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Fantasy OniKami Agency


One Weird Winker
~Welcome to OniKami Detective Agency~


The OniKami Detective Agency is a place where all Yokai come with mystery in their hands. It is a place where the illogical is made logical by the minds of the OniKami who have unique powers that guide along to the truth. The Agency's Motto is; "There is one mystery that cannot be solved!"



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The first day arrived, the agency opened up it's doors, a welcome sign placed on top of the door handle. The first case had arrived, the details were listed on the paper on a desk.

Three teenagers have witnessed a man with unusually orange skin, around the murder scene. We believe it is Mao Ronald, a well known fire spirit in the criminal world. Investigate the crime scene to prove he committed the crime. The three witnesses are: Ken a kitsune, Page a tanuki, Gabriel a harpy. Use your knowledge of each race to approach them safely. The victim is Jane Harley believed to be friend with the witnesses and strongly opposed against Mao's recent release. Weeks ago she had been dating Mao but broke with him on his release date. The corpse has burn marks and no weapons lay around. There is large bruise as well on her forehead indicating a blunt object. Good luck, assigning all members available on this case.

-OniKami Agency


A certain lazy kitsune kid lounged on the couch in Onikami agency. Next to him on the table was a tray with a pot of tea and several sweets. Kiyoshi hummed a tune as he cuddled pillows and stuffed animals. He almost expected someone to snap at him and tell him to do something useful, but he knew that they knew better then that. He was waiting for their leader to show up and give them their case for the day. He opened one fiery eye and gazed around he seemed to be the only one in the room. For now.
"Kiyo!" Miyoshi screamed running up and hugging his twin brother nearly knocking his twin brother to the floor "What's up brother, when's the leader gonna be here?" Kiyo said taking some sweets.
Kyu sat just across the two brothers, minding his own business. Humming under his breath as he too, waited for the leader. He was new here, just coming back from the nearest village. His memory was blurred, all he knew was that he heard of such an organization and thought that joining it would be fun . . . different. Perhaps even time consuming.
Shishiza walked into the room as she stretched her arms and smiled. "Hey, What's with all the commotion, I wanna join!" As she sat down on the couch next to Kyu and she grabbed a cookie and joined without an invitation. She saw everyone pumped as Shishiza started to play around like a normal tween.
Meanwhile, and Esper with white hair leans up against a wall, looking at the friendly atmosphere.

"What a waste of time," Kyon the Esper states, "Why would they just sit around there when people are in trouble."

Kyon is very disturbed by the lack of help and out of frustration, walks to his room to study the murder case closely. He sits at his black Toshiba laptop and researches information on Mao Ronald, then Jane Harley, looking to hopefully find reasons as to why someone would want to harm Harley.
Kyu watched as Shishiza sat next to him, cookie in hand. "Well, we're just waiting for the leader." He replied with a smile and wink. He leaned forward, arms on each of his legs as he looked at the others. "What's taking our leader so long? I wanna figure out what the hell we're gonna do."

The lone figure arrived in the agency, their aura glowed with power. They wore a kitsune mask and an elegant Kimono. When she stopped she removed the mask to reveal a face; a pale brown set of eyes and soft features. She spoke in an unearthly tone, "Hello and welcome to OniKami Agency..." She then pointed to the pile of papers Esper was looking through,"It seems we already have a case to solve...if you would like to Esper, to explain the case to everyone else?"

"Gladly," Kyon replied, "It seems that recently, Miss Jane Harley was attacked by a fire spirit named Mao Ronald. I have done research on the crime scene and have discovered that it was most likely not actually Mao that committed the crime. A fire spirit can burn flames at minimum of 700 degrees Fahrenheit. Obviously, a meer human body would not be able to withstand heat that intense. The skin would immediately melt off. A fire spirit also would not have to use a blunt weapon to hurt the victim. More details will be brought out to you all as information is dicovered."
"That seems interesting," Kyu muttered to himself, running his palms together, as if trying to figure the problem out all by himself. "So, how're we going to solve this pickle?" He asked with a tilt of his head, blond bangs sweeping over his face,
Kyon looks at Kyu and begins to speak again. "We should probably start where it all happened. From there, we can continue." He then looks around the room at everyone. "It would probably be best if we split into small groups of two, mainly for safety reasons. I will be staying behind, researching more details. Please report your discoveries to me."
Kyu nodded, taking in the information that he was receiving. "So, who's going to be grouped with who? You said in pairs right?" He quipped, hoping to find out who he'll end up with, hoping that he ends up with someone easy to get along with.
"Who you are paired up with isn't really my call." Kyon turns around and begins to walk back to the laptop. "Now if you will excuse me, I have some important work to do." He sits down and opens several browser windows, looking frantically for clues.

The figure stood and distributed pink cell phones, "to keep in communication with each other, as new information from each group will prevent anyone from jumping to missunderstandings, in the phone there is everyones in the Agency's number. Feel free to customize to your desire"



She continued to speak, "Feel free to decide which group, we need two to investigate the scene and the rest to interrogate the witnesses"
Kyon looks down at his new phone. He then opens it and looks through all of the contacts, searching information about each and every name on the list of contacts. He always wanted to know about what and who he was working with, worried that he may have to pair up with them one day.
Kyu took his cellphone, making a look of dismay at the humiliating color of the cellphone. Pink! Seriously! Pink! Out of all the colors he could've had, they handed out pink. He breathed out a sigh of disappointment. At least he could customize it later on. Stuffing the phone inside his pocket, he looked around to see who he could partner up with. He assumed that the siblings would stay together, so he turned towards Shishiza.

"Would you mind partnering with me?" He offered with a smile.
Kiyoshi burried his face into his brother's shoulder. He was about to say something when their leader walked in and told them about their case and gave them cell phones. He looked at the girly thing with a cocked head. "It's really girly." he frowned and looked up when they were pairing up. "I"m going to be with Miyo" He said it in a way that dared anyone to object.
*arrives at the front door of OniKami Agency running and gasping for air* I found a body of a girl in our dumpster today. Her skin was filled with bruises and burnt marks. I also remembered a girl shouting last night which then was followed with a huge explosion. I don't know the guy who did it because when I went outside nothing suspicious happened and actually I'm Nazu the guy who saw the body in the dumpster pls come with me so I can show you. And by the way I also want to help u guys solve this conflict
*arrives at the front door of OniKami Agency running and gasping for air* I found a body of a girl in our dumpster today. Her skin was filled with bruises and burnt marks. I also remembered a girl shouting last night which then was followed with a huge explosion. I don't know the guy who did it because when I went outside nothing suspicious happened and actually I'm Nazu the guy who saw the body in the dumpster pls come with me so I can show you. And by the way I also want to help u guys solve this conflict
(Hey Natzu sign up with the character sheet in the sign up tab, and the case is on the first page listing all the witnesses)
Miyoshi jumps with joy of being able to team up with his brother. He looks through all of the features of his cellphone showing it to Kiyo "Look Kiyo, isn't it so cool, well, if you look past the pink." Miyo says playfully.
Mao entered the room, munching on some pocky. She was clearly late but her expression remained the same, lacking the normal worry or cheerfulness a normal person's might hold. She simply sat by everyone else, staring off and at nothing and say nothing. "Hello," she murmured softly.
Shishiza noticed the lady talking and listened to her about the case. When She handed out the the pink phones, Shishiza kinda liked it, but it was pink and kinda a no no for her, but she went with it. "Oh by the way I would like being your partner" She replied to Kyu

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