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Fantasy Only Black Horses - Save The Light

Now keep in mind, even though you do get to choose your own. You'll have to follow the same rules that we used in creating the ones we chose for you all.
Yeah, she does look a little depressed, but still; you did a great job on it. Way better then anything I could every do lol
Federoff said:
Yeah, she does look a little depressed, but still; you did a great job on it. Way better then anything I could every do lol
Thank you! :3 Really, I wasn't able to draw stick figures a few months ago. It just took a lot of practice and I've still got a lot to learn but I definetly progressed a LOT.
It is not about just relating to your character. It goes deeper than that. Turning into a demon or spitting nails are moth relatable to Rudy. But those powers aren't him. So is having a bigass sword. Summoning a rocket powered chainsaw is something he would totally do if he had the choice. But it isn't him. Its not what his soul is about.

These powers come from their soul. Their desires and subconscious aspects and scars and traumas and madness. As such, the powers at first may not seem like they belong. But they do.

Moreover these powers may also not seem like they would even be good for the person. But they should help lead them down a better path. This is where the development comes in.

These powers will be changing your characters as they learn about them and how to control them. The powers are not there to encourage or amplify certain traits, such as Rudys hatefulness, but instead to encourage the good in them or show them their flaws. Like how Rudy cared deeply for the kids. Or how he needs to learn to trust them.

As such I had to knock away many one dimensional powers like super speed and super strength. Those powers don't have any real narrative impact and don't really have much to offer in terms of power growth and character development. Yes. The powers will be growing too.

These powers are more to this rp than just ways to kill things. As such they need to have narrative relevance. Meaning you can't just ignore them when its convenient, they actually effect your character.

Also the powers need have at least some aspect about them that can be used in comvat .

We would need to see the suggestion for the power in detail. And it explained how it pertains to your character, how it will effect them, and how they will developed with those powers. And of course what that power can do.

Hmmmm.... am I forgetting anything?
I sincerely tried drawing a year ago when I was with my ex, I was able to draw an ok Cyndaquil


We both decided it was best for me to stick with music ;-;
Federoff said:
I sincerely tried drawing a year ago when I was with my ex, I was able to draw an ok Cyndaquil

We both decided it was best for me to stick with music ;-;
Music! 8D

I play piano and dabble in ukulele! I heard you did Marching Band, no? What instrument?
Trombone, gods gift to man kind xD

I also play the ocarina/double ocarina, and am currently learning the triple ocarina.

I am also in the Winter drumline, I was on rack.
Federoff said:
Trombone, gods gift to man kind xD
I also play the ocarina/double ocarina, and am currently learning the triple ocarina.

I am also in the Winter drumline, I was on rack.
Those sound scary. @_@ BUT YES, TROMBONE THE GIFT OF GOD. Lmao
The trombone is friggin awesome. That was what I played in middle school. Loved it.

So Federoff, what was your idea that you wanted to use for Yori?
not really scary (unless your me, but I'll get into that reason later)

The normal ocarina has a single chamber, giving you a set of notes

The double and triple ocarina just have more holes to cover and more chambers; giving you a wider range of notes

the rack is just a bunch of instruments put together, basically think of us a flavoring as we add to the overall sound

The reason its scary for me is b/c i am partially tone deaf.

@KingHink : thank you for the explanation. I didn't have a power in mind at the get go, but I have a few idea's in mind, one being some sort of aspect of sound.
Federoff said:
not really scary (unless your me, but I'll get into that reason later)
The normal ocarina has a single chamber, giving you a set of notes

The double and triple ocarina just have more holes to cover and more chambers; giving you a wider range of notes

the rack is just a bunch of instruments put together, basically think of us a flavoring as we add to the overall sound

The reason its scary for me is b/c i am partially tone deaf.

@KingHink : thank you for the explanation. I didn't have a power in mind at the get go, but I have a few idea's in mind, one being some sort of aspect of sound.
That's so brave to play even being partially tone deaf. Kudos, man. That's awesome.


Care to elaborate more? ;3
Sound is always a really fun to play. If you can keep yourself from getting trapped by its complexities. It has happened to me before... it was sad. And made my head hurt @.@

Its an ocarina cloudy. Like from legend of Zelda.
well the ocarina isn't a popular instrument, mostly the native american tribes play it and Legend of Zelda nerds play it :3
Well Fed, if you need help fleshing out your power for Yori, just get with me and Cloudy. We will be happy to help :)

And the suggestion we had in mind for Yori was fire.

The ocarina is awesome in the right hands. Sophi has one.
yeah thats what I thought you wanted to give her, and I really don't want her to have fire. I get the idea of it, but personally i don't want it. Thanks though, I'll update you guys when I work on it more, probably in the morning i will, been up for like 16 hours now and its only 8 pm here, not in the mood for thinking lol.

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