One Thousand Birds

I found out today that in Bolivia they let you club mountains to make them. Yes. Flubs is on a mountain in Bolivia. With wifi. GG world. 
And infitiez... Flubs doesn't have the right or even remotely close picture for a person for the character flubs be making for your RP... Can I get off the hook?
Ohh! No you don't have to. If you have an idea for how he should look you can just give a description or if you ever find a picture. Just ignore the FC section then
I'm so tired...I think I'm going to sleep now... 
Wait what's perfect?
Good night, Infinities! I will just be catching up on all of these OOC posts.

The whole joining thing. x3

@Infinities Lover
I was up at 5:30 and its 11:30 
I want to join that character battle but I hate bios and I simply don't have time to write a lot of detail into it
No, I LOVE sleep. I prefer to stay up all night and sleep the morning away. I hate mornings.
i hate sleep, and after my mom took my laptop i stayed up until 1 because she forgot my ds xD
x3 lol good for you Ghost I was up until about midnight I believe
Flubs doesn't sleep.... He thinks... *play dramatic squirrel music*

I have no idea how long I have been awake but grading finals sucks... Soon I will be able to sleep again. So far in the past month I have had $573 in coffee...
that is... a lot of coffee

and a lot more money than ive had in the past 12 months

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