One Thousand Birds

My family doesn't approve of me doing things at my own pace, so I had to go work on job applications.

To make matters worse, I won't even be able to finish watching the movie now. ;w;
it's okay i know what happens

i guess

so whatever

It was my fault for abandoning the DVD player for, like, an hour. xP
So long story short I took my girlfriend on a date and three of them where just sitting at one table so that they could see me perfectly. Then when I got up to go to the bathroom I saw them walk over to my table, flubs being the ninja he is walked quietly over and standing behind them they said: "He's MINE b*tch" and other foul words which flubs disdains for they have negative connotations. So I said to the jerks: "If you do not respect my girlfriend I will have to stop weighing your classes grades (not really) and they would all drop to Fs. I think J am safe now 
I have one question: is Gabe still on?
Haha, oh my.


Well, I think that should take care of them. cx

A+ for the ninja skills.

Don't think so.
Lolcats? And I dot get it. I am not anyone special looks wise, sure I am not very mean to people and generally calm but I am open about the fact I am dating a wonderful women and not some of you people who didn't make the cut for mean girls
If you act a little too much like a gentleman, that's enough to drive girls nuts a lot of the time, in all honesty. xD
btw, if you call me Roxy, I will unleash a level of crazy that makes your nightmares seem like a happy place. Then I shall unleash hell upon you. Then I will leave xD
my nightmares are my happy place i mean what

this headache needs to go away right now

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