One Thousand Birds

I wouldn't be able to sleep if i had all Honors classes plus sports x.x

Yea my regular classes are basicaly full of idiots -_- but at least my teachers are nice~

Sorry Pine I know molarity but I'm not sure about rate part

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I only do Bowling and that's a Winter sport so it's over now.

I've been in Honors more or less my whole life of schooling so it's natural to me.
Hehe, I suck at bowling xD I'm a gymnast so I train year round. We have practice 4 days a week for 4 hours per day, so I'm pretty busy~ I've had to cut down on honors classes over the years because of it

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I'm pretty good at bowling. I got our team the first turkey as a JV member at the tournament we held in December.

I really hate it when people who don't bowl regularly say they can easily get 200. No. They. Can't.

Maybe if they had bumpers, but bowling isn't THAT easy. It's fun and a great way to hang out and joke around with friends, but it's not that easy.

That's cool. I can't do any of that type of stuff x3
I have band. xP

Freshman year, I took all pre-AP core classes, which was easy in eighth grade...

But then world geography and geometry and english happened and I was like LOL NOPE AIN'T ABOUT THIS LIFE and dropped out of all but algebra II and chemistry the next year (and I guess spanish III was a pain, but I didn't care enough to notice).

Then sophomore year turns out to be stupid easy, so I do physics, regular pre-cal (regular because I didn't do the summer assignment ewe) and dual credit english...

Now senior year I'm in dual credit algebra/statistic, AP chem (it was so easier sophomore year... then they changed the curriculum), AP psychology, and AP music theory.

Idk, chemistry is just the worst thing in my life right now. ._.

BUT I WENT TO TUTORING and I have no idea if I'll retain anything I just learned.


Oh, and Infinities, you would laugh at my attempts at bowling.

I've found that I'm best when I throw the bowling ball from between my legs, in which I have knocked over... two in the past?

It's very loud and I make just as many friends as I do enemies by doing so. xD

Otherwise it ends up being in the gutter. -w-

/wiggles noodle arms
Last year I had AP Human Geography, Geometry H, Biology H, Spanish II, and 9H English

This year I have Alg II/Trig, HTWM History, 10H English, HTWM English, and Chemistry H 
lol Good job Pine.
its alright, ive been meaning to make a post with kouun but ive been sitting here for almost 2 hour now

and i have to draw something for a friend, but ive only just started literally now

and my moms telling my little brother to go to bed now so my time is probs soon
Yeah my mom tells me to go to bed and I just change into my pj's and lay on my bed wide awake on the internet on my iPod
Yeah, my mom just told me to go to bed ~*~*~ but I never listen anyway so lol. ~*~*~

Just binge watching these free for all pokemon battles, they're just too funny.

But after this one, I'll get to working on a reply.
my mom confiscates anything 'fun' before bed >:(  
recently shes forgot about my ds and sketchbooks but i dont have any games left that i havent finished

well i do

Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume

but i think it might be too hard for me

ive been stuck for quite a while
i used to take her phone allll the time before bed and stay up until i was tired (like rly tired) talking to friends and watching anime and having fun, and it always made me feel better talking to friends and just watching whatever i wanted especially if i had a bad day, and all school days are bad or terrible, and i wasnt able to talk to my friends during the day too much (and this went on almost everynight for a VeRy long time) now shes got a new password and it feels so weird and uncomfortable not doing that before bed its just the weirdest feeling, and now i cant talk to my friends as much as id like to so school has become worse and things are more unhappy 
especially now that ive run out of books and games and cant do much else

with nothing to make me tired it takes a long time to fall asleep .-.
Aww! I sowy Ghost! D= 
I've only got 2 minutes left so bye!

Until tomorrow!
on rare occasions im able to sneak the tablet ;)  
goodnight! have nice dreams
And here's me who always wants to sleep. xD



Or get new books?

Orrrrrrrr pokemon? ouo

i want new pokemon gammes

zero money

zero parents willing to buy for me

wifi not compatible with ds
Aw no, that's awful. D:

I hoarde birthday money and p much just ask for money for christmas haha.
my birthdays coming up end of april huehuehue

but ive gotta go now, mOoOoOoOoOoOoM

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