One Thousand Birds

aaa i just got here then mom makes me help her buy something online and i have no clue if i have enough time to work on kouun and get anything done at all

my mom thought pokemon was witchcraft and didnt let me watch/play it so my friends bought me some games for birthdays and stuff and my first game was platinum then soul silver and then black

but ive played the older games too and the newer ones are just as good
Awesome~ Thanks!!

Holy fudge Yuzuki's vicious O.o And nah it's perfect :3 I freakin love it haha

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ahaha snakes dont do well in cold, if it doesnt end soon jakunen will probably faint
x3 lol Yeah

The first thing I thought of when reading your post was Yuzuki vanishing before reappearing behind her with her sword against her throat. x3

I had fun coming up with things about ice lol

Poor Jakunen x3
and finally, shes actually said more than a few words to another character.

still only a sentence though

ughughUGHUG NOOOOO my moms making me get offfff the computeeerrr

maybe ill try to be up earlier tomorrow so i can get on before my siblings, but...

def no promises
Good god O_O @MemoriesUnknown Your character is pretty ballsy isn't she? xD SHouting at the Jonin who has the biggest temper issue. Then shouting at the next one with a bad temper. Aren't you so nice O_o 
Ok, I have to post now <,< Before this idea leaves my head
oh ya just to make sure, was Midnight refering to Tetsune, Makoto,and Asuka when he said he wanted the three on his team, or am I wrong...?

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im STILL not 100% done with kouun but her summon's been updated

i also changed her original village from kumo to suna bcuz wind release and that stuff is more common in suna, and then the peeps from kumo wont know as much about her ;) )) 
my mom will be angry tho so gotta go fast

goopnighto, have nice dreams everyone!!
Midnight was saying that three of anyone in the room could be on his team. He was threatening everyone 
Wifi cut so I'm gonna go! Night!!!
Awww Night had to ruin the fun~ though Makoto would've been killed along with some other students if he didn't step in haha. I'm gonna answer tomorrow since it's late my time. See yall later!!

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Pretty good O.o and mistakes? Every drawing has one somewhere.

Also Hello. I'm at work so won't have time to talk just wanted to check on everything

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