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Fandom One Piece

(I think me and my crew just died, so I am just gonna re introduce my guy soon when I see an oppurtunity)
L.G sighs as his speeder boat zooms around in the ocean, his katana lazily resting on his lap as he looks around in the ocean. His adventures through many of the towns started to give him a name, since he has been taking down several big criminal names such as pirates and big time thieves, giving L.G a big rookie name in the ocean, "Blue Heart" Hardy. After a few minutes, suddenly, his speeder boat bumps into a bigger boat. He shakes his head, muttering as he looks up, seeing that this ship must be a pirate ship, since it did not have the exterior of a Navy ship, and it was not big enough. Hopefully, there were some big name bounties he could collect. His arms ignite in blue flame, creating two large wings as he flies up to the bow of the ship, instantly unsheathing his red blade, his eyes peering into the ship.

@Flame Demon @Zamice
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Tristan J. Taylor

Tristan sighed at the guy, but he was glad he decided to back down "Well, those guards you just beat up wanted to take that kid over there in for question." looking back to the Admiral with a dimmed stare "And now the Admiral seems to want something with me." he said with a sigh, rubbing the back of his head with his right hand he smirked "You did deal with one of my issues, but I could have done better without the use of violence." tilting his head across he was interested in the guy "So who are you? An assassin of some kind?"


@Miriana The Lazy

"Can you feel the sense of adventure or you would find a taste of wealth?"

Hanami immediately holstered her sword with the wooden sheath and turned back into a walking cane. At first, this assassin was about to kill her, instead he started going though some of the guard's stuff. She through to herself and scratched her head as she's left confused. "That vandal just started knocking out guards and the next thing I know that he is well-trained fighter." she replied back to Tristan. "I have no idea who he is. Some pirate who is sailing out to the seas." she said to herself, giving no reason. "And also. That bastard would be dead by now if he ever fights a devil fruit user, like me." she said with her deathly glare.

Hanami calmed down, but she is feeling canny about the male assassin. If that "guy" had a devil fruit power, things would get ugly for her. "Taylor, I am going shopping to get some rice wine." she said with widened smile. "By the way, I be going to Marine HQ to start my meeting. After I stored my fresh rice wine." she expressed happily. Hanami goes back to shopping and she intends to review about the new expedition she's planning on. Joumon should be interested about it.

@Sinister Clown

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"My name is Toshima Suzuki"toshi said with a smile before he reached in his bag and pulled out an apple.As he took a bite from it he looked at the woman then back to the man"I'm not an assassin im just the guy who is on a mission to wipe out the navy for what they did to me long ago so,when i saw the group of guards along with the woman i decided i'd take them out due to the fact i got a score to settle with the navy"he took another bite from the apple before looking at the woman"if shes as strong as u say she is i probably should've attacked her from the start just to test her strength"he took another bite of the apple crunching it in his mouth as his eyes drilled into the woman"I may not be a devi fruit user but i sure as hell can put you through enough pain to make u think i was one"he threw the rest of the apple to a rat the passed by
Ace decided to finally step out of the shadows and smirked and said"Boo hoo hoo cry me a river and build me a bridge seriously i've lost count of the amount of people that have the exact same story as you, hell i could even write a book about it if i wanted to but that would a waste of paper so i won't". during this time slowly letting his assassin strings out sure as hell wasn't going to waste his devil fruit power on this twit. 'I really hate guys like him they talk as if getting betrayed is only their woe try getting place in prison for crime you didn't commit and stand ten years there while fighting every day for your life then you can talk about true pain'.

@Miriana The Lazy @ToshimaSuzuki
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"Ai, Tristan, are you ready to go?" Kiki called out to the boy, who seemed to be talking to a navy officer. From what she could see, it looked like they had met in the past and were potentially friends. "Or do you want to keep talking to your girlfriend?"

@Sinister Clown @Miriana The Lazy
Jakob smirked at what Kiki said.

Max giggled from inside Kiki's hood. She moved to on top of her head but was still mostly hidden.

Jakob was glad all the others guards had gone.
Toshi smirked as he saw the man emerge from the shadow"i dont think u understand punk"he turned his gaze to the man reaching in his shirt and pulling out several daggers"u have no idea what ur saying do u?"toshi to a step towards the man his hands clenched in fist as he swung his fist at the man while using his free hand to throw a dagger at him aiming to hit a pressure point in the mans leg
Ace moves back as if he's a phantom and continues to dance around and said" don't need to waste my time trying to your just another annoying twit that thinks he's the only one with woes that's why i said what i said it buy all mean feel to tire your self out like this it give me a good laugh i'll still be walking away from this".

Toshi would smirk"i know im not the only one who had troubles in there past but...."toshi would swing his foot with increased speed aiming to knock the man off balance"i do know im not gonna tolerate some fool who thinks he knows everything"if the kick worked toshi would swing at the man aiming to hit his nose
Ace eyes following the movements and reacts by using his free hand and aims the strings at his legs aiming to bind him and said bluntly" No i don't know everything but i can honestly say enough not to honestly give a flying money about a guy like you that's for sure hell i bet you haven't even been to prison boy".

Ive been there quite a few times actually but ive always managed to break out"he would flick another dagger at the man his lips curling in a slight smile."how about u?"

Tristan J. Taylor

To say the least, Tristan was confused. He had no idea what was really going on or what the Admiral was talking about, but after seeing she had no interest in them anymore and was going off on her own business, glaring away in an expression of relief after hearing Kiki call to him. He was rather agitated by the comment, 'Tsk!' clenching his fists he turned around and with a loud tone yelled out "She's not my girlfriend!" a sweat mark on his forehead seemed to drop before he leaped back up on to the ship "Let's get out of here but she changes her mind about not arresting me.." he said with an expression of awe as he watched the Admiral casually and uncaring walk off to the shops. 'She knew my name..' he thought to himself, the expression painted on his face. Looking back to Kiki he asked tilting his head slightly "Where are we heading off to?"

"Hehehe, sure she isn't." Kiki teased, placing her hands on the wooden wheel and began to sail off. She was jumping up and down slightly, bursting with joy and excitement. "Where are we going? I actually don't know... I suppose we can sail to a new town and ask around for any mentions of treasure!"

@Sinister Clown
Max went back to Kiki's shoulder. "I heard there is a town, northwest of here."

Jakob nodded. "We visited once." He said.

Tristan J. Taylor

Tristan stood there for a moment, although Max's idea was good he did have a suggestion for where their real destination could be. After Kayzo spoke about treasures, Tristan knew of one, the greatest treasure of them all and the one which sparked the age of pirates around the world. "I think treasure can wait, we're pirates so we can just steal money here and there to get by...But if you want a real treasure, it's One Piece." this was probably the only treasure Tristan could ever find some what valuable, he only loved the luxury of being able to drink to his hearts content and as long as he had that, all the riches in the world didn't mean scrap to him with One piece being the only exception. "Our main destination should be the grand line, If Jakob and..Max, knows a another town nearby we could rest there for the day, but if you guys really are pirates seeking for valuable treasure, the Grand line is where you want to go." he stated as if it were plain fact, despite not really knowing whether or not Jakob's 'pet' was called Max or not.


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