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Futuristic [OOC] Aegis: Error 508


Actually, yes. Matron did host guests somewhat often in order to flash wealth, so genuinely, the villa is a proper hotel-esque experience, especially considering the beach episode years ago where y'all had guest houses with bunk beds.

Hilariously, perfect normal human staff will be nervously asking all the agents to sign in at the front desk.

You likely won't know about the extent of the place until Adrian sees fit to report back.

If he makes it 😂😂

Nah but that's pretty cool! Looking forward to Milly just, eyeing everything suspiciously like "where's the secured doors. I know they're in here somewhere..."
If he makes it 😂😂

Nah but that's pretty cool! Looking forward to Milly just, eyeing everything suspiciously like "where's the secured doors. I know they're in here somewhere..."
They are totally in there somewhere.
After some semi-obssesive searching of google earth files on Baltimore I found a building that fits the canon requirements for CWHQ:

It stands at 1 Chase street, which should amuse ManicMuse ManicMuse which is always a win, it is plausibly of a height which implies Anderson can actually count, which is unlikely but very funny, and it is walking distance from the university of Baltimore which might plausibly be deserted at 530 am, given the economic incentives around large populations of college students.

Best of all, Welian approved it, so I have a good excuse for Gerald to be nearby when Hydra Hydra went boom, which makes my post in progress much easier to visualize for my map-bound brain.

So. Former hotel, turned condos in present day, Co-opted by CW sometime in the 30s I am guessing?

Also: beautiful building!

Shame if Anderson were to happen to it....
Drinking my coffee. Ran out of my favorite flavored creamer, so I'm just using whole milk right now. You all have half an hour to post any questions you have about the setting, before I have to leave for the day.
After some semi-obssesive searching of google earth files on Baltimore I found a building that fits the canon requirements for CWHQ:

It stands at 1 Chase street, which should amuse ManicMuse ManicMuse which is always a win, it is plausibly of a height which implies Anderson can actually count, which is unlikely but very funny, and it is walking distance from the university of Baltimore which might plausibly be deserted at 530 am, given the economic incentives around large populations of college students.

Best of all, Welian approved it, so I have a good excuse for Gerald to be nearby when Hydra Hydra went boom, which makes my post in progress much easier to visualize for my map-bound brain.

So. Former hotel, turned condos in present day, Co-opted by CW sometime in the 30s I am guessing?

Also: beautiful building!

Shame if Anderson were to happen to it....
That hotel is SHOCKINGLY close to my first college.
Amazing, now I just need to ask B Bag o Fruit about Anneliese's neighborhood and that's enough to update all my Google maps for the calculation of trips between buildings, for now
That hotel is SHOCKINGLY close to my first college.
Gerald's too!

Posted btw.

Also: revolving door. The building fits every canonical detail for CWHQ that we have written so far.

I bet it is even missing a filing cabinet from the third floor if we were to go inside and check!
Drinking my coffee. Ran out of my favorite flavored creamer, so I'm just using whole milk right now. You all have half an hour to post any questions you have about the setting, before I have to leave for the day.
Milk frothers save lives in my house. Mostly my family from me but I love mixing my own coffee and latte cream with this thing. Right now I do heavy cream, pumpkin puree, pumpkin spice and monkfruit. Little spice of life every morning.
I just spoon some coffee into a mug with hot water and add a slosh of whatever milk is in the fridge 🙃
I just spoon some coffee into a mug with hot water and add a slosh of whatever milk is in the fridge 🙃

Good ol' instant coffee! I grew up on what my parents made, which is pour-over.
Ah yes. You youngins with your strong stomachs. I am so picky now that anything too acidic kills my day. I miss the good old days when I could drink anything that resembled coffee. I swear becoming a grandma in my 30's has magically aged me.
Ah yes. You youngins with your strong stomachs. I am so picky now that anything too acidic kills my day. I miss the good old days when I could drink anything that resembled coffee. I swear becoming a grandma in my 30's has magically aged me.
The trick is to never leave the toilet.
welian welian Can we start a glossary for words like WAL in lore? I think it might assist people like myself in posting. I don't mind working to put a starter glossary together.
Haha, yeah, like Nessy said, there's a spot for the glossary but I haven't been able to make the time to fill it in. I've been very busy with school, and it sucks!
A more final version now for approval


Name: Braidy Bowie​
Gender: Female​
Age: 21​
Power: Inanimate assimilation and production
Rank: A?​
Limiter: Level 3​





A fairly heavily muscled yet voluptuously figured young woman with a short stature leading to a top heavy figure neatly balanced out. She moves a bit jerky, prone to stopping suddenly, then moving. Bright blonde hair, cut into some combination of Mohawk, dreadlocks, or something in between. Has a tendency to cough non-biological fluids and spit.

Braidy is LOUD, not intentionally but her natural speaking tone veers into slightly uncomfortable for most ears.


Positive Trait - Decisive
Second guessing requires there to be a first guess on what to do. With Braidy, there is no guessing. She always knows what to do next. What step to take, where to go, what do do. Abhorring inaction and just following along, she is driven to make up her own mind. Being decisive and having the confidence to take such drastic control over her own life is, as she puts it to herself, one of the few things we can do in life to live according to ourselves. Never does she find herself waiting for permission from someone not present. Life happens whether we want it to or not and a moment not acting is a moment wasted in life.

Neutral Trait - Idiosyncratic
Something is just a bit off in dealing with Braidy. Her responses are very much her own, her decisions based on some sort of thought process that is extremely difficult for others to comprehend. Good news, bad news, whatever, things are taken differently than what could be considered a normal response. This is most evident in day to day life, following in her footsteps is off putting and difficult at best. However difficult, this has led her those around her to see things in ways not expected.

Neutral Trait - Proud
Maybe even stuck up, but having come from substance and having also worked hard to stay there, Braidy has a chip on her shoulder when it comes to her life. She's proud of what she's done and even more so of who she is. There are definite lesser peoples in this world and Braidy knows undoubtedly she earns her position above them.

Negative Trait - High Handed
Might makes right. If you don't have the force behind you to backup your values, you have diddly squat. Braidy will physically harass, dominate, and threaten to ensure what she wants to happen will happen. Your feelings, if you can't enforce them, mean nothing to her and she will step all over anyone in her way. She goes about life with little concern for the feelings of others and is seemingly immune to pitying those she does trample.


While not quite seen as an heiress within society, Braidy Bowie is the first born daughter of Bradley Bowie and is certainly a bit of a Nouveau riche princess. Her father, a tradesman originally who struck it big developing a series of automated product distribution centers. The centers and the subsequent technology involved were eagerly snatched up and licensed to various corporations and the Bowie family managed to jump quite a few rungs in the social ladder.

Born on their private estate in rural Vermont, Braidy and her subsequent siblings were engaged in a very rough and tumble life. Never wanting, her early years consisted of sports, broken bones, scrapes, dirt bikes, karts, and any and all matter of vehicle not designed for her age group.

Injuries were so common that when in her tween years, Braidy manifested her abilities and it was nearly overlooked. Somehow the young girl had Jammed her fingers through the accelerator of her dirt bike and crashed. The initial discovery of the cables and rubber of the handle impaled through her hand was thought to be just another injury but was soon realized that Braidy was assimilating the vehicle into her body.

After a few years of touch and go private mentoring, the incredibly proud Bradley was eventually convinced to have Braidy cataloged and trained properly at Facility 108. When she revealed her intentions to gain her blue card and go into the metahuman dominated field of public sector defense, he was somehow even more proud. The entire Bowie clan, now numbering the two parents and ten children, rallied support for her.

Able to achieve Blue Card status, Braidy has begun her first year as a semi independent registered ‘Hero’ for hire and is ready to take on the world.

  • The Bowie Clan. Large family of generally supportive, new rich, blue collar Catholics living in rural Vermont.


Main Power - Inanimate assimilation and production.

Braidy can generate, produce, and exude various technologies which she has previously consumed into her flesh. From simple objects like forks, knives, and spoons, all the way up to and including military munitions, electronic devices, and personal computers. Each of the produced objects requires no external power to operate or ammunition supplies to fire as she is capable of generating these things inside her form. Furthermore, each device produced must at one point have been absorbed into the Braidy-flesh. She is capable of 'digesting' the various technologies at a rate dependent on the size and complexity of the device being absorbed. Once fully consumed, the object is subconsciously cataloged and can be produced at any time within her flesh. As with digestion, production of more complex devices takes longer to complete.


Limitation 1
: Raw materials - The objects created by Braidy are not fueled by an infinite source from within her body. Instead, she actively leeches material from around her as she utilizes her abilities. For a sustained volley of rounds from a generated automatic rifle, she will be consuming the material she stands on, the minerals in the floor, the clothing she has on hand, any non living material can be consumed to fuel her ability. For simple objects not fueled, this effect is lessened. She must be in physical contact with her material source. If placed in a situation where she cannot, her abilities lose the capability to fuel themselves.

Limitation 2: By-Products - Discharge from the usage of her powers such as brass shells, electrical currents, and/or industrial waste are expelled from her as well. These pollutants vary based on what she has been producing leading to the possibility of toxic contaminates. This also includes heat and smoke, the production of brass shells requiring smelting, leading her forms to emit smog and heat, IE a factory.

Limitation 3: General unpleasantness - The usage of Braidy's abilities are visually disturbing to witness. There is not a clean generation, nor is there a clear line of definition between machinery and flesh. Braidy will rapidly lose human form and shape while assembling or digesting and at first glance can be mistaken for something inhuman. Flesh leaking oil, smoke billowing behind eye sockets, skin ripping to reveal barrels. It is not a heroic sight nor a comfortable one to see or hear first hand.

Limitation 4: Floorspace - Size is a factor when it comes to production efficiency, the more she's producing, the larger the surface area of the 'factory' gets. If limited, her efficiency is slowed and new space will have to be etched out to make room for more demanding production.

Other Abilities


Pedal to the Metal - Braidy is a skilled driver. Nearly any vehicle in existence, she has been behind the wheel of. In some form or another. She can operate nearly all land based vehicles.
Track and Field - An above average athlete most of her life, Braidy participated in collegiate level Track and Field events, as well as numerous other sports growing up.
Focused through the chaos - Growing up in a very very large and very very chaotic family environment, Braidy is able to converse, focus, and work in extremely distracting environments
The Jig is up - Braidy is a skilled Irish step dancer and has either taken classes, performed, or practiced in one way or another since childhood.


Nothing of note, most needed equipment has been absorbed including but not limited to:
  • One complete set wrenches and ratchets
  • A series of shovels
  • Bolt cutters
  • 24' steel ladder
  • 5 Iphones/Ipods of various generations
  • 1 Home computer system (custom)
  • 1 Pool table (cues included)
  • 2 Honda Elements (2014 and 2015)
  • 1 Kawasaki KX450 Dirt Bike
  • Several dozen various simple tools
  • 34 AR-15 Rifles of various make and model
  • Several thousand rounds of 7.62 and 5.56 ammunition belts and canisters
  • 1 Entire Commercial Security System
  • A box of thumbtacks
  • ETC






Braidy machine 4.png


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