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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fandom One Piece the New Era


Say hi!

1. Don’t join the rp if your not going to stay with it. We are finishing this thing if it kills me!

2. Don’t godmode or meta game

3. Don’t be overpowered

4. Follow cannon rules, devil fruit eaters become useless in contact with water , only one of each devil fruit

5. Follow the rules

6. If you have read the rules put PIE somewhere in your character sheet, I don’t care where




Appearance: (prefer anime appearance)


Race:(Human, fishman, other)

personality:(doesn't have to be more than a sentence)

Role(cook, doctor, shipwright, etc.):

Devil fruit/skill: (what can you do?)

Background:(at least 3 sentences):
Name: Ladel Vertitats (Came up with it on the spot.)

Age: 23

height/Weight: 6'3"/220

Appearance: (prefer anime appearance) Muscular definition defines his body, but no more than you would expect from a man his age. All of his limbs either seem too long to too short, and his head is almost an egg shape, coming to a rounded point at the chin. His clothes are always a varying shade of either blue or red, but never both colors at once. He dresses like he wants to look like one of the cool kids, but his personality offsets his appearance even before he's spoken aloud.

Gender: Male

Race:(Human, fishman, other) Human

personality:(doesn't have to be more than a sentence) Easily provoked and rarely thinks, always trying to act like a stud around the ladies. He gets rejected every time.

Role(cook, doctor, shipwright, etc.): The only real thing he's good at outside of a fight: He's a bloody good Surgeon.

Devil fruit/skill: (what can you do?) Ari-Ari Fruit. This is an animal type fruit (Bug, really.) that allows him to take on the traits of an ant. His body shrinks but his strength is increased 10 fold. (The ant-sized body allows him to have more successful surgeries, because he can get where he needs to go without chopping up the person's body to get there.

Background:(at least 3 sentences): At a young age Ladel was taken from home, saved by a band of pirates that were in the area when a group of stronger, less decent pirates raided a village. Ladel was three at the time, and the only thing he's able to remember about that day is being thrown over a large shoulder and facing back toward his burning home, an unknown pirate flag waving in the distance beyond what he could see. Since then he was raised and toughened by the pirates, until one day during a storm was thrown overboard and washed ashore on the beach of an unknown island at the age of nine. As he began to slowly starve, he wandered deeper into the tree lining until he found a large piece of decorated fruit at the time. He didn't think, he pounced on it and took a large bite. It was disgusting, but his hunger fought over his sense of taste, and won. When the whole fruit was devoured, with his new found strength, began his way up a tree for a better view of the island. Atop a coconut tree, he sat and viewed his surroundings, scanning the horizon. He then saw a marine ship scarcely 150 meters off-shore, cursed himself for having to rely on the marines of all people to save him. He managed to flag them down and they sent a boat out to pick him up. On his way out to the boat, as soon has his toes hit the water, he began to feel strange. He went limp in the water, even though it was only barely passed his ankles. The next thing he remembered was being pulled aboard the rowboat by a marine named Lincoln. The marine crew took him inland into the city where he escaped, then living the next few years of his life ship hopping, looking for his old crew... Or at least one that could replace what he had lost.

Oh, and, PIE!!!
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happily accepted :)

Name: Pbtenchi

Age: 22

height/Weight: 6'2

Appearance: blond hair, blue eyes, he wears a sort of home made robe and shroud made of raven feathers. (cost a lot of money) and black trousers and black high heels. he is of a somewhat muscular build.

Gender: male


personality: he tends to be easy going with sparks of seriousness. his favorite color is black. He is surprisingly good with numbers and money, having been forced to pay back Red Rums debt in the hopes he could find a living as something other than a killer.

Role(cook, doctor, shipwright, etc.): quarter master

Devil fruit/skill: He is a skilled user of the Six powers.

Background:(at least 3 sentences): Pbtenchi is the adoptive son of a famous assassin who went by the name Red Rum. On his first mission Micheal screwed up. Naturally the client was furious and went and told the world government Red Rums location, who sent an admiral to capture red rum. Red Rum sent Pbtenchi away in a small rowing boat, and went of to fight with the military. it was not a fair one on one fight, and red rum was only trained how to kill one person at a time and red rum was killed by being repeatedly shot by marine troops. For some time Pbtenchil's just been wandering all over the places, searching for the man whom betrayed Red Rum.

@Evergreen98 @Archdemon hey old freinds, want to help out with this one piece rp me and @Offspring are making?


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Name: Chase Rowan

Age: 18

height/Weight: 5'9" 160


Gender: Male

Race:(Human, fishman, other): Human/fishman (He has a fin along his back and fins on his calves)

personality:(doesn't have to be more than a sentence): A natural-born leaders, full of passion and charisma concern and altruism, unafraid to stand up and speak when they feel something needs to be said. He find it natural and easy to communicate with others, characterized by an often ruthless level of rationality, using his drive, determination and sharp minds to achieve whatever end he set for himself. A natural maker, moving from project to project, building the useful and the superfluous for the fun of it, and learning from their environment as he goes. He sometimes get caught up in the excitement of the moment, and want everyone else to feel that way, too.

Role(cook, doctor, shipwright, etc.): Captain

Devil fruit/skill: (what can you do?): He is a jack of trades fairly good at mechanics, navigating, leading, steer a ship, and he is a capable fighter but he never needed to learn as he he never needed to fight in his line of work. He wants to learn to become a better fighter currently he knows fishman karate and how to use a staff, he carries around a staff that is filled with sea water. Do to his fishman genes he is 10 times stronger than the average human, he also has sharp teeth but he prefers his human teeth. He has gills to breath in water and can swim really well and can speak with sea creatures.

Background:(at least 3 sentences): When Chase was young he was not wishing to be a pirate nor did he find them cool, he followed in his fathers foot steps and worked in a shop repairing ships, weapons, and gadgets of all sorts. Though he always sailed out to sea sending out to sea to deliver shipments for his father do to his ability to lead and communicate with others even as youth he was well respected as the ships captain. While Chase never liked the ideal of being a pirate his brother did, around the age of 12 his brother left to become a pirate at age 17 and within that same year he was killed along with most of his crew who were a bunch of air headed childish criminals wanting to be cool like most pirates. This did not mean he liked the marines any better all they did was send thousands of men to there grave as his mother put it. He had only found the urge to become a pirate when his parents talked about his brother dream to be someone and how no one in there family were ever anyone besides slaves to the government and never would be able to see the world outside of the island. His parents agreed with the son his mom and dad wanted there son to become pirate or a marine it seemed they were fairly proud that he was even capable of making it as far as he did. Chase decided he would just do his best as a pirate.

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Name: Vendetta (Venny) Senkestu

Age: 20

height/Weight: 5' 11"/ 130 pounds

Appearance: (prefer anime appearance)

Is always wearing a black shirt, grey cargo pants and black boots with a belt that holds her swords

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.392e9e876103e9e2112439ad0a131255.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64843" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.392e9e876103e9e2112439ad0a131255.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gender: female

Race:(Human, fishman, other) human

personality:(doesn't have to be more than a sentence)Venny is loud, creative, calm, outgoing, childish at times, serious, funny, sweet and kind.

Role(cook, doctor, shipwright, etc.): swordsman (to-be Greatest Swordsman Alive)

Devil fruit/skill: (what can you do?) Venny has eaten the Flame Flame fruit (eaten later in the rp) which allows a part of her body to becom Fire, or fire to be transmitted away from her body, like a weapon. She is incredibly fast with her flames and uses them mostly in her weapons, only using a body part if necessary. She is also skilled in using sword, any sword but mostly japaneses style or cutlass. She is trained in martial arts and how to think before she acts. She also learns haki later in the rp

Background:(at least 3 sentences):

Her grandfather took her in after her mother and father abandoned her. Her grandfather was kind and taught her how to be a swordsman and how to have pride in losing and humility in winning. Unknown to her, her grandfather had a bounty on his head, but he didn't remember how much. One day, on her fifteenth birthday, her grandfather took her to the town and bought her two new sword sfor her birthday but the Marines were there. They recognised her grandfather and killed him, as his bounty was more if he was dead. Venny, out of anger and sadness, killed the general that shot her grandfather, along with the entire crew, earning her a bounty of 10,000,000. She fled and is trying to complete her grandfathers dream, to become the Greatest Swordsman alive.

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PIE fo dayz



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I know everything about the series except what fruits are canon or not. If I like a power ten I look to see if there is a fruit based off of that power....

Name: Colton Okami

Age: 17

height/Weight: Human- 5'10, 160 lbs

Half- 6'3, 183 lbs

Full Wolf- 6'7 long, 203 lbs


Hybrid- <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-8_15-39-5.jpeg.c207d62d98c1ff80b634d7cc47fbb9af.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61121" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/upload_2015-7-8_15-39-5.jpeg.c207d62d98c1ff80b634d7cc47fbb9af.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full Wolf-
(No weird spiny stuff)

Gender: Male

Race: Human/ Zoan devil fruit eater.

Personality: He is a really quiet teen who acts like he hates the world. He really just puts salt in your tea instead of sugar. He only likes pie and his crew, he will protect any of his crew mates with his life.

Role: Scout and Brawler.

Devil fruit/skill: http://onepiece.wikia.com/wiki/Inu_Inu_no_Mi,_Model:_Wolf Pretty much says it all in there.

Background: Colton grew up on the sea. His father was the captain of his own crew and his mother was the first mate. Colton was raised as a stereotypical pirate and he was a damn good one. He had his first ale when he was eleven and he became an official pirate that day. He was trained as a thief and a fighter, never knowing a different life. When his father went on a plundering trip on a remote island, his father found a strange fruit, the Inu Inu No Mi. Shortly after, their ship was attacked by other pirates on the sea, knowing he was going to die, his father forced Colton to eat the fruit, keeping the power hidden from the other pirates. The crew that Colton grew up with had been murdered, the other crew kidnapped Colton due to him being a kid. They had no idea that he had eaten the fruit. The next stop they made was a month after Colton's family died. He was shackled and was let an hour of free time off of the ship. Using this time to try out his ability, he broke free from the chains and killed the two pirates that were supervising him. The crew Colton ran from is still trying to find him to this day.

Sorry if I seemed a bit rude yesterday. I have been having a really terrible week.



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Name: Mariette Augustine

Age: 37

height/Weight: 6'1" / 160 lbs



Gender: Female

Race: Human

personality: Rather carefree, Mariette does as she pleases (within the boundaries of her position) and enjoys drawn-out fights. Because of her carefree attitude, she often gets flak from the Marines around her. Even so, her abilities have given her the respect of those under her command.

Role(cook, doctor, shipwright, etc.): Marine Captain and self-proclaimed Pirate Intuition Expert (P.I.E).

Devil fruit/skill: Aside from being skilled in swordsmanship, Mariette is quite strong and agile. She moves around constantly while in combat and uses the environment to its fullest extent. Also, while many Marines at her level have Devil Fruit powers, she hasn't eaten a Devil Fruit. Because of this, she often has to fish out her comrades and captives with Devil Fruit powers.

Background: Mariette is the daughter of a strong Marine fleet admiral called "Blackjackal." Blackjackal taught her how to use a sword while she trained in acrobatics. His sense of justice also rubbed off on Mariette, who saw him as a role model. With the help of her father's influence, she signed up for the Marines and began to move up in the ranks. Her father eventually was killed in-duty, so she began training even more. She wants to surpass the power her father had so she could stand up to those pirates that killed him and bring them to justice.

Coco Adel






Normal form


Half-kitsune form


Full kitsune Form







Coco is very confident; her self-assurance is expressed in the very way she struts down any battlefield. She likes to have confidence in other people as she doesn't always feel like she can fight against the world alone. She shows respect only to these she thinks deserves it/ those who have earned it. She also loved PIE!.



Devil fruit/skill:

She has the Kitsune-Kitsune no Mi model ky?bi no kitsune or the Fox fox fruit model Nine tails and its a Mythical Zoan type. Coco devil fruit allows her several abilities that are known around the Kitsune mythology. The first is that she can create fire and lighting via her mouth and tail/s this power is called Kitsunebi. Her second ability is the ability to manifest herself in others dreams, while not seeming helpful at first the mind is least protected when it is resting so she can gain information that way. Her devil fruits third ability is invisibility, Kitsune are known to appear and disappear at will hence invisibility. Sadly her invisibility is more like a chameleon changing color. Other than just her devil fruit she is a above average swords-women who prefers her sword over her devil fruit. In her half kitsune form she can use two of her abilities one being Kitsunebi and the other is her invisibility both give her an edge in her sword fighting skills. She is also very intelligent being able to read the poneglyph's with ease.


Coco is the descendant of the celestial dragon but unlike most celestial dragon she could not stand being look at with this much fear, the fear that within one flick of her fingers she could flatten a whole area. She hated it not being able to get close to anyone always being only with her family as the rest of the world 'didn't deserve her presences'. Coco hated her life for ten year she was treated as a spoiled brat who got whatever she wanted, so when she was ten she said she wanted a devil fruit her parents didn't know what to do so they decided to find her several, using a extremely large amount of money they found her three devil fruits. Two of the fruits had been wrote about however one of them was completely unknown. She went for the unknown one turns out she fell in love with it.

Coco wanted more out of her life than being a celestial dragon she wanted to be able to go on adventures much like she read about in her books, she wanted to learn more by seeing rather than just being told, so when she was fifteen she ran away from home taking a new last name being "Adel" She ended up at age fifteen finding one of the lost poneglyph's and falling in love with it, she decided she would devote the rest of her life trying to read it, finding old books and comparing character for other books to it until she learned every character off by heart. Finally she could head out and find them all, all of the poneglyph's and find out what they mean.
Name: Garret Meade

Age: 21

height/Weight: 6'2"/ 217 lbs (not counting mechanical armor).



Gender: Male

Race: Human

personality: Garret is a troll. He picks on his crewmates often, but that's only because he likes them. Bottom line: don't trust him with your pie unless you like having it on your face.

Role(cook, doctor, shipwright, etc.): Shipwright.

Devil fruit/skill: Garret is an engineer/mechanic who is specialized in vehicles. While he mostly uses his skill to keep the ship in repair, he can also build motorized vehicles such as motorcycles and cars. He has mechanical armor around his left arm that increases his strength.

Background: Whenever he talks about his past, he says something different each time. While there are so many contradictions, he always avoids talking about his father. One thing that never changes in his stories that he tells is that his mother trained him in combat and his grandfather trained him in engineering.

Ken D. Tanaka
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/296049-blue_assassin_by_udonnodu_super.jpg.ed86186f6f5a729836ffe54fc62b01bc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="61356" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/296049-blue_assassin_by_udonnodu_super.jpg.ed86186f6f5a729836ffe54fc62b01bc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>








5"10 130


Ken is very apathetic (not entirely). He often doesn't give a damn about others, but if you interest him instead of bore him... Well he may give a small damn for you. Trust is not something that comes easy for him. Having been fooled and hurt so many times when he was a kid he learn to doubt before even thinking about trusting.

If he finds something funny he laughs pretty easily (and is the only time you may actually see him smile a bit) Sarcasm is something that is always with whenever he opens his mouth. He is pretty laid back and usually won't help anyone unless he gets something in return. Though if he is bored he doesn't mind causing trouble. He detest unnecessary deaths and he usually avoids killing unless he must.



Devil fruit/skill:

  • He is skilled in close combat he uses a small knife attached to a chain
  • Has the Light Light fruit. HOWEVER HE HAS YET TO EAT IT.
  • He knows how to use two different types of haki (hardening and predicting) ((Don't remember the third)
  • He has the third haki, but is currently unaware of it
  • He knows how to fight with a variety of weapons from short range to long range
  • He is nimble and really good at parkor
  • Light on his feet and very good at stealth
  • He has a good sense of the weather and can predict the changes rather well.
  • Can sort of talk to birds....or at the very least his birds.


Ken was abandon by his mother since he was bore out of wedlock. She was nice enough to leave him outside of someone's house instead of tossing him in the trash. The house she happened to place him in front of was a marine admiral's home who took Ken (was the one to name him) in without a second thought. Ken lived with the admiral or a long time and actually had a pretty happy life. Sadly a traumatic event happened to him when he turned eight making him forget everything before and during that moment. After that day he became apathetic and far more uncaring then a child should be.

Ken like most abandoned kids, wanted to find his parents. So without warning the admiral he snuck out of the house and ran away. Hearing a small rumor about an important official that had an affair and because of that produced a baby around the time he was born, he decided to check it out. With luck on his side he was able to find the women that was his mother (he just knew it was her...gut feeling and all) Just when he was about to meet them he found out he had an older brother who for whatever the reason hadn't been abandoned. Even though he was heartbroken over this he still decided he wanted to meet his parents, however he held it off till the night. That night he snuck into the mansion, making sure no one heard him. When he entered he was greeted with his parents corpses which completely scared him. He was unable to comprehend what was going on so his mind shut off and practically restarted forcing him to forget that bloody sight.

The admiral did what he could to help Ken, but he never could get him to care much about anything. He taught Ken how to fight, use a little haki, and navigate since Ken was always interested in the sea. It was obvious to anyone that the admiral truly cared for the blue haired kid as if he was his own son. He often took Ken with him whenever he went to base (and even a few mission for hand on experience)

Sadly for Ken, all this happiness and love came to an abrupt end. One day (when Ken was fifteen) the Admiral left to go on a big mission. Ken waited for weeks on end for his father to return, but he never did. After a month of waiting someone arrived at his door when he opened it he saw a full funeral service for the man he called father.

After the funeral he received three things from the Admiral. One, the house and everything in it (Which was quiet a lot). Two, a lighter. And three the Light fruit along with the weapon fruit that the Admiral had found on his last journey.

As much as he loved the village his feeling were not returned. He tried to stay in the village but soon became an outcast, due to the jealousy of everyone who wanted his fortune and more importantly the devil fruit. One day he was out right robbed and almost killed, but thanks to the skills he was taught he was able to defend himself, killing at least five villagers that tried to rob him. He didn't know what to do with this bloody mess (other than to throw up) so he ran away doing whatever he needed to do in order to become stronger and to survive.

He had a hard life after running away from the village. Having no one to care for him even though he as still rather young...having to fight with the land for survival. He almost didn't make it a few times, due to starvation, robbers, rapist, marines, people that just used him before tossing him away like trash... His only company/friends was a crow that he tried to eat in his starvation and a hawk that stole his food. Ixie (the crow) had eaten his weapon fruit before Ken could stop her and after a lot of fights between them, they actually became really close. Penance was even more of a pain to befriend, but after nursing a broken wing he two stayed with Ken and helped him survive.

Ken always has the remaining devil fruit in a small case that is at his hip 24/7 and he refuses to eat it till absolutely necessary (and seeing as he has been faced in near death situations... Who knows when he thinks he should consume this fruit) He doesn't have a huge goal for his journey, however he swore that anyone even slightly acquainted with Red Rum on a good note...well it won't be pretty.

  • If he doesn't like you good luck in changing his view of you.
  • Loves chocolate and sweets though he never admits it.
  • He also is afraid of caring, he only cares for his two birds one a crow (Ixie) and the other a hawk (Penance) so if he falls in love he hides it.
  • He may start freaking out if he starts caring about others.
  • Ixie has eaten the weapon weapon fruit.
  • The lighter is the only memento he got from his 'father' (the admiral).
  • Has a journal that he writes daily events in.
  • Lastly that knife that he has attached to the chain has some sea stone in the blade.

The Admiral Alexander<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/AlistarChromwell.jpg.db10190457b66fdbc13d4d7b2eeb5c7e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="64687" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/AlistarChromwell.jpg.db10190457b66fdbc13d4d7b2eeb5c7e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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A famous comment from Ken "Damn it Penance! Step back from the PIE! Ahh! Ixie you betrayer!! I was saving that!!"
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I know you edited and are acting like it was always there.

Okay I think we have enough people. However, Before I start one more question. Are all of you prepared to see this to the end?
I will definitely stay but please don't be afraid to contact me if I am absent for too long on accident! :D
Name: Priam Leander

Age: 35

height/Weight: 6'1"



Gender: Male

Race: Human

personality: Priam is obsessed with being the greatest swordsman in the world. He doesn't care about causes, he just wants to prove that he is the greatest. He travels around often and uses his strength to make up for his lack of money. This either means taking contracts or threatening people to get what he wants.

Role(cook, doctor, shipwright, etc.): Future "world's greatest swordsman."

Devil fruit/skill: Priam has eaten the move-move fruit, making it impossible for his movement to be bound, restricted, or sealed. Combining this power with his amazing swordsmanship makes him a force to be reckoned with.

Background: Being raised under a family of sword masters, Priam was trained in swordsmanship at an extremely young age. He and his family we always under constant threat of being attacked by rival swordsmen, so he was raised under the notion that in the end, the only thing that mattered was strength. When he was an adult, he intercepted an enemy convoy delivering a devil fruit. They were going to give it to their strongest warrior so they could end the fighting, but Priam was the one who ended up gaining the devil fruit power. With his new power, he was able to singlehandedly take down each of every enemy champion. Priam didn't even wait for the war to stop before leaving his homeland to fight stronger opponents.
Name:Haru Senji


height/Weight:5,4 110

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Oga.Tatsumi.600.482161.jpeg.e8b65e5148626f44bf5697f492c767b7.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62462" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/Oga.Tatsumi.600.482161.jpeg.e8b65e5148626f44bf5697f492c767b7.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Most of his wounds have healed and he just wears then to remeber all those days of tranning.



personality:Haru is an outgoing guy who trys to help everyone to the best of his ability he tries to not be a jerk but sometimes can screw up then he'll quickly try and fix his mistakes. He's quick to start fights with those who get on his nerves. He's not one to back down either even when he's clearly out matched. He likes training and fighting and being on edge the more dangerous the better. He hates people who think they are better then everyone. He also can't stand people who don't know how good they got it.

Role(cook, doctor, shipwright, etc.):Lieutenant

Devil fruit/skill:Haru's fruit the dice-dice fruit gave him the ability to grow blades from any part of his body he can turn limbs into blades and can create blades of all shapes and sizes. Like sythe blades sword jagged spiked and round. If he is focused he can make the blades longer he can only go about 10 feet when focused normal blades are around 1 to 2 feet long he sometimes makes tiny blades on his knuckles to make spiked punches. When he puts his hands together he doubles it getting 4 to 5 feet long. The thinkness stays the same being .28 and .27. Haru also can use the CP9 move Soru to get close and use his attack the vanishing slash.

Background:(at least 3 sentences):Haru was born and raised on a marine ship his mother passed away not too long after his birth. He was left with just his farther and sister both apart of the Marines he was trained day and night by his sister at the age of 6 when she was 17 she was the lieutenant to their farther the trainning was brutal and he would also be either bruised from the beating. Or almost drown from getting knocked over board. His sister and farther would always tell him not to push himself or that he didn't have to be a marine but he didn't listen and would even train himself when his sister wasn't around. Soon his farther saw this and on Haru's 10th birthday his farther told him he would be trainning with him as well. Trainning got even harder for Haru things took a real turn when he found a strange fruit with sharp edges on it. He broke off a edge and ate it he wanted to barf but didn't. He knew what he was eating had to be a Devil fruit and he wanted to get even stronger for his family but it would had been nice if it was good like PIE. After leaning he had eatin the fruit his farther and sister yelled at him but they knew it was going to happen one day. They began teaching him to fight using his new power and he got good so good when he turned 16 he was already a lieutenant. But it wasn't all good after going on a mission and not coming back for a while Haru came back to hear his sister and farther had died they drowned he was shocked. No one told him they had fruits and because of that he hadn't thought about them drowning but it had happen and it only pushed Haru more. To become a captain and be number one among Marines.



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I don't see evidence you have read the rules, and your fruit overlaps with the dice dice fruit and isn't named.

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