OOC and such. [Interstice]

New character in the works as Glories has come out, will be finished and posted tomorrow.
Thorn, you and I are going to work on your backstory some, so then it won't sound like a Steven Segal story with the Power of Love and I don't start giggling madly every time I read it. :P
I am at that. Question: aside Kye and Dusky boy, do you have any character concepts? I'm waffling on allowing the Abyssal or not.
Character's stats are up. Backstory and experience to follow soon.

Also, for your perusal, a custom artifact:

The Reaper's Scythe

Artifact 00

Description: Gifted to Serria by Saeka Bright Eyes upon his rescue from a brush with Chimerism and induction in to the Silver Pact as a Full Moon, the Reaper's Scythe is an unusual artifact designed to take advantage of Serria's heritage. At first glance it appears to be a simple, if unsual, s-curved walking stick of intricately carved ironwood. By tapping its iron-shod heel to the ground and spending a reflexive mote, however, the Moonsilver blade and handle-grips extend from the staff, revealing it to be an effective and deadly combat weapon, with the shorter-than-average handle allowing for slightly faster strikes than a normal scythe. This artifact requires 3 motes to attune.

Statblock (Moonsilver bonus factored in): Speed: 5 Accuracy: +4 Damage: +7L/2 Defense: +2 Rate: 3 Tags: 2,O,R

Notes: The Reaper's Scythe is mechanically a Scythe of Perfect quality (+1 Rate, +2 Defense, +1 Accuracy) with the Speed reduced by one to 5 and the moonsilver bonus added.

Hopefully this is alright? Serria's heritage I'll explain when I write the backstory (hopefully tonight if I get time.)
Right, Backstory is finished up. I deliberately gave him no dots in Cult and no position in the Assembly's religious iconography to represent his fairly new arrival to the group, he can develop those over the course of play. I'm thinking some sort of Merciful Reaper image is in order....
Mr. Protective Lunar, you're gonna have your hands full. I have NO COMBAT CHARMS OR MAGIC WHATSOEVER. And only 2 dots in melee! However, I am the group's buff-monkey! All your gear will be perma-enchanted!
Hurrah for the other Lunar! Hurrah for not dying. XP

Now I ask a question: Do Lunars have to have the same true from from lifetime to lifetime? I don't recall an explicit answer anywhere, but in the beginning sections, it mentions that Ogun's reincarnation also had a boar true form.
Not necessarily. Anja Silverclaw's true form is a cat, for example, but Ingosh was a polar bear.

Interestingly, Lunar Exaltations also aren't tied to Caste the way Solar and Sidereal exaltations are.
Well, considering all Lunars Exalt as casteless, and in the first age your Caste fixed over time based on personality, it makes sense really.
As do I. I often run games with the Castes having been restored (essentially meaning there are 6 castes for those who want to still be Changing Moons) or else sometimes run games assuming the castes were never lost in the tattooing process.
Yeah. The whole "lost caste" paradigm also makes it - well, I don't want to say necessary, but I can't think of a better word - necessary not to have the Exaltation tied to a specific Caste. So it all ties together, really, what with Lunars Exalting as Casteless and all.....
Hm. I guess it makes sense when I'm reminded everyone starts as a fresh slate each Exaltation. It really contrasts the Solars, and now I feel I should read some of the other books to see how the others exalts fare...
Terrestrials get it in puberty, 'nuff said.

Sidereals have visions and a sense of ...off-ness in their lives until they do exalt. They have dreams about future times. Some of them.

Abyssals...well...they have fun times.
Also, folks, I've posted a LOT more on the setting of Shale recently. I advise you read over it. I dunno if a map will be possible, but I tried to help you out just a little more with the Primer.
So, CW, am I gonna just be dropped into this group not knowing anyone, or, perhaps I should know a person or two? (This is important in my case, to know if anyone has buffed gear)

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