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Rellik used gravity of a really high caliber to fling away and anchor the girl to the ground "I don't know who you are. I don't know why you're doing this. But what I do know for sure is that I'm going to keep you there. F O R E V E R" He looked as if he was struggling to keep the girl stuck to ground. The shining on his mask grew to a blinding point

@Sinister Clown


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Jiro looked at Rellik, "A handkerchief would be nice..." he said dryly, holding his free hand up to his neck where the vampire bit him in an attempt to stem the blood flow, "Damn it I'm all for biting but this girl looks a little young and those teeth are as sharp as my sword." he grumbled, looking a little pale, he shifted the metal bat to put in in the same piece of rope holding his sheathed sword at his waist so he could grab it if he needed it, but rested his right hand on the handle of his katana.



@Sinister Clown
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The blade pierced her chest, but only for a moment. She was thrown backwards and then on to the ground by Rellik's powers. She smirked as she laid there lifelessly. It was strange, but she felt like she would have been slain just then if it weren't for him. That swordsmen was especially skilled and she's yet to observe his full powers. Whatever he attempted to do to her involved his blade, so she knew that she had to avoid contact with it for now on. "Don't underestimate me mortal." Her voice called out, whatever incessant power this masked man had was proving to me quite annoying.

The veins in her arms seemed to pop as she began overpowering the force of gravity. She stood from the ground, using her abdominal muscles to support herself, until she stood on her feet again. The power wouldn't kill her, but it was still a nuisance that had to be dealt with. Although her speed was less impressive under the force of gravity. Her red eyes turned an even brighter crimson, as debris around her started floating in to the air. She smirked, she could not fight them in this weak form.

Her body turned grey and started distorting, tumors spurted from her skin until she was an unrecognized grey blob. The flesh started stacking on top of each other and reforming, until the visage of a demon was formed. The force of gravity still inhibited it's movements, but it was still more than strong. The creature flew at the masked man, its body only a few inches from the floor. It ran in to him at breakneck speeds, tackling his body harshly.
Jiro unsheathed his sword quickly, swinging it so the cutting edge was in the path of the charging demon, "Like hell I'm gonna just stand here!" he exclaimed.

When he was "hit", he was gone, and right next to Iruka "Don't underestimate me foul demon. Of course, I shouldn't insult you with my own title, because no matter how casual I am, I a m s t i l l a d e m o n"He created a dome of knives that seemed almost unmovable around the heavy field of gravity that grew 70 times stronger with the white part of his mask shining brightly as he used the knives, and the black part sucked in light as he increased the gravity, and the spaces where he saw through were now gleaming of their respective colors, black and white. He used the gravity to fling the monster into the knives constantly without the knives moving an inch. Stronger and stronger the force was, until the monster was going at break-neck speeds into the knives while getting flung into more knives

"Behind you..." Suit swiped at Benoli leting his blades extend outward in case the punch only grazed the monster. For once he was fighting seriously. "Void's-" As the attack came closer he focused on the mental image of a tear in space. "-Feast" The blade passed by without doing any damage to Benoli. Suit quickly retreated. In an instant a white light appeared forming a trail in the air. In the blink of an eye the sliver of light formed an eye like ellipse that began consuming everything around it. Suit had exceeded the normal bounds of his attack. Instead of simply being a portal of sorts, it had become a true void that pulled at all matter until sated. Suit didn't know how much it would consume. He himself was unaffected by the pseudo gravity of the void, but he could feel the air being pulled into it like a wind tunnel.
That's when another bright flash came from Hunters gun as if using the light to give him cover he then leaped at Benoli and slammed his stick into his head. "Shit, I forgot to yell out the name of my attack time to come up with something on the fly," He thought as he rolled away after making the impact.

Striking a pose and pointing his stick at him like a sword "Combo Finisher" There was a small shine in his teeth. As he prepared his fighting stance again.
Iruka stood back and watched the fight unravel, it seemed that this 'immortal creature' didn't want to fight him anymore. "Oi you!!! Too scared to fight me now or something? Haven't you heard of the saying pick on someone your own size?!" Iruka was talking himself up more than he usually would, this was mostly to assure the other's safety after seeing what just happened, none of these other hero's stood a chance. He stood his ground however, raising up his katana facing the edge towards the creature "Well?!"

Cuts appeared all over the monster's body from the unexpectedly powerful attack. It's body was in absolutely ribbons, its original form was nearly unrecognizable. Pieces of the monster lay scattered along the land, its arms were attached to its body by a hair. It did not look like it was even still breathing. It was silent, but only for a moment.

The scattered remains of the beast twitched, and shook, before they levitated and flew towards the torso of the monster. The vampires body sizzled and bubbled as it started to reform itself to become whole again. Once it's body was in a sufficient state, it let out a threatening roar. The monster had a smile on its face, as if it was showing off her power.

There was no point in disturbing the masked man any longer, it seemed that last attack was he had left in him. The monster stretched, now with gravity not inhibiting her movements, she was able to show her true power. Now the most threatening one of the two remaining heroes was the raven-haired swordsmen.

The creature charged towards him, her claws were sharper than ever, she swung at him savaging, in this form a hit from her nails would be more than just a wound. "Long ago this zone belonged to us! I am simply reclaiming what is mine!" The creature screeched.


Rubble from the buildings around them were sucked in to the portal that the suited man had created. Benoli took hold of a telephone pole to help keep himself from being pulled in to it. His hands were starting to slip, more and more.

The light from the gunshot burned away at Benoli's skin, but the second hunter leaped in to the air, his body was torn backwards by the portal Suit had created. The portal began dragging at Hunter's body with an unknown ferocity, attempting to claim him.
Hunter tried to grab or hold on to something for dear life and failing he doesn't have the strength for this and the injury from Benoli was starting to take its toll on him. "Shit if anyone can hear me I need some help would be wonderful" he called out frantically while looking around panicked.
Hearing the other hero's call for help, Suit leaped towards the portal letting the wind carry him farther. Now within reach, he grabbed the hero and threw him the opposite way with all his might. Suit came in contact with the portal for only a moment. It absorbed some of the clothing across his back but seemed to dissipated on contact with his skin. The force continued to propel him as he rolled on the ground before coming to a dead stop. Suit had a few scratches and bruises but nothing serious. Though for some reason he couldn't even move his finger tips.

Suit had never tried to close his own portal, and this being the first time he created one so powerful meant he knew even less of how it worked. Unknown to him he had broken a deal of sorts. He was granted his power in exchange for the matter the portal consumed. By coming into contact with it he forced it closed before the exchange was complete. His current situation was a repercussion of sorts.
Iruka narrowed his eyes down, the speed of the creature exceeded his own so moving out of the way would only leave him weakened. Weakness didn't seem to really exist within this creature. Which is why Iruka was going to use his wits instead. He wanted to see the full extent of this creatures regenerative abilities. It wasn't really possible to tell that it was a vampire, and even if Iruka did he wouldn't think any of the 'mythological rules' would apply. Considering they were already in the sun it just meant this creature was something in it's own league.

Ice generated in front of Iruka whether it was by his sword or sheer will is unknown however the ice formed into a shield within a matter of seconds, the creature must have been stronger by this point so he wasn't taking the chance of it being shattered and getting directly hit. Taking a leaped back after finishing the shield he waited to see the results while flying back mid air.

Rellik started to move a bit. No he didn't he couldn't, he was out of energy. All he could do is talk. "Frosty, destroy this stupid vampire for the world, please. Do that while I be knocked out here on the floor." He stopped saying things because he was now sleeping.

@Sinister Clown
Jiro dashed up to a fire hydrant, and gripped his sword in two hands, swinging the blade with enough force to shatter the side off it, spraying high pressure water that would intercept the vampire, "Don't ignore me!" he shouted angrily. Though he'd actually noted the S-Class used ice based attacks and figured the water would make it easier.

@Sinister Clown


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