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This world is chaotic, and filled with mysterious beings that wreck havoc on cities, occasionally destroying human lives. These surges of chaos are ranked by the danger they propose to the world, the ranks are as follow, wolf, tiger, demon, dragon, and god. The wolf danger level is the least serious, it is a mere villain that may pose a threat to human life. The god danger level is a lot more serious, anything that may be reasonable for destroying all human life is organized under this rank. Thankfully, there are heroes that are meant to protect this world from this threat, these heroes are called the hero association.

These brave fellows also possess supernatural power to counteract the threats posed by these monsters. Like threats some heroes are stronger than others. The ranks are as follow, C-class, B-class, A class, and S class, with S class being the strongest. Regardless of hero rank, these individuals are still respected by the world for the services that they provide.

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Threat Level: Tiger

Location: City-z

Time: 3:24PM


A strange thick mist has completely engulfed city-z... All communications within the restraints of city-z have been completely shut down. Several heroes have already descended in to the mist, and they have yet to return. Unfortunately, we cannot adequately rank the threat level of this phenomenon because we have no idea what we are facing. For safety measures we have ranked the threat level as tiger. We suggest that no hero under B-rank attempts to enter the mist without supervision from a superior. We believe that a mysterious being is responsible for this attack as civilian screams can be heard a distance away from city-z. We suggest that all heroes proceed with the utmost caution.
Suit stepped out of the cab and thanked the driver, but before he could pay him the nervous man had already turned the car around and floored it. Suit sighed. Less than an hour ago he had nearly given the cab driver a heart attack. The driver had looked in his rear view mirror as he was backing out of a one way street only to see a masked man in the back. Suit had been very polite when he requested a ride to Z-City despite it's distance from his current position. Still the cab driver drove like a maniac as if he were at gun point.

Suit shook his head trying to clear his mind. In front of him was a wall of dense mist. He could barely see anything through it. Without hesitation he walked forward...only to hit a pole and fall back. Suit rubbed his mask covered face. He looked around hoping no one saw that and as luck would have it another hero had just arrived. Suit hoped he hadn't been noticed as he played with the thought of scurrying into the mist to avoid embarrassment.
Addison or better known as the S-class hero "Scar Shock" sighed a little as he listened to the report on the situation, a tiger level threat had appeared and anyone below B-ranked hero had been not advised to enter the black mist area that covered most of Z-city Addison was deciding whether or not to make his way to Z-city sure he was close mixing that with his electricity enhancing his speed and he is sorted, he could get there in no time what so ever...but yet that would be effort to do a job that would properly already be sorted out anyhow if he just left it but that would just be boring.

Picking up his high collar coat he let out a little smile before exiting his apartment, he lived near Z-city anyhow since that was one of the most common place where creatures seemed to appear. He simply walked over towards Z-city and was there within minutes. He arrived at the black mist and sighed looking around he noticed someone else heading into the mist before quickly falling out and onto the floor causing a small chuckle to escape from Scar shocks mouth. "Why am I even here?..." He muttered to himself before signing slightly. Finally he decided to step into the mist.
Name: Mei Watanabe

Alias: Cellphone Mask

Age: 19

Rank: C #115

Ability: Cellphone Control

Mei Watanabe, also known as the C-Class Hero Cellphone Mask, was watching the news report from the safety of her small apartment. She drew her knees up to her chest and rested her head on them as she wondered whether or not she could go. Her most valuable skill was in evacuating civilians and if the fog was somehow jamming cellphone signals then she would probably be even more useless than she usually was. She also didn't have a 'supervisor' or have any alliances or anything with other heroes.

On the other hand, if something horrible was happening, then not going would be like leaving people to die and the guilt would be terrible. And if she could save even one person today, that would probably make it worth leaving her home and going outside. Maybe just going to the edge of the mist, the edge of Z-City, would allow her to do something. She considered doing this and the compromise seemed safe enough. She grabbed her mask off the table and changed into her hero outfit, grabbed her key and her cellphone, and got on her bike. The bike ride probably wouldn't take more than fifteen minutes and she'd biked to Z-City often enough that she was pretty comfortable with the route.
"OI YOU GET BACK HERE YOU BASTARD!!!" A large brutish looking man with tattoo's layered all over his body had yelled out to a running figure in the distance "GIVE ME BACK MY PANTS!!!" it appeared that the large man had his....Pants? Stolen and had chased the running figure for doing so. At the time they were in J-City, the place was raining as it always done and the sea shore wasn't too far from where they were. Both men continuing to run through the streets & alleyways, the figure was had been running away seemed to know what he was doing. Running down the alleyway it seemed that the figure who had been running away reached a 'dead end'.

"CRAAAP!!!" The figure turned around towards the tattoo'd man, a striking smirk appearing on his face as it seemed he was caught. The running figures name was Iruka Kashima, also known as the S-class 'Frosty' the tattoo'd man didn't seem to care about that fact though, as he approached Iruka with a cocky grin and cracking his knuckles "Now you runt, are gonna die! HAHAHA!" the man seemed proud of himself for a short moment before having a long yet thin piece of ice which had a similar appearance to a spear and lunging it right through the brutish man who had been chasing him. The man grabbing onto the ice-spear the look of shock was painted all over his face "What? Does it hurt?" Iruka asked, grabbing onto the mans shoulder and lunging the spear deeper. The man screamed "GAHH! OW OW OW OW!!!!" after lunging it deep inside, Iruka kicked the brutish man and ripped the ice spear back out and watched the screaming man's corpse hit the ground. Walking back he went by a technology store, and at the display windows they had a set of TV's set up and the current news report was playing as Iruka walked passed; His hands stuffed in his pockets 'There have been sighting in City-Z of an unknown threat level. Hero's below the level of B-rank are advised not to go there.' With a sigh, as he felt it was his duty Iruka started walking off to the direction of City-Z.
The mist became less thick as you descended in to it. Eventually, you were able to make out structures and people. City-z was in absolutely peril, citizens ran from too and fro, in mass numbers. Heroes who called city-z home managed to help evacuate some citizens in a radio tower. But other people, took advantage of the chaos by breaking in to stores and taking what they could. The streets of the city looked like a massive riot had just broken out.

As Scar Shock entered the mist, he came across what looked like a suburban neighborhood. It was dead silent, not a single sound reached his ears. In the middle of the street, there was a silhouette of a female child, who looked to be about 6 or 8. There was something unnerving about the girl, the air around the scene started to feel impalpable. "Mister?" The voice called out, her voice echoing through the streets.

Countless media outlets gathered outside the walls of the mist to report on its horrors. Nothing sold faster than the threat of a mysterious creature, so it was to be expected.

As Mei approached z-city, she could not help but feel like something was watching her. Suddenly, a channel-4 vehicle swerved at her from the road, cutting her path off entirely. The vehicle nearly took out the building that stood to the girls side. Two ominous figures stepped out of the vehicle, Randy and Marsha, the infamous channel-4 news duo. The trunk of the vehicle popped open and a cameraman stepped outside of it. The channel-4 crew surrounded the girl whilst she was on her bike, the camera was glued to her face, as Marsha stood next to her. The stench of Marsha's perfume was strong enough to travel miles, her hair was as solid as a rock, and her face was clad in layers of make-up. The strange women nearly shoved her microphone down Mei's throat in her hurry to interview her. "Marsha here from Channel 4, with breaking news. This brave hero here claims that she knows something regarding the recent mist falling over z-city. Miss, can you please tell the worried folk back at home what exactly is happening here?" She questioned, her eyes not leaving Mei's hungrily.

Bats started flowing outside of the mist of city-z, onto the rest of the world. The flood of bats flew through the sky, spewing the very same mist from their mouths as they slowly continued in their path.
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Scar Shock scratched his metal jawline as he entered the mist. He got inside and when he did the mist seemed...less it was more visible, sure it was still not fully visible but with his ability it really wasn't all that bad if need be he could just send a weak shock all over the area and detect if anyone or thing was was nearby which was always a useful ability when eyes just don't cut it. He came out to what seemed to be an suburban neighborhood, it seemed to be since it was too quiet no suburban neighborhood was this quiet normally which clearly meant something was amiss since they was no way everyone had already evacuated that would just be too fast. But yet no one was running, no screaming just silence..Yeah something was wrong but what.

Waiting around for a few moments he finally noticed he wasn't alone, they was a silhouette of a small child presumably a small female child was in the middle of the street, but something was strange the child felt...strange Scar Shock couldn't put a word on it but whatever it was it was enough to put him on alert. Scar watched the girl before a voice echoed throughout the street if he needed proof that she wasn't normal he sure got it now, but still he couldn't just attack her not without being 100% sure. "Something the matter?" Scar Shock asked in reply, he quickly put his hands in his pockets, as strange as it seemed that stance was his ready stance since all he has to do is simply enhance his muscles with his electricity and he could speedup how fast he could draw them out, normally its fast enough to counter most peoples or things speed. Not only that but it also makes him look defenseless.
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Name: Mei Watanabe

Alias: Cellphone Mask

Age: 19

Rank: C #115

Ability: Cellphone Control
Mei stared at the camera, eyes wide with panic. She felt herself start sweating, her heart thumping in her chest. She didn't know what to say.

"Uh, what? I-I don't." Oh no, what could she say? The truth? The truth was always the best. "I'm sorry. I don't know anything. Um." Mei paused as she remembered an overused line from interviews with superheroes. "Uh. Please put your trust in us that we will discover the truth?" She started getting back onto her bike. "Um."
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Usagi bounded from rooftop to rooftop as she traveled to Z-city. She, like the other heroes, were called here by the Hero Organization. In her debriefing, they said that they had no idea how to set the threat ranking because they didn't know what they were facing. This bothered her. Didn't they also say that the heroes they sent in before never returned? Couldn't they judge the threat by the class and rank of the heroes that hadn't returned? As Usagi was thinking about that, she absentmindedly missed the next rooftop and landed directly on top the the Channel-4 news van, slightly denting the roof. Because of where she was, the view of the people below was at a dangerous angle with her skirt. "Oops." she mumbled to herself before looking around her. She saw a small crowd around another person in costume. She didn't recognize who it was, so she figured that it might be one of the over-100 C-class heroes. She jumped down to a clearing within the crowd. "Heya!" she said cheerfully to Mei, "Are you here because of Z-city too?"


Mei jerked her head up and blushed behind her mask slightly as she saw someone land on top of the truck before her. Ah. Moon Rabbit she recognized from the internet forum boards she lurked on. She glanced down, rubbing the back of her head and nodded. "Yes, um. I want to help, but, ah, I need to get closer to see something first."

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It took him a while but he made it, by the end of it Iruka had gotten tired of walking and decided to make a path of ice for himself to get himself there faster, sprinting away he finally reached City-Z and while being high in the air. He virtually stopped making the ice-path and dropping down towards one of the skyscrapers which had been below. "YEAAAAAAAAHH!!!!!!" He screamed as he dropped down. @NekoChanBo

Breaking his fall by making a path and a platform to 'skate' on the path and hop down. The ice turning evaporating into thin air after he was done with it he landed at the scene. Placing his hand above his eyes to block the sun he looked around desperately to find any signs of the Monster they were talking about on the news. He spotted a few other people in the distance "It must be other hero's, I should go see them and find out what's going on." generating ice under his feet and using it to catapult himself up onto the building where he again leaped off to where the other man had been, which once he got closer he was able to recognize exactly who it was. 'Damn, he looks more scary in person' leaping down he gestured a sly wave and had a serious look in his eye 'Can't let this guy think he has it over me..Just in case.' he looked to the little girl and back at Scar Shock "So you're the S-ranked hero, Scar Shock?" leaving a slight pause between his words "What's going on around here?" he asked right off the bat, wondering if he knew the situation.
After sulking for a while Suit still hadn't budged an inch. It was as the bats flew overhead breathing out the mist that he found himself inside. Right after being enveloped everything seemed so much clearer. He of course still had horrible vision due to his mask, but he could make out most of the surrounding area. The person from before had entered the mist a good while ago. Suit wasn't sure who they were but if they entered the mist on their own they must have at least been near the top of A-Class maybe even an S-Class hero. Suit dreaded the thought of getting in the way of an S-Class. All of them were pretty weird and definitely not to be take lightly.

He began wandering around the area somewhat hoping to run into someone. On the off chance he encountered the monster, he believed his abilities would be enough to get away if needed.
"There's a monster behind you."The blossomed hair child uttered, before her body fell limp on the floor.

The gargoyles cloak came to an end, it appeared seeminlgy from nowhere behind the two s-ranked heroes. The gargoyle let out a gluttural roar, lifting a mighy stone hand to swipe at the hero that called himself Scar Shock. Immediately after its melee attack, it opening its jaw, forming a ball of unholy energy and launched it at Iruka. Several figures appeared in the sky above the two heroes, from their shadows it looked like even more gargoyles were approaching.


The famed news-reporter said, the cameraman brought his camera down to his knees. Marsha pointed an accusing finger at the girl, a fire seemed to burn in the news reporters eyes. "What the hell was that? You could have at least made something up." The newsporter said, her shoulders falling limp at her sides. The woman turned, intending to go back in to her van when she came across an interesting sight. Now this scantily clad bunny woman, that would get her some ratings.

"We have a very special guest here today folks, it is the adorable miss Usagi, the moon rabbit." Marsha gestured, and the camera flicked back on in time to catch the introduction. Marhsa moved the microphone to the girls lips. "Miss Usagi, are there any tips for the ladies back at home as to how you stay so fit?" The reporter said, clearly ignoring the real issues that were at hand.

The crimson eyed creature lifted a civilian in to the air without lifting a finger. The man twisted and screamed for help, but he was rendered absolutely helpless by the superior life form. Without warning, the man's neck snapped open, spilling blood on to the creature like a fountain. Whatever it was, it was in absolute ecstasy, enjoying everu last drop of blood that coated its skin. Its neck snapped to the left, and his eyes met suit. In all of the creatures that the vampire met in his many year, it has never allowed even a fly to get that close without being detected beforehand. This must have been another one of those heroes, it thought. He must have been especially strong to approach him in plain sight, yet remain invisible for such an extensive period.

The headless corpse fell to the ground lifelessly. The vampire turned on the heel to face the masked hero. "I am Benoli, second member of the Choiseul court, who are you to approach me?" The crimson-eyed man spoke in the most pretentious tone imaginable.
Mei cringed. "I'm sorry, but I couldn't- We kinda both-" she trailed off awkwardly when it looked like no one was listening to her anymore. She stopped trying and kicked off onto her bike and started squeezing her way through the mess of people, apologizing as she went. She made her way around the news truck and glanced back over her shoulder.

she said loudly, trying to get the attention of the B-Class Hero on the truck.
Iruka noticed the Scar being blown away, there would have been no way that Iruka could have avoided that blast of energy. Instead Iruka formed a large dome of ice, working on the formation he wasn't able to help Scar Shock in any way at this point in time. Generating a thick layer of ice to the dome around him. Iruka took the blast without moving a step from his original position instead hoping that the layers of ice around him would be enough to hold off the blast.

"Shit! That thing took him out straight away...I need to help him...Somehow." The blast made the ice dome rattle and shake furiously, Some of the ice slowly chipping away at the blast coming from the creatures mouth, all Iruka could do in this position was to defend himself until the blast ended and he could find a better opening to go help Scar Shock.


(Appolgise for the lack of posting me and a group of friends started playing tabletop D&D and well we started Thursday and ended like an hour ago)

Scar Shock was completely caught off guard, he thought that they would be dealing with some sort of transforming creature who took the girls form, but no he was wrong it was a transforming creature at all it seemed to have mind control or something similar which was...annoying to say the least. Of cause being caught off guard meant that he was hit however with him getting a little warning it meant that he could use his power to enhance his muscles allowing him to use 100% of his muscles real strength which meant he could at least dampen the creatures attack.

He was sent seemingly flying and slammed right into a building, but like he thought enhancing his muscles worked at he could tell that he didn't take as much damage as he would of otherwise since well this wasn't the first time he had been sent flying through a building and he was sure it wouldn't be the last. "How interesting maybe it might put up a fight" Scar muttered before cracking his neck, he had a small part of the building on him but it was no big deal. A large electric shock could be seen from Scar's location it was almost like a lighting strike heading upwards rather than raining down from the sky. The building crumpled and Scar stood up and wiped the blood from his lips, he must have had what maybe a broken bone and if he was unlucky internal bleeding if he was lucky he just bit his tongue while landing. "I hope you know now that you aimed to kill now i'll be paying you back the same courtesy." Scar spoke as he emerged from the building in which he just mostly destroyed, remanence of his electricity covered his body.

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“Really..? In Z-city.. huh? I mean… I am kinda close to there. Yep.. right! I’ll get there, no doubt!” He placed his pinky finger into his eardrum, swiveling it around inside. He pulled it out, flicking a small piece of wax from the tip of his appendage. Class A, Rank #8 hero Caesar, AKA Red Bolt, closed his flip-phone, stuffing it away in his pockets. He had just finished responding to a call from the Heroes Association. Apparently, some type of weird mist had smothered Z-City in darkness. Several ranked heroes had gone to investigate, only to vanish without a trace. The Association couldn’t accurately gauge the level of the threat, ranking it at a Tiger-level threat. Despite being such a low-leveled menace, it was advised that heroes ranked no less than B-class should attempt the call. At least, not without a superior’s supervision.

Caesar was sure that other heroes, namely the S-ranked hero Scar-Shock, had been sent to the scene, as he was informed of them by one of the Hero Association officials. Scar-Shock was someone he greatly admired, primarily based on the fact that their abilities were so similar. He knew the S-class hero would have been able to handle himself, and probably the entire situation. But there was something about this call. It wasn’t like he needed to go. In fact, the Association didn’t even order him to. He was given the option on whether or not he wanted to go. In any other circumstance, especially with an S-class hero there (And probably many others), he would have opted out. That unknown factor was what intrigued him to pursue this.

“Gah.. I guess I better head ou- Gnnnghhh!” His stomach roared with the intensity of an earthquake. Caesar quickly clutched his abdomen, turning on his heels. He rushed down his apartment hallway towards the bathroom. “Damned diarrhea… I never should have eaten that taco..!”

Some time later…

“Voltage Shot!!” A large red bolt of electricity crackled across the sky, aiming to smash right through the two Gargoyles that had been circling above. Red Bolt landed on top of one of the many buildings that surrounded the area, looking out across the scene that lie before him. He was right in assuming Scar-Shock was not the only hero who decided to attend. “Sorry I’m a little late.. I had some bad food, so y’know. Nature called!”
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Noticing that the force had stopped chipping away at his ice, he withdrawled it and looked over to the man. He was physically powerful that was for sure. Figuring a way to help Iruka made himself a path leading him above the mother, as if surfing on it he used generated ice to also accelerate himself along the slope like path. Leaping off in a somersault like movement he took out his blade and swung it down at the creature.
"A-Class hero, Suit Stalker, of the Hero Association responding to current disaster level Tiger in Z-City. I presume you are one of the mysterious beings responsible for this alert." Suit began walking towards Benoli. His hands were clenched into fists, but the air around him held no hostility. In fact it was as if he wasn't even there. Suit kept walking forward. In less than a second he was zoned out. He ended up walking right up to Benoli as he thought about what to do next. Remembering how he cramped up in his last fight, Suit swung his arms out in a stretch. Being so close he practically smacked the guy across the face.
The gargoyles body vibrated, and it let out a guttural noise, almost like laughter. The beast seemed to have been at least somewhat intelligent, but it was incapable of actual speech. Although its intelligence may have hindered it rather than help it. The gargoyle was too caught up admiring his work to notice the blade that came swinging down at him. The blade landed, cutting through the creatures rocky skin, and reaching some flesh. The blade stopped, whilst it was halfway through cutting the gargoyles arm. The mysterious being used his remaining muscles to hold the blade in place, preventing Iruka from removing it. The creature opened its mouth, exposing a set of sharp teeth, unable to do much else, the gargoyle snaped his jaws, aiming at Iruka's shoulder.

The voltage shot landed on one of the flying gargoyles, but it appeared mostly unharmed. Its skin cracked, and exposed vulnerable flesh. The rocky surface of the gargoyles skin was able to defend partially against electricity, but now, it had some vulnerabilities. The wounded gargoyle started falling from the sky, heading straight for Scar Shock.

Benoli remained expressionless as the suited man approached him. He could see him, but it was still almost like he was invisible. It was an odd feeling, it sent a nervous tingle down the vampires spine. Benoli leaped backwards as Suit approached, wary of the heroes approach. "You speak nonsense. This is the resting place of Noemi, head of the Choiseul court. You'll pay for your ignorance with blood!" The vampire called out, its jaw stretched open disturbingly, before he lunged at Suit with his sharp fangs.
Hunter acting quickly fired his gun at the creature lunging towards the suited man, After the bright flash enveloped the area he quickly pulled out his hard stick and putting it over his shoulders. Looking "Hey monster stop right there," he yelled preparing to charge at it. Leaping off the piece of rubble he had put one foot on to make himself look cooler.
Jiro got out of his friend's uncles car, waving goodbye as the man drove away from City-Z. The announcement warned C-Class heroes away but Jiro wanted to see what the big deal was.

Jiro approached the city, walking through the fog, looking around at the damage already done. He searched for signs of combat already happening, keeping his senses alert and his sheathed sword by his side.

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