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Fandom One Piece

Zamice said:
Long bio, but if that's what you want to do, do it!

Wow, that's really nice! Accepted!


Feel free to join in at any time!

@TheHappyPikachu Stop accepting them, I know you're active more and we're friends, but I didn't give you permission.
:P If I didn't they wouldn't get to start Rp-ing for days.... xD


? ? ?

Velle P. Donquixote

  • Name:

    Velle P. Donquixote


    Osto (Bone in greek)






    200lbs (This can alter)




    Velle is a tall and lanky figure, although having a lot of definition it seems his muscle never grow in mass. Long light blue hair when on duty he often put's some of it in a pony-tail which many say alter's his appearance slightly. Fairly tanned skin (Although the picture below looks otherwise) he also has a scar that runs across his nose and that sees to be the only scar. Often wearing a white coat, although he doesn't dress up as fancy as the other Marine's, his coat still shows the Japanese writing on the back as traditional for those with the rank of Captain and above. (Forgot exactly what it means, I think it was Absolute Justice, I'm not sure.) Generally on duty Velle will also cover half or even all of his face in a bone-like mask.


"Peace is a lie, so is justice. They're just things to make people distracted from what's really happening."

? ? ?


Busoshoku Haki:

Only just beginning his training in Kenbunshoku haki, although Velle isn't able to use Haoshoku haki either it's rumored that he's been seen to resist the effects of most of the time. However the only haki which Velle is currently able to use is Busoshoku haki (Armament haki) which he finds to be efficient enough. Combining this with his devil fruit seems especially effective.

Haki/Busoshoku Haki)

Devil fruit?: Yes

Devil Fruit Name & Abilities:

"Hone Hone No Mi" (Bone Bone Fruit)

Having eaten the 'Hone Hone no mi' or bone bone fruit. Velle has gained the abilities to be a 'bone man' being able to manipulate and control his own bones, he is able to generate it and thicken it freely. (Basically he can control the density it has, inspired off the Naruto Kaguya clan powers) it doesn't stop there, being able to control these bones that freely, by placing his hands on the ground he is able to create a thick and dense forest of bone spikes which prove to be deadly.

(This is a brief idea, once I get more idea of what the techniques could be named and stuff I'll write more)


"Peace is a lie, so is justice. They're just things to make people distracted from what's really happening."

? ? ?


Very fancy (for my standards, anyway).

Name: Kim Moto

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Pirate or Navy: Pirate

Weapon: The axe she's holding

Devil Fruit: No


Personality:She's very serious about finding treasure and creating a name for herself. She also wants revenge for the death of her mother. She lightens up once she gains trust from one of her crewmates. She's very sweet once a person does though. She can be harsh towards her enemies by making sure they don't breathe after the battle if challenged to a duel

Bio/Backstory: She was raised by her father after her mother was murdered, being killed for standing up to pirates as they tried to rob her of the few jewelry she owned. Her father was a very gentle and nice guy. No one understands how Kim turned out be so cold at times. Maybe it's just the strict vengeance that drives her to be so violent when it comes to a fight. No one really understands her logic.
[QUOTE="Ross Vladd]Name: Kim Moto
Gender: Female

Age: 23

Pirate or Navy: Pirate

Weapon: The axe she's holding

Devil Fruit: No


Personality:She's very serious about finding treasure and creating a name for herself. She also wants revenge for the death of her mother. She lightens up once she gains trust from one of her crewmates. She's very sweet once a person does though. She can be harsh towards her enemies by making sure they don't breathe after the battle if challenged to a duel

Bio/Backstory: She was raised by her father after her mother was murdered, being killed for standing up to pirates as they tried to rob her of the few jewelry she owned. Her father was a very gentle and nice guy. No one understands how Kim turned out be so cold at times. Maybe it's just the strict vengeance that drives her to be so violent when it comes to a fight. No one really understands her logic.

Accepted, feel free to join in whenever you want!
Name:Toshima Suzuki





Weight:170Ibs (may change over time)

Pirate or Navy:pirate

Devil Fruit:No

Weapon:Inside Toshi's shirt he keeps an arsenal of daggers that are held to the shirt by rags stitched to his shirt to form pockets

Appearance:Toshi tends to carry a large bag over his shoulder that holds an extra supply of daggers followed by food ad a cantine of water but, from the standard veiw u can see his long blode hair that covers most of his face along with his light grey eyes that seem to peer into ones soul thats followed by toshi's worn out clothes that seem a tad too big besides the fact that he wears a rich brown belt that forms an (X) as it crosses the empty holster stitched to lts side helping to keep hold of toshis pants that are always seem to be on the verge of falling although it seems an awkward match to compare with the shirt with a large whole in its side as if I were torn by a blade while toshi loves to keep his boots in perfect condition since their the only pair he's got but, the only thing that stands out about toshi is his moon shaped necklace he got when he was a boy.


Personality: Toshi's a tracker whos cokcy attitude seems to always lead him into trouble ad if it wasnt for his tricky aura he would be rotting in prison counting the days till he got out. Toshi is the guy who knows what its like to be tortured by the navy and would do anything to keep others from going through what he did as a kid so, he trys to keep a positive impact on others always looking on the bright side of life and if nyone were to ask him about his past he would simply ignore them.

Bio/backstory: Toshi's parents died trying to fight off navy troops in order to protect their land from navy who wanted to start a training camp for young soldiers on their land. So they sent their child to a orphange of the coast where toshi would grow up.On toshi's 12th birthday he ran away and started a life of piratehood eager to get revenge on the ones who killed his parents until he heard about a great treasure that gave him hopenthat if he foud it he could pull together a army that would help avenge his parents death.


Hanami is a feminine gentleman with self-satisfaction and tomboyish attitude. She is respectable but sometimes, she has foxy look on her face. Wanting to trick her comrades than having to play it by the rules. Hanami's life is simple when she is off-duty. Even she allows herself to drink rice wine to relax. She can be absent minded if she has to listen important details.

She is likely adventurous since her voyage in the sea. She also seeks to obtain wealth in search of exotic treasure. Hanami will share the treasure to most to her admirals. Unlike the admirals, she acts curiously like a pirate for emotional reason. In other words, she tends to win her reputation as a navigator in the Navy.

Just a question, was that df one of my ideas cause I swear I remember coming up with something exactly like that xD Also in regards to posts I wont get time till tomorrow morning for me sorry for the wait..
Name: Joumon "The Martial Emperor", formerly "The Ultimate Admiral"

Gender: Male

Age: 70

Faction: Navy / World Government (Commander-in-Chief)

Weapon: Bare-hands, Haki

Devil Fruit: N/A


Marine propaganda poster featuring the current Commander-in-Chief, he is usually lacking the coat which comes with his position.

Personality: Once upon a time, Joumon was the the perfect image of a marine, fixated on carrying out the justice of the World Government and putting down dissenters and pirates eagerly. A stern poster-boy, having worked his way through the ranks to Admiral from the lowest rungs of society, with nothing but a strong work ethic to get him there.

That was before Gol D. Roger's execution. The years following the pirate king's death saw Joumon's relaxation, slowly becoming more and more jovial and light-hearted and less disciplinarian - the primary reason for his "promotion" to Commander-in-Chief from Fleet Admiral. The Navy's CIC goes through the twilight years of his life without a care in the world, taking his newfound free time to travel and see the world through his aged eyes as opposed to his previously inexperienced ones. He occasionally takes on students, although his style of mentoring has been called both insane and lethal by those who have survived. It is unknown if this is to stop people coming to him for mentoring, or genuinely how he does it.

Backstory: There was once a boy who vowed he'd change the world with his adopted father's martial arts. Now there is an old man who lives in a changed world.

Joumon was in the odd situation of being raised by a Fishman following the kidnapping and vanishing of his parents at the hands pirates, something which installed a strong sense of justice in him which lasted through most of his life. Uniquely, Joumon was and remains one of the few humans with intimate knowledge and mastery of Fishman Karate, something which allowed him to stand out initially among his peers as a recruit, and something which carried him through the early ranks - even at 14, he was considered to be as powerful as an experienced Lieutenant thanks to his Fishman Karate, and in conjunction with his justice-fixated mindset earned him the nickname "Rampaging Rookie".

The then-young Joumon then met someone who would come to define his life in a way, and who would change it greatly. A rookie pirate called Gol D. Roger. This rookie would go on to become one of the greatest, and Joumon somehow never found himself too far behind the to-be Pirate King, he now considers the Pirate King a rival of sorts back in the day. The years leading up to Roger's eventual execution were filled with adventure after adventure for Joumon, from becoming known as the greatest martial artist on the planet to his promotion to Fleet Admiral. After Roger's death, however, Joumon realized that it was not him or the marines who had changed the world - it was Roger. Recollection of his childhood oath to himself, to change the world with his father's art, had gone unfulfilled.

From there, it was a downward but pleasant slope where Joumon became far less concerned with the seriousness of life, something which did not go unnoticed by his superiors. In respect of his years of service he was promoted to Commander-in-Chief, a position which arguably required far less work than Fleet Admiral and was "useless" to some degree, but still demanding of a high level of respect. A role defined by paperwork and free time, Joumon mostly handles Vice-Admiral, Admiral, Fleet Admiral appointments and Shichibukai relations, sometimes involving himself in the espionage business of the World Government. In reality though, his office is often found empty, and its owner can instead be found travelling the world under the guise of a harmless old man who sticks his head in dangerous business... often pursued by some unfortunate navy officer and their ships in an attempt to get him back to work. While not hesitating to deal with especially capricious and heartless pirates, he is rather tolerant of those he deems "personable", pirates who seem to be in it for far more than just the money - and is in this way an upholder of "Unclear Justice". His current poor conduct is tolerated, if only because when there is need for serious work during a crisis he would be an invaluable individual to have around.

"The youth of today sure are inspirational, mh."
Last edited by a moderator:
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]Just a question, was that df one of my ideas cause I swear I remember coming up with something exactly like that xD Also in regards to posts I wont get time till tomorrow morning for me sorry for the wait..

I don't believe you sent it to me. I'm sure you can remember it since you DID use it :P

ToshimaSuzuki said:
Name:Toshima Suzuki




Weight:170Ibs (may change over time)

Pirate or Navy:pirate

Devil Fruit:No

Weapon:Inside Toshi's shirt he keeps an arsenal of daggers that are held to the shirt by rags stitched to his shirt to form pockets

Appearance:Toshi tends to carry a large bag over his shoulder that holds an extra supply of daggers followed by food ad a cantine of water but, from the standard veiw u can see his long blode hair that covers most of his face along with his light grey eyes that seem to peer into ones soul thats followed by toshi's worn out clothes that seem a tad too big besides the fact that he wears a rich brown belt that forms an (X) as it crosses the empty holster stitched to lts side helping to keep hold of toshis pants that are always seem to be on the verge of falling although it seems an awkward match to compare with the shirt with a large whole in its side as if I were torn by a blade while toshi loves to keep his boots in perfect condition since their the only pair he's got but, the only thing that stands out about toshi is his moon shaped necklace he got when he was a boy.


Personality: Toshi's a tracker whos cokcy attitude seems to always lead him into trouble ad if it wasnt for his tricky aura he would be rotting in prison counting the days till he got out. Toshi is the guy who knows what its like to be tortured by the navy and would do anything to keep others from going through what he did as a kid so, he trys to keep a positive impact on others always looking on the bright side of life and if nyone were to ask him about his past he would simply ignore them.

Bio/backstory: Toshi's parents died trying to fight off navy troops in order to protect their land from navy who wanted to start a training camp for young soldiers on their land. So they sent their child to a orphange of the coast where toshi would grow up.On toshi's 12th birthday he ran away and started a life of piratehood eager to get revenge on the ones who killed his parents until he heard about a great treasure that gave him hopenthat if he foud it he could pull together a army that would help avenge his parents death.

Feel free to join in at any time!

Fisher said:
Name: Joumon "The Martial Emperor", formerly "The Ultimate Admiral"
Gender: Male

Age: 70

Faction: Navy / World Government (Commander-in-Chief)

Weapon: Bare-hands, Haki

Devil Fruit: N/A


Marine propaganda poster featuring the current Commander-in-Chief, he is usually lacking the coat which comes with his position.

Personality: Once upon a time, Joumon was the the perfect image of a marine, fixated on carrying out the justice of the World Government and putting down dissenters and pirates eagerly. A stern poster-boy, having worked his way through the ranks to Admiral from the lowest rungs of society, with nothing but a strong work ethic to get him there.

That was before Gol D. Roger's execution. The years following the pirate king's death saw Joumon's relaxation, slowly becoming more and more jovial and light-hearted and less disciplinarian - the primary reason for his "promotion" to Commander-in-Chief from Fleet Admiral. The Navy's CIC goes through the twilight years of his life without a care in the world, taking his newfound free time to travel and see the world through his aged eyes as opposed to his previously inexperienced ones. He occasionally takes on students, although his style of mentoring has been called both insane and lethal by those who have survived. It is unknown if this is to stop people coming to him for mentoring, or genuinely how he does it.

Backstory: There was once a boy who vowed he'd change the world with his adopted father's martial arts. Now there is an old man who lives in a changed world.

Joumon was in the odd situation of being raised by a Fishman following the kidnapping and vanishing of his parents at the hands pirates, something which installed a strong sense of justice in him which lasted through most of his life. Uniquely, Joumon was and remains one of the few humans with intimate knowledge and mastery of Fishman Karate, something which allowed him to stand out initially among his peers as a recruit, and something which carried him through the early ranks - even at 14, he was considered to be as powerful as an experienced Lieutenant thanks to his Fishman Karate, and in conjunction with his justice-fixated mindset earned him the nickname "Rampaging Rookie".

The then-young Joumon then met someone who would come to define his life in a way, and who would change it greatly. A rookie pirate called Gol D. Roger. This rookie would go on to become one of the greatest, and Joumon somehow never found himself too far behind the to-be Pirate King, he now considers the Pirate King a rival of sorts back in the day. The years leading up to Roger's eventual execution were filled with adventure after adventure for Joumon, from becoming known as the greatest martial artist on the planet to his promotion to Fleet Admiral. After Roger's death, however, Joumon realized that it was not him or the marines who had changed the world - it was Roger. Recollection of his childhood oath to himself, to change the world with his father's art, had gone unfulfilled.

From there, it was a downward but pleasant slope where Joumon became far less concerned with the seriousness of life, something which did not go unnoticed by his superiors. In respect of his years of service he was promoted to Commander-in-Chief, a position which arguably required far less work than Fleet Admiral and was "useless" to some degree, but still demanding of a high level of respect. A role defined by paperwork and free time, Joumon mostly handles Vice-Admiral, Admiral, Fleet Admiral appointments and Shichibukai relations, sometimes involving himself in the espionage business of the World Government. In reality though, his office is often found empty, and its owner can instead be found travelling the world under the guise of a harmless old man who sticks his head in dangerous business... often pursued by some unfortunate navy officer and their ships in an attempt to get him back to work. While not hesitating to deal with especially capricious and heartless pirates, he is rather tolerant of those he deems "personable", pirates who seem to be in it for far more than just the money - and is in this way an upholder of "Unclear Justice". His current poor conduct is tolerated, if only because when there is need for serious work during a crisis he would be an invaluable individual to have around.

"The youth of today sure are inspirational, mh."
Accepted! You can begin RPing at anytime!
Zamice said:
I don't believe you sent it to me. I'm sure you can remember it since you DID use it :P

Feel free to join in at any time!

Accepted! You can begin RPing at anytime!
I went and checked...Yeah I did come up with the idea xD I can't believe someone used it.

Name: Ai Himura

(Alias, Lindsey Anchorage)

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Pirate or Navy: Basically a pirate.

Weapon: Sword Whip "Iron Wind"


Devil Fruit: No


Personality: Ai is a plain old sailor, but rather a shy girl sails alone on the sea. Hard-working and brave lad who does her best to find a company. She is sometimes pushy to have a captain-like experience. Ai would take responsibility in protecting her crewmates if she does it for their protection. Her purpose of living as a pirate is considered too easy, but more fun in any other way.

She is a morally a enemy of the Navy. She would plan to destroy her rivals, the Admirals who are planning to find her mother, either dead or alive. As a mercenary, she intends to bring freedom, especially supporting the pirates. Ai's mentally personality has turned her into a childish, irate sailor at her youth days. Ai will keep her real name secret from everyone and from her crewmates.

Bio/Backstory: Ai was born on unnamed Marine settlement in a small island. Likely to be residing with her parents who raised her. She was a young kid

and enjoyed much of seeing ships sailed out of the ocean. But she never knew her true parents since birth. Until her 18th birthday, her illegitimate father explained the reason that her parents were pirates.

Westeria Himura was one of the deadliest pirates who fought against the Marine. She reached his reputation along with the other pirates, but she didn't want to pursue the Pirate King's dying wish. Instead, she decided to marry a man who would shape her future. Blair Teach, a swordsman and blacksmith who became her lover and later engaged as pirate couple. Thus, he made Westeria's sword whip, Iron Wind. It's said that she slash her enemies from a medium range. Although, Westeria and Blair decided to raise a child, which was Ai herself. Due of the separation from her parents, two of the crewmates acted like their "parents" and hid her in Marine settlement. Explaining why would she keep her safe from the Navy. By the time, these two crewmates decided to give the sword whip they preserved for her. The Iron Wind she expected to wield the beautiful, exotic weapon. Ai wants to find her mother to understand her ultimate goal as the pirate.


Personality: Ai is a plain old sailor, but rather a shy girl sails alone on the sea. Hard-working and brave lad who does her best to find a company. She is sometimes pushy to have a captain-like experience. Ai would take responsibility in protecting her crewmates if she does it for their protection. Her purpose of living as a pirate is considered too easy, but more fun in any other way.

She is a morally a enemy of the Navy. She would plan to destroy her rivals, the Admirals who are planning to find her mother, either dead or alive. As a mercenary, she intends to bring freedom, especially supporting the pirates. Ai's mentally personality has turned her into a childish, irate sailor at her youth days. Ai will keep her real name secret from everyone and from her crewmates.

Bio/Backstory: Ai was born on unnamed Marine settlement in a small island. Likely to be residing with her parents who raised her. She was a young kid

and enjoyed much of seeing ships sailed out of the ocean. But she never knew her true parents since birth. Until her 18th birthday, her illegitimate father explained the reason that her parents were pirates.

Westeria Himura was one of the deadliest pirates who fought against the Marine. She reached his reputation along with the other pirates, but she didn't want to pursue the Pirate King's dying wish. Instead, she decided to marry a man who would shape her future. Blair Teach, a swordsman and blacksmith who became her lover and later engaged as pirate couple. Thus, he made Westeria's sword whip, Iron Wind. It's said that she slash her enemies from a medium range. Although, Westeria and Blair decided to raise a child, which was Ai herself. Due of the separation from her parents, two of the crewmates acted like their "parents" and hid her in Marine settlement. Explaining why would she keep her safe from the Navy. By the time, these two crewmates decided to give the sword whip they preserved for her. The Iron Wind she expected to wield the beautiful, exotic weapon. Ai wants to find her mother to understand her ultimate goal as the pirate.

Accepted, feel free to join in at any time, again..

Also, my crew has 2 members, we would like a number closer to 7 if you'd like to join *wink wink, nudge nudge* #notsubtleinvitetojoincrew

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