This world is chaotic, and filled with mysterious beings that wreck havoc on cities, occasionally destroying human lives. These surges of chaos are ranked by the danger they propose to the world, the ranks are as follow, wolf, tiger, demon, dragon, and god. The wolf danger level is the least serious, it is a mere villain that may pose a threat to human life. The god danger level is a lot more serious, anything that may be reasonable for destroying all human life is organized under this rank. Thankfully, there are heroes that are meant to protect this world from this threat, these heroes are called the hero association.
These brave fellows also possess supernatural power to counteract the threats posed by these monsters. Like threats some heroes are stronger than others. The ranks are as follow, C-class, B-class, A class, and S class, with S class being the strongest. Regardless of hero rank, these individuals are still respected by the world for the services that they provide.
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