 paragraphs per post. Sometimes there are situations where a bunch of quick back to back posts read better then longer ones - in these situations, 2 or more players can write a post together over PM and then post it tagging the other players as a collab.
  • Make sure to tag your collab partner when you post and it will count for them, too. If you are collabing and your partner vanishes: Inform the GM.
  • Finally: Do NOT take IC conflicts OOC and vice versa. There will be magickal creatures who hate humans, and humans who hate magickal creatures, and at least one of you - probably more - is a murderer. People will be playing villains, they move the story forward and keep it thrilling. They essentially are in the employ of the GM for the betterment of the roleplay. This does not give them extra privaleges but they do deserve your respect as much as any other player does, so don't take it personally if you do get eaten.
  • I reserve the right to add to the rules as appropriate, and change them as I see fit.

I hope these rules haven't scared you too much, I am generally a pretty laid-back GM. We're all one big happy family here, but with a touch more murder <3

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you may not join the roleplay until your character sheet has been completed and approved by the GM.

It is preferred your character has a colour assosciated with them. Remove things like "minimum 4" "2 paragraphs" ect once the sheet is finished, please :D

You are free to pretty up this sheet as you like, so long as all information is present

On the Surface



"Character Quote"

Name • Age • Birthday • Gender • Orientation • Kingdom(supers can lie)

• Aliases and Nicknames •


Race: creative races preferred.

Race Information: (remove if human)

True Form: (if applicable, include appearance information. remove if none or human)


Appearance/Glamour: height, build, posture, eyes, hair, skintone, tattoos, scars, wounds, piercings, clothing style

On Further Inspection

Personality: Minimum 2 paragraphs.


Biography: Your life growing up, experience being picked as tribute(if human).


Likes: Minimum 4


Dislikes: Minimum 4


Quirks & Habbits: Minimum 4


Hobbies: Minimum 1


Digging Deeper

Motivations: is your character driven by fear? lust? greed? a need to be powerful? If your character encounters something that motivates them, they must act appropriately. Can be multiple.


Fears: Minimum 3 fears that seriously affect your character.


Abilities: Up to 5. for supernaturals. Leave bank if human.


General Skills: Up to 5. Must be reflected in Biography.


Combat Skills: Up to 3. Includes weapon-based combat, unarmed combat, as well as athleticism, stamia, ect.


Secrets: 3 minimum, unlimited. Includes racial weaknesses, bad things that they may have done or had happened to them in the past, family secrets, ways to manipulate or control them, ect.



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Hello everyone! Still getting things up and running. Feel free to ask any questions and of course I'm open to PMs as well. If you'd like to make a new Kingdom that your character comes from, I'm open to talking about it :D

Do I have to include a image with the character sheet? This sounds brilliant by the way!

(I hate it when characters refuse to die)


>Sword goes through the skull tearing the brain

>Character survives           <--- And thus realism was invented.
If you don't want an image, you don't have to have one! Just make sure the appearance section covers everything you need ;D

(exactly! But the threat of death just makes everything more exciting :3)
I'm doing well, @Kindred.  I'm in the process of making my own roleplay and joining a climbing my way out of a recent hiatus.  My character sheet may not be finished for the next week or two. I hope that is okay with you.
This looks pretty interesting! I really enjoyed the writing style of the Premise, very beautifully put! Think I'll start working on a character for this!
Hey, just a couple questions for clarification.

All tributes that come from the kingdoms are human correct?

What's the time frame in terms of when the tributes were sent beyond the gate? (i.e. i have a 25-year-old character I'm working on. Would it be recently that he's been sent out or was he taken at a younger age?

And if we create a character with a creative race, would we be playing magickal fey and beasties that have inhabited the edge of the world?
Yes, Tributes are always humans!

Most tributes will be recent ones :3 The roleplay starts just before entering the gate, but people who live beyond the gate are allowed to come and mingle with them (most pretending to be tributes themselves to get to know their new neighbours safely) so you could play a Tribute who has grown up beyond the wall and survived so far :D That could be fun because you can add supernatural stories into your backstory: there may also be magickal creatures you know of/who know of you out there, however :3

Tributes are 21 and under, but if you do decide to go for a Tribute who's already lived At World's End, your character can be 25 :3 S/he *might* have received some sort of madness, tic or fear from living out there among Magickal creatures for so long, however.

yep! You would play as one of the creatures themselves, living among the H00mans ;3 Most masquerade as humans themselves, at least until they get found out.

@VoxMultis woops, still getting used to tagging people :D
I haven't even finished my forms yet, but I felt I should probably at least post in here so you don't think I turned into a ghost or anything.


*starts making a cotton candy snowman*
Yes, Tributes are always humans!

Most tributes will be recent ones :3 The roleplay starts just before entering the gate, but people who live beyond the gate are allowed to come and mingle with them (most pretending to be tributes themselves to get to know their new neighbours safely) so you could play a Tribute who has grown up beyond the wall and survived so far :D That could be fun because you can add supernatural stories into your backstory: there may also be magickal creatures you know of/who know of you out there, however :3

Hey, because of this, is my character okay? Just checking.
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