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Fandom One Punch Man Roleplay


Junior Member

Use this template below to create a character:




(18 OR OVER)



(Villain, Hero, ETC)

Hero Ranking:


S Class: (10 spots)

A Class: (20 spots)

B Class: (30 spots)

C Class: (40 spots)

D Class: (50 spots)


(Include credit towards artist you borrow pictures from)




Extra Info/Spot:




(If you want to play a canon character, message me and I'll list it in the desc.)

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Name: Elizabeth Mars

Alias/Nickname: Bunee Mars

Age: 24

Gender: Female


S class (Rank 5)


20160411 172152

20160411 172204

20160411 172238

Superpower: Elizabeth doesn't specifically have a superpower, but she uses her notebooks/sticky notes/ paper in general to create living matter and gear. Drawing the items does nothing until she signs it in blood. However, the items she can create depend on the blood she uses. People with a stronger will allow her to create larger and stronger items. Very few people have enough will to create something as big as a house, so Elizabeth has to think outside the box to succeed in creating matter. Among the things she creates, the most common are weapons like swords/guns, wings, bombs (All kinds, but mostly smoke bombs), boxing gloves, and little pet-like creatures that she often plays with. Finally, to destroy these creations, she can either rip the paper or use and eraser to erase the item itself.

(One more thing is that creating people IS possible, but she cannot create people that don't exist, she needs the blood of the person she is recreating, they are somewhat less powerful or skilled than the original person, and they can only exist in reality for so long.


20160411 172632

Elizabeth carries both a normal pencil and a set of pens that resemble syringes carrying the blood she uses for her fighting. Her utility belt has many sticky note pads filled with pre-made drawings for quick usage. While I didn't remember to draw this last piece of equipment, she lastly has a bag containing a sketchbook, a first-aid kit, colouring tools, and other emergency supplies.

Origins/Background: Elizabeth has always been ecstatic and hyper, creative, and curious. She's also morbidly obsessed with human and/or animal biology. This got her easily into medicine, but quickly got her fired as well. Though thanks to her girlfriend (Melissa; next character profile) and her creativeness, she managed to get into the hero business with both a new career in medicine, and a chance at crime fighting.

Personality: Elizabeth is often hyper and can't distinguish emotions very well. She loves examining people due to her morbid curiosity and does things that might be considered creepy/illegal but does make up for it. She never likes to listen to reason, and likes to take jokes too far.

Extra Info/Spot: Though she is good with medicine and drawing, she did not create the technology she uses to fight. That was Melissa.

ALSO: By a new career in medicine, I mean she works in helping injured/sick heroes, as well as hosting a constant blood drive. The office would be located in the main hero's association building for convenience.


Name: Melissa Stream

Alias/Nickname: Etherealia

Age: 25

Gender: Female


S-Class (Rank 10)


20160411 172255

20160411 172301

Superpower: Melissa has telepathy and different kinds of vision (X-ray, black light, night vision, etc). It helps help with reading her opponents, playing with technology, and helping Elizabeth with her work.

(AKA: She has fast reaction time)

Equipment: She often fights with Elizabeth, giving her equipment to help her fight, other than that, it's mostly herself and what little compact weapons she has in her jacket.

Origins/Background: Though she was born with telepathy, as a teen, Melissa was obsessed with body modification, technology, and tinkering with everything she can get her hands on. She eventually took the body modification so far as transplanting her eyes, giving her the special modes of vision she possesses. Though she eventually stopped wearing piercings and even stopped wearing makeup. This change was around the time she met Elizabeth and started dating her, Liz somewhat changed her opinions on physical appearance.

Personality: Melissa is calm and collected, though she has a special sense of harshness to others, even if she doesn't realize it. She offers advice to people about problems she shouldn't stick her nose in, but this habit helps her keep Elizabeth in check. She comes across as scary and intelligent, her pride allowing her to make simple mistakes. Though usually, she seems more like a guardian to Liz than a girlfriend.

Extra Info/Spot: Melissa is Liz's partner and nurse. She is always around her, and defends her.

(NOTE: When especially pissed off, Melissa can show slight telekinetic ability.

When focused or determined enough, Melissa can show mind altering/ mind controlling abilities.

Both instances are VERY rare.)


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